Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 14

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1 rade iRk eg. U. S. Pat. Off. A new perf urne so unusual, rare folaliinq- -- so limnitec bquanhi o i L pËecious stones onJ ,peurs, L9 Co nL 50Id onhi j ia Jeweler DLuxe pMOnEijOULM JeweIl - r~.a091 u ejtuisile 2Lpeaitk of P)orisian sorcerg, in PAGLIAR U LO JèweIer,,and Optician 1166 Wîlmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 1061 etery '.Lhursdlay at ternoon. SMrs. Williamis, whio ias. 72 years of age, is surviveed b~y ler daughitcr, Lauira of Newv York City, and. lier sons, Lewis M. of Hubblard. Woods, Richard K. of (,lencoe, and Robert B. of. New York City. B-er Ilusbavid diedthrce years ago. Mrs. Williams had lived-iii Glencoe sinice 1898, moviig.,thiere f rom Evans-' ton wliere,,*she and Mr. William's lived for many- years ind were well knowvn.. For the past two years îhe livéd with lier son, Richard, and bis f anily. Mrs. Williamis was one of the early members of the Womain's Library club of -Glencoe and more reçently one of its* honorary members. Slue was a nrominet member .of the G.Iencoe Unionii church and of the Glencoe Re- lief and Aid societv. iii aIl of which organizations slîe as' a promineélt worker. EXERT a W. pride orselves on our ability: Sto do expert worlc - decorating *that stands the test of years and I *gives compiete satisfaction. M M.Portenhauser Painter and Decorator' 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 Î' * il KILL TI FLY-- C~uor&e1&aJ' j g~i .~i4 TleTozorof. D'liborka, .it Pra iue. wals sketched by George Lutsk, W1,illuwtte artist. .1!r. Lisk qradiuatcd i-witli hopiors froni 1fhcr Unrrivof Pr agite., 1-nzd the National -Icad,,ii, of Fille Arts' i thai city. 1li i ,.conductinçj siolimer clos çS ou T11uc11sdil mor-i içai l theIl 'il itte Il arh<or. Garde n Musicale Will Benefit Hoposier Salol On Suniday,, August 2, fromn 3 uni 9 o'clock, 'Mr. and- Mrs. Ross Beattv wIlI entertain at their lion 260 Ravine drive, Highland Pai, with a garden party and imusicalc f( the benefit of the Hloosier Salon Pý trons association. T'here \\)Ill be verv jnteresting exhibition of car crafts and antiques of Indiana Joan by loyal. .Hoosiers living, in CChica£ anid vicinit Y'and also bv the variol iniisltorica1 mutseumrs and societies( Indiana. BothW Mr. and -Mrs. Beati are ardent supporters of thie work, tluis association-and last y'ear MI Beattyv seryed as a lay member tlle jurv. director for the N~orth Shore Are:. council, was the commnauding- officer Fand Commodore William H. Sieg- * munjdlof thé North Shore district wvas the ex-officio memibèr of tlhe staff. The crew was nade up of .,Seat Scouts f rom the Sea Scout> Shi;) "I<ee-Weé-D%-n" of Wilnîe.tte an('. 0'* lyas to be their annual long' cruise. The Scouts aboard were Bos'n Ar- thur, Z. Thomnsen,ý and Ordinar vSea Scouts Grinneli, Older, Royle Martin, John WVarren,. and, Ted Buck. The skipper of -the- Sea;- Scout Ship i 3 Kennieth R.* Borgen. q They, lef t the Great. ake s Nav~i Training station, -4where the ,schooiler is stationed Monday,; Julv 6,',and sailed to kenosha, thence to Chiarle- voix, anrd Njortliport, Micit, returul- xng bNv way of. Sturgeon- Bay, Xis, and landed safe and sound- at Greit Lakes last Sunidayv evening. AI l te Sea. Scouts hiad a inist enjoyable -and. pirofitable trip. The :"Aatross".set silagaini Moniday, julv 13, w'ith the Lake For- est Sea Scouits for a two weeks' )nI tii -J. ne', for ,)a a cd uls Of 't'. Of ns. of GOING TO RUSSIA James: H. Fletcher, 910 -Oakwood avenue, is sailing for Europe Saturday on the S. S. Breren in '"ithe interestý of Allemen Garcia company, consilting elîgineers of Chicago. He w Il be trav- eling through Germany and France and Herbert A. LaRoy Ils* Taken 111 in Iowa, Her bert A. LaRov, 1746 W1,ashingctoni avenue, ils in Red Oak, Iowa, recupera- ting f roi an operation for apl)cnd(iciti"s performecd earlv this nîonth. Mr. and Mrs. LaRoy andl their small child ac- coinlanied Mrs.. Thomas; Gri ffith, Ms 1.aRoV\,s mother, to the latter's. for- mer home at Red Oak JuIv 3 to spend the hioliday week-endf. Soon after arriv- inig at Red: Oak Mr. LaRoy h(ýcame il] anid submiiitted to the opération. He will remnain in Red Oak for several \weeks. TO MARRY AUGUST 1 Mfiss Gladys Anderson, daugliter. of Mn. and Mrs. John Anderson of, Ev-. anston, and school nurse at- New Trier High school,* is to. be mtarried to Milford Coats Boie. of Cham- paigli Satundav,. August 1, at 4:30 o'clock at the First Baptist churcli in' .Evanston. . OnIy relatives and very close friends will he guests for the cererl-oly and the reception to fol- Iow in- Church House. The b)ride is Residents for more than 26 Years Wîlmfet te and -Central Aves, hne:Wi.40-0 Open Sunday afternoons 3 P. M. to' 6 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and al .other authorized i.Christian Science Literature may be. read, borrowe rprhsda h Reading Room. eorprhedtth THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM Serving North 400-OU

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