one wnîcn js» a bit more reai. Tisî difference may be the resuit of but onie stroke' of the brush. One stroke of the brush makes of this one work masterpiece. * Inthe realmn of, gardening, the mak- inmg of pictures Àrith trees, f oliage and the tinited fiowers, %the touch of the master artist often , turns a> rathe'r * ordinary -bit of landscape into somne- thing superb. The magie touch required. by one garden Vista to make -it a mùasterpiece may be' of an entirety different char- acter f rom what is needed by anther. One garden scène, may be weak. in its backgrounds, another may contain col- ors which, Iack harmony, one may be lacking in color other than green, one may flot. bave the proper contrasts in its shades of -green. A lawn surrounded with borders may beineffective be- cause the borders -are flot Well f aced; that, is to say that the Unes where lawns. and borders mecet are flot of the mnost effective in f ulfilling thieir purpose. Of ten. a ' lawn whose lope represents one continuous sweep, May bc greatly improved by changing it into a two- level lawn, and this need not be a mnatter of. terraces, intersecting walls or anytbing formai. COLOR CONTRASTS The ferîx roomi at Garfield Park con- servatory is a vivid example of the potency of proper contrasts and blend- ings in the shades of the nxuch used green f oliages. There was no Imuit placed on time, on skill, on experience, on study, on experiment, to malce this conibination a real masterpiece. Per- haps no combination is so superb that it May be classed asperfect, but many' There are many, unbelievably nany, very fine gardens, wherein there are, borders, corners, rock gardens or pool èdgings .whicb are almost wholly I ack- it is flot necessary thiat any garden bc a blaze of. color throughout the grow- ing season, but is very easy to include something, just a touich here and there among what should be rather a id and frtee plantinçz. sonie touch Vhc 25N FACILe 75c. Ai Drug SANiIAX s ~ PROD UCTS 12 S. Jefferson and Departmont stores more sturdy anu xlormaî. xerns, lowly and practical iris. The effi be as startling as the rearrau by an artistic hand, of a poc sernbled bouquet. STUDIES IN FORM Now among the evergreen trees we have many sorts whose perpendicular. 1ines predominate, characterize :ai.d recommend. themselves -for certain uses,, selection1 where pyramnidal or'columnar effects are,.needed. There are many sorts which have. opposite characteris- tics and which often, need- to be used, to f ace, up theý tall siender f ellows. Ferns used ini conjunction- wîth the. conifers also afford the advantages, of these various,,contrasts,.. h imany'ferns the lateral or horizontal lines are the outstanding contributions especiaily if- used %vheùe a horizontal accent is much needed. Now a fernery. which is a fernery only, wilI, if it is of considérable size. appear to be somnew hat monotonous, there .being just too u ch of the sarne sort of tihing, Now this ca1i be very easil1y relieved and a most charming general effect produced by ir.cluding a few touches of iris, not forgetting the' Japaniese sorts, somne of the ornamentai gras5es, atouch here and there of the too often overlooked cardinal lobelia with it s tait showy spikes of bloom. ftni Iv at home in such a setting. It. is the rule rather than the ex-. ception that the border plantings of' nools Iack the f ull beauty which sucb wild aquatic plantings miay have. They A _ 11I- -41A . milt vuges Ii-meipool, conzcaîiiîg hoth the pl)1s edge and the water .....e .. lM&OUIM PSatngSumrnoW"i AMy é.ach Coul. Por é-é Chcg.Write, mire or phou CARTER P. BROWN THE CASTLF 0 CASTLE PAK, MICHIGAN Tel. MoUéid $726 Rates reducd-mdcuding eale, $30-$3$--$40 a week pr person. P older sent on requcat 'd'e ~ VI v v E' 4- 'm ln