* dinary agricui.turai purposes, that crop. pests and diseases greatly in- orease. Nature's balance is over- thrown and it takes rnuch of man's ingenuity to offset the- providence of. the great Master- of Lif e. IF TREES COULD SPEAK If'trees cou.d id * eak in the language wiîich %we.couluA alu-ertnand if they should speak just as.we speakz one to another, might they not say, "yu have. taken. away so much of our natulrai food, supp."iy that we arc underfeci and weak, you have cut down on. our water supply until we are dving f'or drink ini the hot weeks.- of - sùimmer, and- you hav e shut off the air froin our roo ts until xve are almnost suffocated, in fact al yo u have Ieft us -i abundance is lighit, air and isline.' Ail1 w-e can say to --cover up Our negiect is that ini the great cîties even the air has been sc polititeci that the trees do'realiy <ie, with ver-v 1ew -excepýtions. Just a fe%% kinîds tlirive ini crowded cities. Trees hiave preferences and they *'Nvould ivant, to telus about that. Soine like the siiniiv siope, soine tE-e creek baniks, somle tie chunmy vtick- e-ts and ihere is a. tre e xvich. deligits to stand quti M the open in a rich, expans),e Of liiawnwher-e it miav -,strut its stuf an(! vhiv not, for it i1 truiv a9great tree. - \\e niav have hoth trees and ooci la\\nsý if we- xiii arrangýe the coin- iination so that everv stretcli o' lawn mnav get. the sunllighit during a - aif cof each sunny day. Th~e grouud(s xÙiav lave -enougih trees for ever ' purpose andi stili leave a possibilitY of -goocicarpetings. . - -So the trees Nwould saN, give uis ihe foodi we need, an occasional good drink of water, for wve want to live to bc a heritage to your. granichil-. d&en manvycyars f rom now. HAS FRATERNITY POSITION E. Jerome El.lison, Jr., 'of 822 Park * avenue. W ilruette, a forme-r Win-, netka boy, iiil arrive home about August 1. jeroine is the assistant secretaryv of the national heaciquar- ters of Zeta- Psi fraternity- in New window of the Evatnston store of Marshall Field and Company, Church street and Sherman avenue. The collection gathered together bv the late Stewart Gardner and AI Stupple. includes a driver made by R. Forgan, father of D. R. Forgan of Chicago. The firm R. Forgan stili manufactures. clubs at St. Andrews but this club was made about ý75 years ago. Until, 1899, golf balis werem ruade of solid, rubber or'gutta percha- and most of the clubs looked like hockey sticks. Among the halls in the colec- j tion- are an Eclipse,,made about 1875,' so i. and, of; a composition simiar to,.linoleum, a soui black gutta per- cha bal; a1 Silvertown, solici gutta perchai. rade about. 1885- a Varsity, soui whiteé gut ta percha,.rmade about 1896: a,Ilaskel 'Remnade -of about 1899 and an Arch -Colonel,.ruade about Included amonz the. clubs arean.1 original goose-neck putter ruade ,b-x Wiliie. Park about .1895, an - id- fashioiied nib-ick -with a face about the size of .a silver dollar, ruade es- pecially to get' a bail out of wagon tracks; a concave-faced niblick niadr about 60 yearsý ago by Tomd MNorris of St. Andrews; a -long. spoon ruade 1 about 106 years ago by -.ýëMEen and' used wNhere a niblick, is now used, and a concave-iaced iron about. 75 vears olci.. Fielid-Museum to Give Guide-lecture Tours ext week's p)ublic guide-lecture tours at Field Muséumn of Natuira, Hisforv wiiI begin Monda-, JUIv 20., with'"Reptiles and Fishies" at il a. in. and "China" at 3 p.-ru; On Wednes- day at the sanie . iours subjeets wilI be "Primitive MutsicalInstruments"ý andc ."Mines andMnri, and on Friday "Indianis of Plains an-d Deserts" and "Asiatic Animais." On. Tuesday and Thursday there wiil be. gencral toursý of anthropological, botanicai, geological and zoological exhibits. These tours, conducted bv staff lecturers, are open to al museum , visitors. Parties assemble inside th- 7 FR1OCKS G S cmi - Anuitai CLEARANCE SALE Doresses! Dresses! Dresses! Hudedsof ummer, Dresses Formel Selling as High as $25 ... Nrie Less Than $ 10.. Reduced Dràsl'îcaIly la Clear Immediatetyl Dreses! Dresses! Dresses! LunE 624 Davis Street' EVAN STON ;pc- P