tect your familles ani guuui.. Thle ColIumbus Laboraton'*es 31 N. Stat.' St. Chicago iphoneCent, 2746 becau tilmme are to jtist a rings vilgrow aloixg for 1 care or attention, wVe itake themi for granted. air, rain and.the recur. In fact we may never their' true value becaust- 1 that every tree. in ed, no tree-toPs of the sun, as we eet, there is flot a eak the view, no the night air, the "Your.Jpology Is NOTzlcceptCd!" table." ILLINOI S. B ELLTELEPHON E COMP-ýANY tra ins, th e rush of' the motor car, the bark of sorne restless dog wýho bas not yet become accustotned to sorte new surroundiflgs. Coniing home to our neighborhood and -finding no tr'ees' wwol e no less strange tbaîi' finding .ail the bouses remfoved,, nothing but a forèst left'. Returning to, find not a tree large or small,. would seêni no lq'És' startiAng and uneanny than it-would seetu. should we return at thé. end of .a dav's ,work .to .find every, yard str:ipped of its carpet'of green, uncar- peted grounds on every. hand. An % one of these, expe riénces w ould make lis feel as-,if we bad waked in a nexV %vorld.. we wvould at.bast doubt our own identity or sanite.and1 with diffi-. culty coule. we feel that wve were stil. ,ii thie .sarne towni which we had lelft in the morning. MIRACLES IN TREES Because trees seen.: t -) be made il- <jf. %vood an'd- dre-ssed during -tle growing season with somewvhat in- teresting, coveringsôof lèaves, and be- cauise their inner secrets and worlk. ings are somnewhat hidden froin us. %we are far from. well accuainted, witfi themn. The floy of sap in the"treesof tle. land is estiniated..to be,,equal'to flic flow of the waters in the rivers 'i'! tle saine area. Its.speed, its; volitt-e anid the force .agains.'t Iwhlichi it workls, are far under-guessed h)v evervone .who does not-a.ctually kno. Som scienitists d cain to know : bv what powvers this great work is carried ot, and other 'authorîties declare that -we have not yet spied ouf, ail the secret,. the combined forces -whiich (do this mighty work. We knç)w of the cap- illary action, the drawing power o~f the 1suii and of a poýssible Ipulsatinf-r or purnpin-g soniething like the action of thehat ihpmps the blood Ili te human -body. Again we are baffled1 by the miracle that is performed lu the leaf la'or- atonies, the production of.the starch.. froni the conibination. ofsap and oxiv- ge.i,. played upon. Ihy th e 1d'tered, ray;, î of the sun. Here the food is pre- paréd for distribution throughout the small grains as the staple foocis for man's consumption. Together with the fruitage of trees, their food val- ues, as a very 'important factor, we must recognize their value ini con- serving moisture and in the preven- tion of, erosion. Trees exert a migbty force in the prevention of* the run - off of water, and inholding back the.