a Ic Soa p RegulatlY 3 for ý$I.35 3for $ Now, 'as Aways. more value per dollar, at Wieboldtsl. Puritaji Rmssian. Minerai Qil, $98' 1 gai................... Pali Mail Golf Bail Sôa0p,89 Box of 12............... 89 New Giliette Razor wth 1079 blades.................. 9 36c Squibbs Dental Cream,25 special,........... .......... 2 c $1 Lamnberts LUsterine,6 c July velue ................6 c, Puritan Witcb Hazel, quart size, 9 only ..... .. . .... 4 9 , Tre-Jur 'Duisetng Powider vtpf, 39 boxe, . .... .... c Ail 50c Cutex Preparations,29 $I Dier-Kiss Takcum Powd9r,49 .................749c Ya riey s Lavender Bath SaOtS, now t....... First ln Evanston! Richard Hudnut's Exquiste ,cemfey Toi letries The newest creation *of this famous cosmeticiani .Delightful, fragrant, moderately préd.1I Gemey Gemey, Gemey Gemey Gemey Gemney Gqemey Face Powder......$l Cucumber Cream . $ 1 Perfume $5 Dusting, Powder ......$1 Talcum Powde.r.......25c bruilantine ... . .50c' Rouge .....50c Vacatiron Special 75c for e49-C Or'. Wests vacation, special' includes: onle Oc Dr. West tooth brush, a 25c crystex tooth-brush. holder and a' kit-size tube. of. Dr. West tooth postel, AI1 for 49c. Kn icke rboc ker Shower-Bath Br.ush. Combination. W.ith long hase a.nd'detachablehàndile for. water massage ...a $250 real. value aet lnitialed Compacts,, black enarnel wjth silver trimn, sifter $9M$ 95 typeý with rougeL Helena Rubinsitein's Pasteurized Face Cream .... s' .You'll W ant a Kodak!" Eastman Hawkeye Our $8, Value at Leatherette-bounc ilauminum. Cases. contain kodaks whch talce,21/2 by 4¼/-inch'pictures. A' joy on your vacation[i Su'mmer News From Our Boot Shop!f Children's .2-Tone Sports Shoes, Now ShapelySturi for Equestrienne.-- For' Pei ,dyBot ?destrien ne - k t c 'I O // t, c t I ~D c O VO lm ported Sandais: From Vienna Are Davi Strel'-A CHARGE ACCOUNT IS S0 CONVENIENTI- STON Wilmnefte I1100 Mousson's h I j: 1~ 95 *501ý