Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 9

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ingl-to plans announiced here today by exposition officiais. A series of conicerts bv thiegreat- est orchestras and, soloists .in the world; a series of prograrns- by stu- dents in choruses, bands, orchestras and. ensembles; and-a series. of con- certs by the.oùitstanding singing and orchestral sociéties are among the plans muade public by Herbert Witherspoon, chairman of the gener- ai comnulttee on music for thé- ex- position. Mr. Witberspoon is* the- newI p- pointed director of the Chicago Civic, Opera company, to'rld noted musîc. organization. Acting as. secretary of the music committee is Herbert Johnson, manage r of the Civic Opera. conpany. --Rufus C. Daives, president of the A Century of Progress exposition, and his advisors, feel* Ihat thé exposition of'1933 provides a. musical opportunity for 'Chicago of thé, broadest propor- tions -and that it cani. be so developèd as to turn to Chicago thé attcntioii of mnusic 'lovers throughouc the ord"said Mr, With.erspooni. Plan Seirios. of Concert$ *"A f eature upon which wec ail agrec' isa series of concerts by the greatest orchest ras and soioists' in.the wvorld. * "A£nother is a reflection of.the suc- * eso f the departments of music ini *the colleges and schoois of the United States a'ràd Canada.. We have asked,. *and :are confident of obtaining, the cooperation of the Nýationial Associa- tioîi of LMusic Supervisors for a series cieties, the choruses of our opera companies, the profesàional or aria- teur choirs and glee clubs whic.h have achievcd a truc artistic reputation. We shaîl, of course, also include those excellent choruses and orches- tras whichi have been> devcloped in recent years' in, industrial and coin-- inercial institutions. To Encourage Choral Singing "I believe it will be scen that this will give i ncw and valablc impetuis to choral singing and the perform- ance of music by thousands of peo- ple for the pleasure. of enjoying the great art of music. "A -fourth feature, as we plan if,. is an exhibit.of the music trades to fol- low the'.general pattern'of the exposi- tion in showing thé history of -the craft and exhibiting the processes by which ifs producf s are manufacturcd. S"Wýe should' not dare. to undertake this pÉograni were -if not for the stcady train ing -in 1 .usic yéar by ycar of millions of our. school children and the extraordinary influence of the radio in stimullatilg -the enjoymient of the bcst of music." The first postcard folder of mulion&, bearing pictorial views of Chiicago's 1933 World's fair,' -vhich are to ýbe distributed by !corporations- having offices in Chicago was. mailed -f0 Pres ident Hoover. by . J. Stevens, president of the -Stevens hotel. The .first 500,000 folders will be disfribufed by the Stevens hotel and by ticket agents of the Burlington, Norfhwest- crn. Baltimiore and Ohiô, Pennsyl- Al, Bemie. Caîptures the Elusivt Charm of Children Smile for aau rv n iiuaie '.unIty iuuuumig. i rie 'ru Ill sec the Chambers of Anton jCermak, mayor of Chicago, and also the Council Chambers of the -City Fathers," which is a beautiful Italian Renaissance room by Frederick Clay Bartlett. In the County building the party will' visit,'office of interest- the sheiif's,. the coroner7s, the treas- urer's, etc. 'fhere will be a walk about the building to sec reliefs of the *ra Seal.of Cook County, brass tablets of' Four 'Cook Counity,.Court houses,, etc. +Miss Gilbert ivill also show h ler group the magic -of transportation on the City *streets; Chicago's underground railwav, a model -of the ncev subway and something of the new »Uion depot. -wilmette children. vho 'wish to. go on the tour will meet next Wednesday morning, Juiy 22 at the Village hall at, 9:30 o* clock. .Glencoe cliildren will meet Monday morîling, july 20 at the Central schiol. Look Tour smst.... lUse Beautifies andj Réf reshes Instantly ;25 FACIALS 75C !SANITAX PROD UCTS 12 S. Jeffermon R EAD THE W.ANT ADS I B"ERNIE STUDIO, l"Better Pictures-Better Values" 162:1 Sherma nAve., Evanston TeUN.98 Established 19)21 Orro F. 1FisHER, President 1150 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3710 or 704 Main Office ani Plaost-Waukoean d Webster Aves., Highwood, MI. Phone iç hlndPark 3710. JULY SPECIAL D ELICATE light col. ors and fragile sum- mer silks need the special attention that only our S k i11e d workers and' scientific treatments can. give. Restored. Like New! The Ermine Cleaners' -mo ý,, ýTel.UNýle 8999..

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