* Libert.y Beli.s!* ýOn ýJuly 4th -we> have .a day... a ýday, for commemorating Our National In d ep en d e nc-Our National Liberty And 'Closelv xkin to ,these comcs PERSÔNAL INDEPENDENCE - ýfor.the.Iiberty f a nati-on cati bc no grea4ter iian the individual liberty of its citizeýns. To 'have, liberty there must bc frecdom from wýorrN,. f rom financial, slavery. And for -0he v a st majority o f peopfle a .GROWING SAVINOS ACCOUNT in a sale bank is the quickest and surest road to Libertv. This. is 'the July ciana inters t period for. saving s accou.n ts-' Ail savinys deposits, made ol2 or belote IJuhIy u-1 lb reie ci t h ihnterest fro m JUlyý deoittody in th«is st',ng baink.' YOUR ïs.Make yourý HOME BANK ATRU"ST COMPANY