Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jul 1931, p. 13

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featured b>' snappy fiedingartd also by the effective hurting of Frank Roemer Who held the oppsing-sluggers to four - scattered bits and only altowect one mani to reach third base. Fifteen Of the Cary batters were retired ývia the strikeout route. Thbe game w-as a pitchers' battie untit the sixth inning, wben Frank. Roemer hit ýa longbhorne run. witb Laagi on1 ýfirst to $core the. initial runs'; for the Pioneers. Fred Krase. star Pioneer catcher, also --conniected for a four- pi>' swat. The Pioneers finislied their scoring in the Iast inning with tbrce tallies on five bits. Eleven*blows were c.olIected by the Pioneers during the game. In the early part of the f ray.to fast double plays by the Pioneers halted a Cary .raty., Fred Krase turned in a fine performance behid tbe plate. cut- inz down tbree runners Who 1ried tc take liberties Nwitb bis throwing arm.i and he also igured in a, double pav' with Ed Schuett. In the other double kiIiinz. Schuett. 'Estes and Laagi were featured. X.,; Drum aind Buo%1e Corns- WIJl Vie at State Pair i Everv ex-serv ice metî's orgaij7i- tion Ini Illinois is invit.ed to send for j M han ks to enter the contest open tr bands and drumn and hugle corps; %Vhiclb %viIl form the .patriotic featureý of the, Illinois State fair. on Sundav. August 23. Anv miiitary outfit inter- * ested is urged to get into commn;ii Cation now, witbi George W. Ailison. assistant general manager of the li state fair at. Springfield, or with WVilliamn C. 'Mundt. adjutant of' th e Anierican Legion. departnîent of Illinois. at Blooniington. Prizes of- ! fered total $4,950. Nirs. Jam-nes A.- Carruthers. 1535 WValnut -avenue, entertained severalý *friends last Monday at her home ini honor of 'Miss Helen Walsher Of St. * Lôuis; MN> o. ' who witb ber famil>', bas recently .moved to Wilmette. on of and * geeai vpoiuteii %vater areas of the inabilitv to have certainw prescriheI swîm-minig centers. According to Charles G. Sauers. generat superintendent of the Forest, Preserve district, thiere, are ten pre- scribed swiniming centers in the pre- serves. as follows: Deer Grove, in the northwestern section.of the.preserves; Dam No,. 1 Wý,heeling; 'Dam No. 2, Des Plaines;, .Maple lake, south and east beaches,.I 51V41111. Mrs. Bessie M. Taylor of 310, Cumnor road, Kenilwortb, and Mrs. Florence Lourie, of E~vanston, left Friday, July 3, to. motor to Sauit Ste. Mariei, Mich., where they wil spend afew, days. Don, and Dick, Cook of Kenilwortb tcf t July 6, to join their -family at their, sumrhi' home in' northert Minnesota.* Don bas% been staying for summer schoot at New Trier. You Spent,$> 25 and.. SAVED $ 2 5?< -but How.o F OR $125, ERMINE CLEANERS restored the original lovellness to ber last summer's frock. Now she can save ~the $25 she had expect- ed to spend for a new frock. We work 'Mir- acles with clothes. You can send your 1ig h t summer garments to us with every feeling of confidence ...Our ex- perts have had yeas bf experience in this work. Phone today--our serv- ice man wil eall. TO BURNý READ WHAÀT H., A. FINNEY, M3 GR EEN WO0D AVE£, WILMETTE, SAYS: L amn very nuuch satiéi<m. tor W" $120.0. Toula $U40W. Silent Autonmatic was les& than $210,08 to operate. Saving U50%. Oit is 20% les$ uiow, wich means $40.00 more for Mr. Finney, next winter. THE FALL R USHlu IS ON-ONLY 7 WEEKS TO SEPT. 1 -START PAYING ~~1. Orro F. PisHUim, Fresdent* dt Avenue Phone Wihnette 3710 or 704 d PIant-4-Waukegsn and Webster Aveu., Highwood, 111. Phone Highland Park 3710 900 Umdn Ave. Hub6iad Wood& Wm..ou j- uIM lms 3SImuau Evausto., Cr.m.d07" MUain Office,

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