in New 1'ictures Robert 'Montgoniery will be seen bn is first starring rote ini "Sfiip-. mnates," a spectacular story of navy life whicb ill be sho%\n at the XiI- mette theatr 'e on Sunday, Monday and-Tuesday, july 5, 6 and,7. This spectacular c a - reers in the bis- tory of ýt h! e screen. M a king his* debut scarcely two years ago in S"So This Is Col - lee"M ongom- ery subsequently scored one. suc- ; cess after another in such vebiicles Ilousé," "The Di- Rt. Montgomr vorcee," "Inspira- tion, "The Easest \V'av" and "Stratigers« Mas- Kiss.".. \Iolitgonieryv*s leading lady* in'bis initial 'stellar rote is Dorothy j.or- dan, who %vas teamed with hlm in] "Love in the Rougît." Others ini the cast of "Shipmiiates" are Cliff E, ci- wards, Gaviin Gordon, Joan Mrb Edvvard Nýugent Çeorge Irving and Hedda Hopper. The picture,, "Shipmates," a roman-, tic narrative of the career of a dare- devil sailor, Nvas filmned withi the -co- operation of the naVv departmnent. The animal force-firing practice of the Pacific Jattle fleet \vas sound for the first tie. for spectacu- lar episodes, and the U. S. S. Colo- rado w'as placed at the disposal of * the coxnpanly for shipboard: scenes. The dreadn aught was \vired for * sounld and placed at the disposai of, the company before departing for thie Panania naneuvers. Gloria Answers Question On W\edniesday, Tbursday and Fn-ý aj uly, 8, 9 and. 10, Wilie>tte aud- iences wJ1ill watch Gloria. Swanson, anlswer the following question: Is it worth - While for an ,eIder sister.3 .risk the destruction of her. o1wmn ro-, m.nance i order to fruistrate .a dis- cardedl lover's attemrpt to in Iler- youniger sister? Glonila Swanson, as the eider sis- ter, lives the note, of the very modern * jerry Trent in this film, '*Iidiscreet.." uJ m~Aie, wii1i oeine %AAA5At.iuni.y 1jouse picture this week-end, Friday and Saturdav, July 3 and 4. Thiere will be no Saturday mnatinee unless it rains, prevetiting celebratiôn of events 'at the- Village -Green. ' A - not- able ,-cast . will incude Leon Janney, Lewis Stgoîie and Irene Riché Recognized critics prais. , be' Son," a filmi which, deals with the solving-of difficulties that arisewhen. a boy is isund'r*stood by his father. Nelson. Green, of Filmi Estimates, says:. .Still better than. Boy. OU Minle' mnade years ago,.. WNhole -cast excellent, Janîiey inotable. . .Spleil- did example of, screen 's finest possi- bilities." Irene Rich, as the sympa- thetic wife a.d . inother is supèrb), poised and entirely charming., Lewvis Stone, -the, forbidding, and unap-ý p roachable father but. lovinlg bus- band, does admirable work., The problemns this famiily> fac.e, the life they lbye- 's real-not just 'picture> book life but life as you and 1 %would Ilive lit today or toinovrpw. The Gen;- eral Federation of \Vonieti's Clubs writes, -Ani excellent picture recom- miended for ail ages," wvhile James, E. W%,est, the Chief Scout Executiýe- of the, Boy Scouts of America,. declares in a letter written to the producers of this film, -1 coinmend the picture iriost heartilv and hope that everboy worker, every teacher and every - one interested iii boys' wYork will see i. Gloria Swairson is ncarly brouglît 10 qjrief Pv Monr1oe OZu'sley wh-ose face is ecjering front te right of t his ýicîtire. .411 this happenrs iii te thrillilly alîd drainatic filoin, "hIp- discr-eet." tobePcshow'i<flic Jtheil- incite theatre îeied~,Thitrs- lay and Friday.JuiilV 8, 9 anzd 10.ý Great Character Star in "Subway Express" Ethel Wales contributes another diffi cult characterization in "Sul)-, way Express," the Columbia film Monday. and Tuesda,juIy 5, 6 anal 7, she plays the rote of a fussy West- ern woman, Who is. taking ber first, subway ride.- Ethel' Wales bias built tup .a superb. reptitation for bher. su- perb charact er portrayals-and ber. appeanan c 1e, in a Éfimisusually ,ole of the highlighits. Leading roies in '.Subwvay. Express," a baffiing munder mysteny, are played by. Jack 1IoIt, Aileen Pringle and Jason Robards. Fred Newmieyer directed. at 6:.30 P. M. ITPS COOL iIERE j Qulty o Quantlty" Only the Best Pletureg Lest Tiie»sTqniglmt Fri. and Sat., Jul 3-4 M thee saturdaOîl "Acon-e~du Sun. to ýTues., J.17 S-I-T Robert Montgomery Wed., t. Fr1., JuIy s--» SIl Saturday, JuIy Il Wooluer ln "1CRACKED NUTS"l Mon.-Tues., JuIy 13-14 Tonight (Thunsdav) Charlie Chap- lin will shuffle and swagger th-rough1 realms of adventure, emôtion and siapstick pitfa'lls as the star of "Cityl Lights.", This non-dialog mtotion pic- ture production, synchnonized withý music and sound effects, ii a master- pieceý of pantomime. "City Ligh ts" is an original -idea and was written by Chaplin. a 5Z-week radî ~io 141 L aKlIg iJO iii behind the scenes on the miovie lots, 'Miss Knapp joins Winnie Lightner, Richard Barthèlniess, John Barrymore and others in a feature which showvs that Hollywood if e is tiot al play and niowork. With a stony of love and .adventure.. running throughout, the new, playlets present a side. of. HoIlywoôd life littie f eatured1, it is sta ted. Froint Bootht Tarkington's ',Boy 0O' Milne" Note No satur.lay Matline aunless ru-in prevents programt at Village Green' 'il Il 1 I.: in