$REE L 14E For the 1931 summerscisoimpJuneI9%~toLuborDa% Lowsonia is open to the public for the first ti me. Lawsono Country Club was builtlumished, nd landscape ctcicost cfnearly umi//ioin a(W/oe.AJ moins are equ*lpped ih twin bed, combination tub, and shower, circulotin8 ice water, end.the Fite is strictly modern and fIreproof in every deti.1 * Lawsonia is acrchitecturaljewe/ ýin ihe center of settinq of 1200Occresformerly the privale *estate OF Victor E Liwsonthe late mil lionaire publishier of the Chice~ Daily News Wthin these Duvte grounds are ??mni/es oipoedroods, Lai'- LAWSONIA COUNTRYV CIB HOTI or inquire at our CHI 520 N., Mich;igan ,Afenue, .Suite Phone WISCONSIN Derior 4416, 5111