Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 29

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[ i--fteen :nenibers- iif the ihome and Gardeni club of Kenilworth rnotored to Mrs. Alexander Reichniann's es-, tate in Iarrington. Starting about j il o'clock the guests arrived at 12:30) and found 'inviting littie tables set out on the lawn ready for luncheon. .1t was very pleasant to, see Mrs. FReicbniann's beautiful grountds and flowers. Her rose garden is a treat. t is an open sunny spot back of ber. house, circular in forrn, about fiftvy ' feet in diaineter, enclosed by a -white picket fence and e»tered through a white arcbed gzatewýNay. And. the roses ! Pink, White, and red, many v arieties and a great profusion of 1)60M! *Mrs. Reichmann is a great lover * of birds so she bas built a very large cage for tbem (wbich is also in the *en closure), where she 'has green love lirds and another beautiful variety' with turquoise blue breasts. She also, has canaries, one. lovely wbite one and'the saine gray parrot wbicb al lier old' friends. know so wéll, that 's sits in a most dignified. manner on bus perch on the porch. On the side of ber bouse is anin i- teresting garden of ber cacti. AUl of these desert plants blossorn sométimel duriig _tbe year, in ber greenbQu se. She. bas ,taken lovely'.pictures -Of * these wý%hen in. bléoom and -,las given some very enJoyahie talks in Kenil- worth sbowing these> exquisitcý colored slides. After: luncbeon Mrs. Reicbmanfl took ber ,gýuests to see tbe lovely garris helonging to H. Stiliman Hart and Jamnes McMurray,,. Mr. H-art's vrden lbas (mite formai ý;to1e CIIfc48qo 'Fin est ResiclentialHo tel r 4 was a qc TO, SAIL FOR EUROPE Miss Charlotte Moody, daugbter of Mr. and Mý,rs. Ralph W. Moody, 1235 Asbland avenue, left on Tuesday for New.York and will sail1 tomor roW on the S. S. Brittanic for a tnip abroad. Sbhe wiIl be accompan ied1 by Mrs. H.ý G.. Horder and ber daugbter, Miss Doris Horder, of Glencoe.Afe visiting England and 'Scotland tbey. will travcl on, thé continent -and ex- pert1 to >return to tbè States about Septeniber L. In the fait Miss Horder wiIl enter b er. sopbomore year a! .Northwestern uiliversity. Stafford Drake, Jr..and bis brotber. Dene, 1012 Li:tden -avenue, wil spend several weeks Ilat àa camp near St. joseph, Mich. Mr... and Mrs. Drake, Wbo motored tbem tbere, re- turned to tbeir borne on Monday. ýMrs. G. S. Roberts, 1135 Lake ave-: nue, entertained as hier guests Friday of Iast week, Miss Elsie LePrad and ber sister, relatives of bers from Ta- coma, Wasb., wbio were on their way- to1 visit tbeir mother in Toronto, Canada. Byron Casseli of Pasadena is visit-I ing in Kenilworth at. tbeborne of b is daughter and ber family, the, H. C. Heatons, 162 Abingdon avenue. Mr. Casseli is the former treasurer of the Monon railroad and bas many f riends in this part of the country. >A17 Hotelof True Character K. zê A discr MARSHALL FIELD & COMPAN-Y: Now 0 ýe a A TIMELY S EILLIN DRESSES Ithrou-h-the-day SIU*MMýER STY-LES A white 2-piece, washable dress . afloral chiffon with a wide. white collar.. a silk frock with an Eton jacket in a contrasting color . .a sleeveless 'crepe with a contrasting scarf and beit. Phone Bittersweet 2100 B. ]B. WoLon. 14g. 6200 Kefimore at Granvlle Phone Briargate 8000 4é~ ~ Also fo ur styles from the High Sehool Girls' Corner . . . $8.75 and $15.75. FOIJRTH. FLOOR. 1 The Belmont ... fifteem .75".

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