jolinson, Bruce Wagner, Roberti ýVite. Troop 38--John Jackson, Daniel Teberg, Barrett Willson. Troop 44-W. A. Logan. Troop 4- Robert Anderson, Harry Dunn, Don-1 ald Haltenhoif. Stafford Kelley, BilIy McConilell,-Johi Roberts. Troop,50-John Ginter, Bud bock- ridge.- Robert Ginter, Troop 53-Ray Danielson,- John Ifilx, James Orphail. Troop 54-11.. Englebrecht,, Lycll Gleason, Edward. Perkins, ýRobert Perkins. Troop- 55-W. A. Engstrom, James Appleyard, Richard Appleyard, Alphonse Linster., .Robert 'Morton' Gerhar.dt Rugen, John XVoods,.Ken- nletlî Zimmerman., Troop 61-Robýrti Eldert, George Anderson,- Bih', S.cllick. >Richard Thornieyer, WN\oodt- rowv Wilson. Troop 67 at Camp Troop 67-Lieut. Scott, Boyd Býran- son, Jack Dibble, Bill Du Bois, Tedl Du Bois, Harry. Klein, Richard Knioblock, Louis Moffat,. Rudolpli Peschman. Troop 77-WVilliam Sh ca- hian, Stanley Degner,. Charles !Fen-. wick, Robert Olsôn, 'Melvin Roiise. Stanley Rouse, Earl Sniall, Edwin' 3'Smai!.Woodrow XVilliams,., Juinior. Offi cers: Frank Appeard. John Dernehi, Steve .Brooks, George *I-inn, Carl -Huncke. .,Cordon Kellev, Jeromie Nevins. Jack Osborne. Rod-" cric Smith, Atlan' Swabacker, Bobi \Vhiite, Robert Gritzhau, David La- Hue. A rea Council lias New RegistrationsIý Tie follo-wing Scouts registered ini tlie 'Xrtlh Shore Arca council,' BoyN ScouIts of Anierica, last weëk: Wilmette-Troop 1, William Knep- iper and Bil Wilcox; Troop 2, jack Ixanidall, Troop 3,. Gervase Bartihilil: Troop 8, Jack J acoli and Roger \Vil- lianis; TIroop 10, Fred Baker, La.ýv-* rence- Schwahl and Edward Stancoe, (lropped re-reýistered; Troop. Ë George Hahu,: Richard Kenît, hre Ma Frrnand Ernest Mundiitee: Troop 12, Jack Dieterich and Patil \-Vright. Wýinnetka-TrôoÔD19, Emiory Saw - gatta, and will be held oftecu site ini "No MUan's Land," between Wilmette and Kenilworth. Vice-commodore Kennéth Bril baker, chairman of thle conimittee, an. nounCes therec will he-five raices : Class B and Cj,,clyrôplane races - Class B- and C,, Displacemie-nt races. and a Free.-fora! It is- expecteci this wvill be the Iarg- est outboard regatta in. this section- of the icounitry. Mfore than a hun dr.eti of the. best outboard 'racers in thisT territory, are expected to, cohipete.I LEAýDERSi have need' Sttawboemy 0F MEN :11,7 A tail, rector o .f th e inistitution. Admission ivili be free to aduits as well as to children. Past experience indicates that ma.ny thousands of persons wMl vidit this weekend.. Su n- day as well as Saturday, is 1 a day' when. admission. is 'free. Musetuin hours are. from 9 a. -m- to 6 p. M. Mm 1- I i