Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1931, p. 24

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IMPORTANT CLEARANCE! SM-ARTý SHOE~ Taken. from lRegular Stock and Reduced '85 Formerly up to0 $8,450 Pracfically *very sho. to wear fhroi in fown or. af r guide years. to see the nman ri through their whio next * Xiththe Jmercury htigthe biglî sp(ts atreua intervals, it is not to lie wondeieed at if classes are . con-m ducted in a rather informnal i anner. I3oth faculty and students alike, have reacheci the mhelting point on a nni-m ) ler.of occasions, not that t heir sen- sations are- different from nîanv nil - lion others residing in .the middle .west. WVhen it i s sàid thàt classes are. v erv informail, it might be* added, with imitatiions. None, of thenm.have takcen on the atmosphere of a tea,. or general free-for-ail gathering, as yet 0f course tberis no accountinig for ivhat may be on the way. Numerous traditions have been slighte.di it is true,, but oni13 in a 'very mild and well ordered nanr Discussions are carried on as usuai,.intersp'ersed witli * the customiary "side-tracks" now and -then. Trhe use of pernhits is flot sÔ rigidiv enforced as in regular ses- sions- during the year. *Tardiness is 'the chief offense in sumnier schiooi, TPhis necessitates an extra amnounit of * filing ini the office,.' and frequent.y. interrupts the class if a student ar- rives late. On the whoie it is truc that sunmmer schiool is "run" ver., largciy on an honor basis. \V.*L. Brown, 'the summner schionoi *principal, who bas likewise been ac ' - î:îg principal ailthie pàst termi, 's * one of the most reasonable . mienii i the world. He .emphflasizes the imi- portance of tardiness, but if a stil- dent is tardy owing to no fault of bis own, Mr. Brown takes 'this- ipto. consideration. Summiier school peoý- pie are iortunate indeed to havea mani of sucli higli principles, and in- terest in their. welfare, at the 'head- of the school. Thev are' having a chance * to appreciate w'hIat the. students of the regular' winter ternim enjoved and * liked ini the nman mwho filleil so w the place of Mr. Clerk. fact type 1.i17:1 still going on, and the noise, con- tinues as in the past week. The stu- dents wiIJ be able to work in boiler factories when they leave New Trier after becoming accustomned to such tremendous noises as are preva- lent at this time. Student$ have. two-occupations if"* one' is, to judge' by ol)servation-- sebool and swiffming. Ail the heaches have been crowded .beyond the usual capacity for this tinie of thè season. A very large, propor- tion.'of, the crowd has been. made up. of summner schooI students. The swimmüing, classes. in .Laké Newv Trier are: stili in progress, and. manv residents taking advantage of the opportunity, whidh is off ered everv summer at New Trier. M1r. Jackson. who is the. swimming coach durinig the regular school year, is: in charge of ail swimming instruction. For those who do.flot éknow. that L, A., Hutc-hens, head of the Englisih departuient, is, likewis e a- "rîý 110w is ,your opportunity to iearni. lie, ils teaching in the Northmesterin university School of, Education, this summer,1 as be has done for quite a numbfier of vears. He mav be found- .at 1 o'clock every day iii Harris hall, roorn 104. It is interesting to note whiat aniaz - ing progress- thé, typing students àre Making. 'Under Miss Thorn's direc. tion 'two classes of heginners .are beiiig condticted, and owving to bier splendid instruction and insistence that the student start very sioiy. therehv forming habits. of accurate work, maliv stuclents have leariied the- art of typinig in an extraordinar ilv short tume. This does iiot meani thiat they are acconîplishied as yet, biit * weil on the road to success. And thus aniother week bias passed, and' the "Glorlous Fourth" is over With apparently no casualties among thiestuden-ts. The latter is significant' Of progress, and wbat are our scbools existing for if they do flot promnote good citizenship and t'lie exercising of a little grav matter? Every sale must be final-, no refunds, credifs or exchanges. In tho, Footw-ear Setion-LORD'S-First Floor, Ce>&ier Stat Heure «Ir M-&Saaitary 704 Capitol Bldg. : Dbarbora 7505 lops AlilOverChcg ____ _____ .s B:0 .-S.o SP. i

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