Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1931, p. 22

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-i-he aicie itt uy vvzai'su m. riamo*'yi assistant curator of African ethnol- ogy, who as leader of the recent Frederick H. Rawson-Field Museum Ethnological Ekpedition to West Africa, witnessed the strange rites SKY HARBOR STUDENT Richard CurIl of tvanston. is 'a. new stude.nt at Skv Harbor. airport West of Glencoe. liealreadv bas bis Iim- ited commnercial license. and, is nove studying for a'tirnsport: piIot's h- cense., FLY YOUR OWN SHIP at $2 an houir Céurtiot-Wright. Las delo0ped a group ownemship plan that places -flyang within the means of evéryone. For Full Particulars CURTI.SS -WRIGHT FLYING SERVICE Gleuview,. IL, Ph. Glenview 373 Daily Passenger Service to Arlington Race Track Rnd $2.50 frn Rudtrip flight ro Curtiss-Reynolds Airport Phone for Resei-vations, ux-iefie-wu%. t'a V- fn. - ont to nature th&qn ai onr club. Inapect our-ea1Tro'ôm, clubrooflw and the superior facilities for pri- vate social functionq, and be conf- vinced of their desirabillty... Easy to reach by motor ont Dun- dee Road . -.. Phoieý Northbrook 65 thit you'r e omlng out todlay! EXPERTSTUtN Ml types01 plans* for sale iaduimgstoragfe.anj uplies The staff and students of the Cur- tiss-Wright Flying school, located at Curtiss airport, Glenview, plan to bold a "hangar hop" at the airport Thursday night, Ju1-Y 16. The affaîr bas been termed a "hangar hop" be-., cause it wili be* a dancing party ini the hangar at Curtiss field. Hamilton Kunatb, wbo toolc a transport flying course at Curtiss, is in charge of ar- rangements. He is a 'brother of Mrs. Mildred K. Robling of Trenton, N. J., astern society womanwho also recentlv took a flying course at the Curtiss-Wright Flying school, Glen- view. Old War-Time Pilot Now, a Practicing Physician Dr. Ora McMurray of Eagle, River, \Vis., former war-time pilot, sent bhis. representative. to Sky Har- bor airport, west of .Glencoe, last week to purchase a plane. M~cMirray who was in Capt. George F. Fisher's sq uadron in France, is uîov a praétic- ing physician at Eagle River. Fisher is co-manager' with Maj. R. W Schroeder, of Sky Harbor,ý and, à personal friend of'the doctor. Austin R. O. T. C6 to Hold Party at Curtiss Mni ' bers, of the Austin Higb, school R.O.T.C. are planning to bold a dance at Çuriiss airport, Gleniviei, on July 10. . Captain Jenks, wbo is in charge, of the R.O.T.C. at the west side school, is niaking arrangements for the affair with officiais of, the airport. Tbe danice ,vill be lheld lit the upper' deck of the hiangar. Arrange-' mients have 1)een mnade foir night air-. planle rides for those: wýho care ta go Up. Donald Long New Office Manager at Sky Harbor Donald, Long is the niew office mari'- ager at Sky Harbor airport' west of, Glencoe.. Although Long i'sn't an CI4LDREN'S 1608 CHICAGO SHOE SPECIAUISTS AVENUE +EVANSTON The big' Keystone "Patrician," twenity-passenger plane which is making the Curtiss airport at Glen- view its headquarters for, the sum- mer, was sent to Joliet last week- end to take up passengers there in, connection with a two-doy racing program.. Stanley Jacques, factory represen- tative of the .Keystone-Leonriing Air- plane' company of Bristol, Pa., dropped in at Curtiss airport, Glen- view, recently in~ a Keystone com- muter- amphibian to, demonstrate the plane to prospective buyers. Afterý spenïdini a. few days at -Curtiss he took. off. for Detroit. *More than the usual number of vis- itors were to be found at the' north' sbore ai-ports last week-end. Favor- able weather and the double. holi- day. were responsible for the ii- creased'nutmber. of 1visitors. At Curtis s airport, Glenview, a two- day program of. entertainmnent -bad been arranged., Probably the most spectacular.. featur.e the.re was' the night paraLchute jumping by Lieut. E. Verne Stewart 'of Dundee. -On both Saturday and Sunday nigbts Lieuten- antStewart landed direcétly in front of, the. grandstand, in' ful view »of the spectators. The lieutenant,,also made af *ternoon jurnps. Another feature of the enatertain-, ment provided for Fourth of July, visitors at Curtiss was stunt-flying during tbe afternoon, by Miss jeain WîVllis,, girl ilyer. Miss. Willis. per- formed ber stunts Sunday afternoon, as well as Saturday. -.She. used a Coinmand-air. At Sky Harbor airport west of Glencoe admission was free, anid tis fact swelled, the visitors. On, the evening. of the Fourth Maj. R. W-. Schroeder, co-owner and m1anager. of: the airportý,,had a big fireworks dis- play there for bis famnily and friends. An unfortunate accident. marred the Fourth.of July festivities at Pal- Waukiee, another north shore airport. Milo R.- Lovgren, 1323 ýWilmiette avenue, Wilmette, head of the Lov- gren Construjction company of Higb- land Park, was killed there in an air- plane crash. The pilot, Latbrop Moss, Jr., vice-presient,.of the air- port, was .seriously injured. Holder of Glider Loop Reco'rd Visits Curtiss. LymaitVoepel, Who last.-year es-, tablished a glider loop *record. at Curtiss àiirport, Glenview, arrived at that airpot hast week in a Travelair Sport Traîner 'powereýd with a War- ner. engiiie. Voepel is a, special reprît- sentative' of tbé Warner Engine coum- pany, and, bis visit to Curtiss field was for business. purposes. Many- north- shore resiclents' doubtless .will recall that Voepel, in bis glider; was towed up. several tbousand feet 1w Vaction Women's Cases> $5... to $30-00 Wardrobe Hat Boxes $ 10.000p a 'I DOPH ST 84W "oh% £31 8855 C141CAGO THE SUMMER SA-,.LE bas begun, Featuring the usual inter-

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