to Inure a Resolutioi qries, noti where anà chàarged at S py msaytui nt Issue. rds of'thanks, obitu- its or other affirv la published, will be rates. ______ G rade Separatioo Will Save Lif e Let-'s Haste»: the Day! If a man Who had attended high schools X0 or 40 years ago, say i i 1895, were to sdabQ liectio iur . Cotownsh liglio1d deoe oteeativities o h.MSC M chtr, ot o gnru ie. I l~ouldin also finda large c orous ily gice cubs cdnrohe dorect( \Irs. i, li on tlidis)v ine'etigtît of l«ie and in(Ig stdenedt tking l)rivte a( roplssl l voca ll isetruetabatd.oald loru"t naetralfbor hmt ofg nder just bc. eseff(f nîsia.l nciîed voutis aond teie t get instrctod isuelch sneerssarIflierane s te na'tics an scivaeance. it messiht however, occur to inii that timie formnerl devoted to Greek and Latin had hewen handedover to muiisîc. This miati of 1895. if 'lie were to attend a school concert woufil'certainlv îîotlbe*-wi 1- IL ifxg to believe his cars When: lie, heair(lsc highl-brow, composition numibers, as the Hafleluiahi Chorus and Beethoven's F'ifth kSymiphonv, How% could boys. and ýgirls> learti to sxng and. play.l)ieces hc in his ayxdwte ab1tles of acconiplishied iusicians ? The aiis,\\er woud1 ( be, more, and better teachers, more and 1better practice. In these early days of the summiier vaca- clear evidience of thieir. opinion of vour personal character. "Aw! gô on, vou ,od ... ! Breaking our usual custom we p)icked upl one of these amateur tramp~s. the other day on -our.way to.,M.ilwaukee. He had whien. he wvas Iost for six or seven hours in a West Virginia coal mine., He wvas a confirmed stamnmerer. While lie ,vas emitting a series of fifteen ,or twen- t; unintelligile "Uhs," we almost lost con- trol of thé, car ni our unavaiing ffrt to helpy hini 'utter the appropriate Word. But he certaini;' had a fluent thumb.. One evenin g while we wvere taking a trip about Montreal on 'a.sigbt-seeing streef cir %ve notrd that just alove the entrance there was a snîall nietal. Montreal and, i mage of soniie animal. TheBeaer We :asked the naine of the, animal and were tol(l that it.-was a* beaver; After a.imomnit of. bard.editorial thiî'îk- iîîg we swthet thle busy i)eaver wasini- deed a fitting enmhlemi for this buisy ci ty. TebeaNvtýù i surv a- bus; littie aimial,' alwavs' nwn at 'a tree or. fallen log. buildino1 a *'leaver (Iaili." XVe bave Ithe idea, perhaps Pot soiîd. tînt a 'bcaver niever stop)s goawing.Ail vayand ail nilit lie' 1 Ion ï,eal is îiuýstfa bouIlt aP)15.eople, Street cars. motor veîclesll are rushbing hei e ancl there al day and, so far as wve knôw,. ail nigbt. Perhaps MNontreal peop)le sleep. but n(ot imiore. than a few hours out of the Nvell knio\\n tw\enitv-fouir. If von .vanit to seec just ho0,ý\ busv thev can e ob1serve traffic on a onle-wNay Street. The 0111v way for 1edestnians to get across is to. find Sontie intersection guardediwy stop- Moebulinsseem V, o. 1.)e goinfg up, lu1 "Montreal than anyw%ýhere .cIse.> If0voudo't likebsv cities-vou wvill not lov ontl We .shtudder when we contemplate any., "iniprovement" of the beautifull Hubbard Hi portion of Shieridan road. This ",imi- ever tnung onto a sLîap inme euîvaCVLu train ail the way f rom AMains to Howard is ini a position to sympathize with those who under- go this punishrnent twice a day six days 'a' week and also to appreciate the good fortune of1 north shore commuters who rarely f ait to getseats on thesuburban, trains.ý MOTOR TOURING NOTES h/'heu goiinq ui a long, steep hlii, go Ütto firsi just as smon as the engiine begipts to labor. Doin't wtt mtil the eîigine is about,,totake its Iast breath. .lboe la.lf, doin't try'to rush to the suiezmit of. suel a hll!. Thre grecatest of motor cmadmnsis, Keep: oit -ouon side. of .the road. Doz't straddie, the dividing. fine, exccpt z(hIen traffic jis vcry light. (sll'thre roads are thosc leading int i<iid met of towns. Moreozer. one' nsuallv gets oit Illewrn~ roa.d whcn goinig througlr a tw Tý'rust vour-spei,'domiëer Io regiîsteýr miles. Doln't trust *vour. ouetipesiosof distance.e. Iaiiv a dfrivér tdrinks ic lias gone, k'c ,niles 7,wche hbas Thel14 bioqesi oz'adis flhic ltiiiindrun idri-zv r. .1 l'cil mouis -wd ho ' g'to assumie respons.ibilitx' ,for lus artiolis. A drivér who canlrit-n-n 'to lr'l0lsC Iliiif liavie a rotttnl colisc ii'i(C,. -=Fil Ossifer. Be fore ve go on, Jlet ils state that. Fil Ossifer <Ys lt gulty (if the -rhyme -that .prefacd s "Motor, Totnring Notes-l" You ,see, Fil1 Ossi fer 1 1s drivitig:f rop Nest tQ east, and. liq person î east of the Hudson would perpetrate suclh a "Poemt." MISCELLANEOUS MUMBLINGS OF A SOMNAMBULIST 'l'le \Wihette Public librar:y; in classif -y ig its new books. places a volume on 'Chieclzers' under the hieading' of Finie Arts. Check and douible check on that noise. XXe, read. that William B. "Ben " Ch1Pmaiiý-4f t- fielder of the Newv York Yankees and the Anierican league'.s ieading base-stealer, rec ently took out .1a license to marry. I<ts trust that 'af ter, the knot is tied, Chiapmian' will neyer havé occasion, to steal home .-iii, his Étocking f eet. At last Gin, the. type-eatiing terrier1< of the salle- tum,,lbas a canine pal-if in narne, onlv. The dog with the synonymous naine is Laughiing Gravy, new Latirel *and Hardy coinedy pooch. , Can you conceive of it? Giii and Laughing Gravýy - what à~ party! with our restaurant-riddled "tummy," . areti't -we young enough to bé a Boy Scout? 0, well, we'1l just drown our sorrows in. another hamburger sandwich. And illease. coék the. tling on both $ides. e-The, Night Editor.'