Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1931, p. 40

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The Cbur42h school is using a niodi- fied prograni throughout the summer. Ail departments meet at il oclock. Be- ginners and primaory chiidren assemble ln their own «rôomns. The. juniors nieet with the congregatiofl in the churcb there during the singlng of the second hynin.. Intermiediate, se;njors, and, Young people are u'rgéd to attend the eglrchurch' service. Te DesPlaines Camp mfeeting ls noiv ln.sesin.Friday,. Juiy 10, Is Woman's day; Dr.,j. «W. Langd&Uàe, book editor eft te Methodist. Episcopal church,. will pekat the :evening service. at 7 :45. On Saturday of this weelç, special serv- ices on good ctizens;hiPý will be held at *2:30 and 7:45. On. Sunday at .2:30, .Dr.. Loren M. Edwards, pastor 1of Trinity chu.rch, Denver, wiil speak. Bishop E. L. WalIdorf will jireach. at the SundaY evenlng service at 7 ;45. Bishop F. W Warne wili speak, at the 1.0:30 a. ni., service July' 14,' 15 and le, and Dr. Forney Hutchinson w111l stpeak at the evening services >on the sa-me day*s. Fn- day, .uly r is Missionary day. The W. H. M. S. service will be held at 2 :30 M.n. and the. W. F. M. S. service at 10 :30,9a. m'. Saturday, July 18, ls laymnei's- day. Bishnp Warne will 4peak e t 10:30 a. mu. anid BI-shop FP. J.i conelat 2:20 and 7 :45 p. ni. . Bishop eoni speaks nt thne 2:310 serviceeRu.ndaêY, JuiY 1.9. and *Bishop C1. W. Burns will lie the speaker for the Sunday evening service. 1sabel Hapkin. Margaret Bickhani, and, Rhe" and Hazel Koli a're now 'ttellding the Epworth Lea,*gu e institute at Lake~ Geneva es the representatives from our church. Another gr ouP of CitI lSv0uts, fr0om * our vroops will leave for camip n * Monday niorntng. 'Stili others wil leave later on. Every Stinday the ç.hanc(el is graced1 by, a beautiful bouquet of foe~ These flowers are grown in the wonl- derful garden acr-oss froni the churuh. * Last Sunday niornlng the colois were predonTnatly red, -white .and bMue in keeping -with tic patriotic seasoli. The chancel has been fu'i*tber effh,îd with a gold-leaf Iiniing Wtak of the carv-ed cross in the reredlos. This brings out in learer dletail the mjinute work performed byoe of the Langs of Ober- amimergau. .E-nglish Lutheran Greenleat evenue at Seventh street wilmetté Carl 1. Ernpsofl, pastor THE SIXTH 5 î-(TDA1' AFTEB TRIN<ITY 9:45 a. in .-ru . Sunday schooi Arthur St.irk, superintendent 10:45 a. m .............. Prelude recital The Churcb school continues Its sum-' mer schedule with the Beginners, Pri- mary, Jun ior, and Interniediate depart- mients meeting from 10 te il o'clock. Presbyterian Church Woman's Club (' reenleaf avenue and Tenth street Chûrch'.office: State Bank building Telephonie Wilmette 64 .and' 688 We cordialiy welcome ail who wor- ship.,with us -froin Sunday to Sunday. Strangers and visitors are invited. ttc. come again and thQse without a church affiliation are *nvited to unite with us ln Christian fellowshipy. Church service as usuai each Sun- day, morning at il o'clock. Rev. $chien L. Hiaynes, D. D.,, will, cond1uct the services and preac h Sunday, July 12. Junior church discontinued during the summer. Sunday school will meet at 9 :30 A. M. throughout the summer months witb a lirogram. adapted to. meet the needs and attendance during the vacation season. Rt Hi. Rice, superintenden.t. There willi be no Prayer Meeting dur- irtg July and Agut Trustees' meeting -Monday, July 13, 8 p.ni., at the church office. Follo-wing is thi musitxal program, 8Sunday, JuIy 12.: Prelude, "In a Boat......Zeckwer Solo, "One Sweetly Slemunt Thoughit- ....Ambrose Offertory, "Surinimer" ... Schonaker Postinde, * "(Aida>........e'rdi Ernia Rounds, organist * Edward Otis, soloist ('ails for serv ice of any kind, includ- ing pastoral serv ice, cani ho furnîsleL, -kt ail times by conîmunicating with the ehurch seeret.ary, Mrs. Boltwoocl, 7 2, Park avenue, Wimnette .688, or W, fG. Coivin, -709 Elmiv.ood avenue. Baptist C/zurch Wilmette and Forest aveniues * George D. Allison, minister *'A Church that Care-s" Our'. ýNrship) wili be centered in the il1 o'ciock sers ie on Sundayv, Juiy 12. Dr. Alliso n wiIl preach., Union services bètween the' FirÉt Co4gregational and Bap)tist churchesý will beêgin Sunday, July 19, and froni July 19 through August 9~ will be lield in the Congrega- tional church. Dr. Allisun .will, preach, at the first service. Other speake'rs will b)e: July .26, the Rev. Otto R. Loverude, on Saturday next, afternoon or eve- ning. Thie regular service will begin at 11. A lawn social wii, be given b y the Ladies' ,Aïd and Missionary society on Thursday-evening, JuIy 16, at 8 o'ciock. Ice creamn and cake WiIl be serýved. This soc1il will *be gkiven: at the church. groundsP Wilmette and Park.avenues. MioLovgren, Funeral, HeId ,M-oniday Afternoon *Funeral services for Milo- R. Loir- gren,' 132;3 Wilmette avenue,, Wil'- mnette, head of thé lovgren Construc- tion çon.pany of Highland Park, were held Mondayaf ternioon ýat 3:30oclk at 'Scott's funeral home, 1118 Green- leaf avenue, Wilmette,. with Dr. Horace G.,Snmith ofithe Wilmnette, Parish Methodist church- officiating. Burial was at Altona, Ill., Mr. Loy- gren's'former. home. Mr. Lovgren was killed in an air- plane crash at Palwaukee airport on the. afternoon of july 4. The. pilot of the plane ini which lie was a pas- senger, Lathrop Moss, Jr., vice-presi- dent of the airport, was seriously in-. jpred. Mr. Lovgren was 36 years old. He was a nember of the Hamilton *club of Chicago and the Deerfield post of the American I.egion. *He is survived by b is widow%, Mrs. Viola Lovgren. two children, Mary Jane, three years old, and Milo Ray, one year old, lus mother, Mrs. Jus- tinîe Lovgren of Altona, Ill., -a sister; Miss Ethel Lovgren of Rochester, _Min., and. a twin~ brother, Clarence, radio operator for the United States- government at Ketchikan., Alaska. HERE FOR FOURTH *Mr. and Mrs. George R. Harbatig 1 of 1219 Forest avenue liad as their guests over the Fourtîx of July, Dr, and Mrs. Fred G. Harbaugh, aùn' their daughiter, Dorothy May, of. L ubbock,' Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Reob- ert" H. Harbaughi of Muscatinc. Iowa, and Mr. andc Mrs. Frank H. Kittredge of. Joliet. Dr. Fred Har. baugh and lis wife and daugliter wil, suburbs. He had iived in Wiliiette for the past seven years. Surviving hini are his widow.%, Mrs. Annie Sykes Hardy1 an.d tiiree sons~, Charles, Horace and Julian, all*". Chicago. The funeral services,. wlîich were private, Nvere héld' at his late resi- detîce, 104 oodbine avenue, WiIà- mette, Thursdav afternoon, July --2. Dr., George P. Magfili, formier minis- ter of the First Presbyterian, chir'cli of Wilmette, of which Mr. ýHardy was a member, officiated. Bur;M w~a-, at Rosehili cemetery. HoId Funeral1 Services for Mrs. Frank -Widger Enneral services for Mrs. NXettie. Xicger , ife of Frank, V. Widger. 128 Fifth-street, Xilmette, wereheld at St. FrancisXavier church Thurs- dym'ornin,, July 2, at 9:30-o'clock. Burial %Was at, AIl Saints' ceiet ery.. Mrs.- Wilg'er di ed at her hm Tuesday, Julie 30, after an illness of severai montiîs. Shie had bheen a resident of Wilniette for the past nine years and was a niember of the Wilmiette Catholic Woman's club . She wvas.born at Davenport, la. Besides, lier husband, she is surl- viVed bY two sons, George and Frank, botlî of Xilniette, lier father, James, V. Cunininghanm of Chicago and California,, and twvo brothers, Williamn. Cunningham of San Ber. ,îardino, Calif., and Ben Cunningham of Chicago. Mrs. Nellie B. Piper Dies at Davenport, la. Mrs. NÇellie Bracklin Piper, mother of MNrs. C. C. Henderson of 1,632,For-, est avenue, passeýd away.or> Julie 18, at Da%,etport, .Iowa. T-bie renfiains were* taken to Rice Lake, Xis.p,:for burial. in tîe Bracklîin lotîni the cemetery on the shore of; Lake Pykaganios wvhich, was eivcn hy Mrs. PiPers father to the city .as a -memorial for his famnily. 11, this cemèétery al soldiers \vlio have served in, the various wars are given hurial ground without charge. 1ETURN FROM THESOUTH in. -1 ---*5m e 1 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1.196 the airnual conference of the Swedi$h .. Next Bunday Mr. »i1ndley willl preach Churcli telephone 3111 vneia rtCuc-fAeia on "The Future of Protestantism." This vneia reCuc fAeia r and Mrs. Edgar A. Stevens oc in the last sermon.which he will prea.ch SERVICES * 30Abttfr beforelie ges onhis. ac3tin.bSitli Knnethroadp Kenilworth, beor h oe o isvaato. ixhSunday alter Trlnity ent Hess, son of Mr- and are leaving July 13, for New York.. 9:15 a. mu. F irst service and serm on M rs . K n e h M H e s o 52 L ng eya t ir r n d u l t r, Thre musical progranl Wlli be as fol- 9:30 a.-ru. Sunday achool and Bible ~éKnehM reso 2 og hywl aetergadagtr lova: classes, - vnuGencoe, is a guest at Susanneý Cory, with them to visit . Prelude: Moderato, Cantabile fron 10:45 a. ru. Conftessionai service for the Kenilworth 0 ni uut n r.Cr fBale .J

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