Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1931, p. 52

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NNvemriuc ottra set and an indoor horscshioe gaie. Atrthe packages were opened we played croquet the rest of the after- as -1 play thc winner of this gaine," and "Ail riglit, but 1 play the win- Aier of -the next one.", Miss Rigle lias just tldus.of lier plans -for a croquet. 1t ournaniient later in the season, and( were sure, froni ilie enithusiasni shown, naiiï entries wiîlI be mnade and the tournpainent Will be a ,,.ucçcess.-Inii0geuie Kaufnan, Central playground. Village Green Annexes Two Games by Forfe.lit The girls of the Village Green play- ground Nvere to have a kickball gaine with.Central M\fonday afternoon. Ce.î- tral' did ncit show up), so WC wun the gaine h)v forfeit. The following Wed- nesday, Vattinan Park ivas to play a ganwe at otîr lark', but it beiing a, uiserably lot .fa3,, they duil not ar- ,ri1ve e ithcr. W\e (Io fot want to ivin manv- ganies 1)y forfeit, so -we hoPe' m-hen it is a team's turn to caine to ouir park; the teami will appear. Eacli *girl whio ýwas present :for ýthe two gaines rc.ceiNves,an extra point for at- tending on suc li a biot da y. MWondayý and \\Veduuiesday, of this W'eek"wýe.were lanning ta have galines a]-d %ve were hoping to %win .bath of tlicil.-Fràn- ces Schumîtz.. Reading Club at Central Is Now Exploring Books At Central playgrouixd we hàvc farinçd a ei club). It is ca-lied the "Central Reading club," and at pres- ent there are about fiftéen n members. l'le abject of thie clubis to read a certain mninner of£1hapt1crs of. a book until it isfnied Due to the hot weather, wve are. having, both a. story. *hour, inithe nmoruing an&',ont ie 'ite afternoouî. Muchi interest is being show~n 1b-v bathi boys and girls of * Central. Coine ao(d join the lub.- *Alicia Iiaak.e. Central 1plavground. VATTMAN BEATS CENTRAL Village Green -Nvis defeated Wed- * nesday of iast week by Vattian Park, 23 ta 13. Village. Green hadl juniors. iLveryouie was rivêay orin gaine, but we found thiat Vattinan (lid not arrive. At 15 minutes after 2 o'clock. Miss Biere-r said the game wvas -,on by forfeit. Every girl -who wvas present receives onc point ta- wards thie:inedalis for.tlîe enid of the 1laygraund season. We alsa recei.ved points for lï-aviiîg a regular attend- ance. Miss lierer hias a cha1rt on which, sle keeps thîe attendance for, the c i. F'rvoe tries ta lie a regular atteitdant.-Bessie Costo, Village Green Central, Village Green Stage Thrilling Tusi A very exciting b)aseb)algai-ine as staged last Monday on the Central playgrotînd between the Village Greeli and Central. first. team .boys. t x a thrilling througlîout, thé ,gaine,-the score being tie(1 several finies. At the end of the.ninth inning the score wvas IL to Ili and two more ininings wýerc played beiore the tiec caild bce IM-keui. Central was handicapped ()\%. i rîg to the fact that their rëgtuh,ýr pjtcher, Dick Hall, could niot hurl. But he played a very good gaine al first base. A very good gaine w;is pitched by 1 nliv of, the 'Villap, Green.-Marie, Peifer, Central lay - ground. New Ideas Represented by Playground Posters- On Mondlay, June 2.ý, .wc started to make posters. We were very',busy tryiflg ta get ncvw ideas for poster1 making. At the end of the wei, 1which %%,as Saturday, ,june 27, me counited the posters. Ta aour surprise there were sixteen beautiful lposters. finished and quite a fewv ufiniislitd. The next Thursday, july 2,'. started ta -make. posters and we tore out thethings we were ta put.on tlie background insteail of cutt ing tîmeni. 1- think this idea will bce a great suc- cess.-Hop)e Miller, Village Gen Children Hold Practice for' Coming Track Meet * Far upin. nortihcrit fisco,&siin three ncàn pronminent. j» the c tivîiicS of Wilnuttc forgezt the cares of city' and subbo.Ia;t hf c. -1In, thepiclUre ait tlîè lcft, i. Aldeet. Scar, ,truist off icer oftIle. Wliliicttc St aie ban k, sill/es in the Sunigt; wI&ile C. A. Edmnnus* of lie First Nationti Banik of. Uj'in;ietti,, takes a long drafi fronm lus cigarct. The /'homogra pliut fle right slhows Dr. Rufuts P. Stolp. proilincut [Wilin'itc physician, drcialiilng ovci hiis cam/'6re as a saiorv izal is bei;i. cookei. Art Institute Exhibitioni Clo'ses Sunday, July 12 The exiblition. of work by stud- ents of the Art Institute school, nioN being heldinii the East Wing gallerie, will close on Sunday. eveniing, julv 12. The galleries are now open until 5 :30 1). i. on week days,. instead of 5 p. n.,: an.d close .Sundays at 9 p). 111., iiiîsteadl of 8 1). in., as lieretofore. ThLe follo\\iing sales. of the wvork of stu- déixts have beeniinade siuîce the l:m.t report: "'Mfarine Fish" 1)y Ruthî il. Drtucker ; "Draýviing" by Fukuao Kunai ;."Dr aw.inig of TÈoN" by A\dri*ait Frenich; "Rublier Planit,"' * water> color by.Herbert- Ryian; also No. 244. ," 6Water Coloôr"; No. 1lOS water côor, ".Marin)e Fish"; No. 306.. "\\,inter Scene"; No. 238, *$ketchi." ThVe regular Suriner School, af the Art -Intstittite -of-,-Chicago 1opwiee Appropriation Bihl Ado pted for Village: (Conitinuted f rom Page 1 ) street ligliting and Incidenti expenses i connection teewt $25,200. 14. Foùr repair an i maintenance of traffie signs, $2,151. 15. For eXpIens.,es of the flngineerlng and Building departiwnt and. payinert of 'salaries therein, $10,000. 16. For operationi, erîiipmýent. i.,Upport. and maintenance' of the Police depa rt- nment and payment of salaries thlereimi, $50,955. 17. For operatP>n, equipirnent, support ,ind maintenance of the, Fire depai't- ment and paymient (if *aliisthevein, 18. For exl)Penses, of the Planning vnld $19,170 for Gttrlbge (Iolleetltii MI? For establIshing and maintaiining ;f garbage sy-tmfn for collectjon n îd (lis- poisai of garbage, $19,170. 20. 141or collection ajnd dsoa of ash- escan, bttisrubbish anîd mil lanteous aste. $16,300. 21. For a sinking fund to provie -for the liquidation of bondcd indebtedness 4)f theu Villac. %4-Oflf V% e Ila atrtf , f)t % ILt, C)PI LIIt*V. 1-. . v ..n.c t ..t"...i The wýaves Nwere qute higi, 50 fna swIlimmig lessons took place. The jackîe Balhatchet returned froi water Nvas quite warmn. \e had a lot the hospital *vhere stitches were of fun and expect a big attenidance .takemî in 'her face after she .Nvas bitten everv Frïday from naw on. We were by a dog. She uîow attends the play- dowin there f rom 1 to 3 o'clock.-Nan- ground regularly. - inogene Kauf- 1 cy ,RobIb, Central playground* unan, Central playground. a permit ta the Chidre league ta hold a tag dayi Mionday, October 5. Sini have, been granited ta thi tiOn in preçviaus years. ý,Iiýliliqut-- vL5 s. i,. j o1 J iies. , hgranted -o- 's' Benefit Mrs. George F. Danforthi of Deer- i Wilmnette field is spending the summer with ber ar permits son and daughterýini-law, the Rev. organiza- an-d Mrs. Leland H. Danforth of 333 Warwick roadi Kenilworth.

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