expense has beeii spared to mrate an artistic, bar monious atmospherefor the cornfort and weII being of those whom we are privileged to serve. Picwured to, the lef t we present. a vYiew of our spacious reception room and, pipeý organ. This home is yours, ro use 'In. tmes of need. The Oldest Establisbhed Unidertakers on the Ilmmediate North Shbore UNDERTAKER. "The House of Personal Serviçe" 'E1118,GREENLEAF AVE. WILMETTE 6~54 554 CENTER ST. WINNE-rKA 404 RED CROWN QUAKER. STATE, MOTOR OIL BAITERIES AUTO STORAGE DAY & NIGHT Superior Ambulanlce Service Licensed Lady Assistant ""t' _________________________________ 'j LET UIS MAKEý YOU. PROUD 0 FYOUR CARý' What a shamie to drive a fine car and ilot bc proud of it! Send your car to us for -a bath, and you wyill bristie '%vth pride whien it is' rctu.ried. SIMONIZING WASHING' POLISHING GREASING REPAIRING' TOWING SERVICE DAY & NIGHT Complete[Was hing No malter u'hat the job miay, be you cantr .u st u4s to doýit th orotghly> 1~~Linden Croit Garage LINDEN AVE, See Tom £or Complote Garage Service WMETTE SKOKJFE MOTOR ,CO*: SALES SERVICE 1~ Main Street týte