Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 24

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[f etwisdc d te say c h t od ay." ta0 go The. pastor pechsSunday niorning, July 5. Both the sernion and the niusic willl be ln keeping with the season of the year. The. Church school programi for the soummer ýis modified to meet condition"- over which ùne ýof us-;have control. It ls, simlar to the plan followed for the last tWo summers. These' two trials have sgeemed to justif by thus method of, meeting an increasingiy .ýdifficuit situa- tion. Its' success thus Year rests upor. the hea'rty cooperation of aIl:concerned., The Des Plaines Camp meeting opens Sunday, July 5., Bishop Edwin Hoit *Hughes wiIl b. the speaker at the eve- ning service which bçgins at 7 :45. p. iW. Services wiii be hold, each morinlg, afternoon, and evening up to and ln- cluding Sunday ' Juiy 19 R.ev. John W. Langdale, the famous book editor ni' thé JtMethodiat Epizcopal. church,,wil'i speak each evenlng froin Jul.y6-. to 10. The a fternoon services will be ln' charg- of C. K. Carpenter, and the morninz meeting will be led by C. G.,Carsweil. The preacher for S3unday, July 12j ln tliî. morning and evenlng 1la Bishop. E.. L. Waldorf, the, afte'rnoon speaker belur Doctor Loren M%. Edwards of Deuver. T'he caming season for floy Scoutu and Girl Scouts has. opened. Many of the boys and girls' frozn troops iln this church have aiready left for'camp and others_ will- be, going throughout the. summer.wrtLegenstteein July S. Some oif our youug people will be ln attendance there. The. Directory, prepared aud published- by the Woman's Aid, la lu the print- er's hands and wlll soon be completed. Englisiz Lutkeran G*reenleaf avenue at Seventh street Wilmette Carl 1. Etupson. pator THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER 'rRINITY 9:45 A. M. ... - . ..... Sunday School Arthur Stark, superintendent' 10:45 A. M.. ............OQrgan 'Reital 11 :00 ýA. M.. Morning Worshir: Sermon; -The Cornerstone of Nationial Security", The' Church council willlmeeét at the- cliorcli Tuesday evenlng. 77:30 P. M. Let us convene promptly and get away .at an~ early hour. Every memnber present. 'Miss Agnes Saari Young, concertso prano of Chicago, la our guest sooist Sunday morning. The notebÏooks of' the Confirmation ciass must be turned iu totii. pastor at once.. offert6ry, "On Wings of $0119" Mendelssohn Solo, .0 Lovihg ' ather- .-..Del Riego Postlude, "FantasIa"......Ferrata Phillip Kaler, baritone, wlll b. the- soloist, wlth Miss Emlly Rtobets at the organ. The. Church school will. meet at 19 o'clock for a.,one-hqur session, the Be- gfinuers and Prlmary departmnents u n- der th~e direction of. Mine Bertha group were Julia Carroll, vorotny 1101- Iway, 'Mary Mordoif, Katherine Shank, and Hlelen Young. Miss Hope Carroll aet(compllanied the girls as their Camp Fire guardian. Presbyterian Chuïrch Woman's Club Greetileaf avenue and Trenth street Church office: State Bank 'building Telephone, *-Wilmette. 64 ýand 688 W e cordially welcome al who wor- ship with us' froni Sundgy to .Sunday. Strangers and visitors are invited tr. come again and'those wlthout a church affiliation are lnvlted to unite wlth ut In Christian fellowship.. Church, Service as usualeach Sundây morning, at Il o'clock. Mornlng worshlp, hour conducted by, the Acting Pastor, Rev. Selden L. Haynes, D. D. Sunday. sihool will meet at 9:30 a. ni. throughout the sommer niqËths with a- program adaptedto meet the -needs,àand attendance during *the vacation geason., The, Christian Endeavor society wll meet at 5 :30 p. nm. for their hour of fel- iwbpfollowed by the. devotional study. Place of nieetIng willI be 'af nouncéd in Sunday school and churü!' service. Junilor church dlscontinued du'rling the 4uniegr. There %vill. be -no Prayer Meleting dur- ing Jùly -and August. Following is the nîusieal prograni for Sunday, July 5: Prelude, 'Re%,erie".......Schutt Solo, "Couic Ye Bles-sed".....ct .Offertory, "Deep Riv'er- .......... ......... ... Negro Spiritual PQstlude, "March lu C"....... .Faulkes Erma Rounids, organilst Edwa'rd: Otîs, soloist *Calîs for service oif any kind, lnelud- *ing pastoral service, can be furnished at ahl timies by communicatlng with the church. secretary, Mrs. Boitwood, 721 Park avenue, Willmette 688, or Dr. Ha.,ynes, Central 4302. Notices for. Wilmnette Lifé mulst reach the Secretary not later than Tuesdaty morniflg. jBtist Cuc Wilmnette and, Forest' avenues * Geo. D. Allison, pastor "A Church that Cares". During the sommer months our wvor- shlu wiii 'hA centered in the nmornlng,, 10 :00 a. in. Advanced Bible ' cass. Il :00 a.mn. Second service and sermi-on. Sermion : "The Cities of Refuge." M»EETI2WGS lNonday, at 7:45. Choir rehears al. .One of the interesting instltutfons o)f the 0,1d Testament was *the Cttiee of Refuge. Th% sermon next Suuday.wlll The convention of the Northern 1liI- iois district of the Missouri sYnod is now in session at the gymnaslum of the Concordia Teachers' college. at River Forest. Sonie five hundred dele- gates equally dlvided between the clergy and the iaity are attendlng. Ail services are held at Grace Lutheran' church. Visitors are always welcome. The -forenoon sessions are .devoted to the discussion of -doctrinal matters oni the bagis of a,.paper on the'AugÈsburg eQnfesgsion delivered by Pastor Carl Hoffman -of Minneapolis, Minn. 'The afternoon ýsessions are giveni over to matters of church administration and business. St.JiAugus tines Next Sunday, July 5, will be the flfth SUnday after Trinity.' There wlll be Holy Communion at 8 a. mi. and Holy Communion with address at il1 a. ni. Next Sunday being the llrst Sunday of the month, Will be Corporate Comf- munion 9unday for both the Boy.sý' and the Girls' Communion leagues, büth at 8 a. ni.,tnd il a. m. 'Henry -Fowler. junior warden, R. N Wade, treasu'rer, andi Randolph Nt- Candilsh, vestryman at St. Augustlne's, -;pent F'riday night. and Saturday at the Xtoughtellng Yforum for business men, Twlh Lakes,, Mlch. The attendance last Sunday at 8 a. M. was aimost double that at the il a. m service, - International Club to Hold World Mart The International club of the Na- tional College of Education will pre- sent a miniature world mart at the college on Tuesday,. july 7. Sandals; from japan, parasols, dainty dols; boxes and bags and other novelties frorn many lands will be found for sale. Goods from 'Alaska,, and Hono lUlu are now en route and are: ex- pected to arrive on tume. A Brittany tea room with Mme. E. J. Dumas iln charge will prove a conifortable rest- ing place. Ail friends of the Interna-- tional club are invited1 to attend. The..hours will, be f rom Il o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock. iiithe evening. Miss Kathleen Harris of the ways and means comnîittee of the International Club ie in charge of the event. She will be assisted by ail the members of the club who arr attcnding the college summer school. Ga., is visiting-hem-- ert M. Brown, 221 1: ing the summner nic teaclier in,«the Atli Atlanta, rs. Robi- ave, dur- She is a school. 0o- During the past week-end Mrs. Claude F. Hill of 1240 Gregory ave- nue entetained as her guest,' Mrs. Kathemfine Fell of Utica, N. Y. .1 visit nere. M'r. and Mms. Leroy J. Steffen, 1356 Ashiland,. avenue, -gave a dinner paty last '1r'iday evening for the out-of-town visitors... Mrs. Anton H. Fiegen' of 1230 Maple. avenue. was hostess to the. màembers of hem five-hundred' club ,Wed.nesday, july L. summer session yesterday, ïs a tasc - nating suhject and one that touches the probleins of modern life at unex- pected angles. This lecture was. the first of a series to be given during the summer session on Thursday nmorn- i ng' at Il o'clock. Ont July 2, Pres. ident Ecina Dean Baker will speak on ..What Makesý Character" -and ,on' July'9,-Dr., Paul uc noeditor of -the "Christian' Century" will dis- cuss. "Modern Trends in Religion." Other, lectures will be, announlced> later,, and' a cordial «%welcomùe is ex- tended to those interested. In speaking of "Arts and the Child, Mr. Watson emphasized. the fact that, we are living in the most mfagnificent age of mechanics.> "Man. has mùas- tered the earth and the water uncler the earth and the heavens over the earth.. The Cenitury of Progress ex- position in Chicago ýiii.1933 %vill pre- sent a .n. overwhelming, conivincing démonstration of what man 'lias done *.and I arn coilviiced.that-follow- ing this there will beý the most Mag- nilicent spiritual revival and soul de- veJopment the *orld has knowii. -An age when one can carti a liv- ing by working two ana a haîf hours a day needs ne.w ideas on recreation. XVhat is muan goîng to do to find em- ploynient, occupation? O. ue clothing,, food and shelter, are provid.edby,.the pull of a lever. \We are'ý living in, an age of mechanical service.,'The bestý thinzg to estaish in thé child is con- fidence in hinself-that. he can p'ro-; duce, create, make somiething as~ an individual. Constant correction is deadly iin any work Nvith children. Give. thèmia chance to express theni- selves, keep the road open for thern and give' suggestions ilow and then. "Evcry humian. being is an amtist potentiaily and only the tragedies of training and environniènt hinder and spoil that gift. It is5 up to the teachler to ward orf the tragedies that'inter-' f ere .and give the child a 'chance to, develop., Give childreti the. oppor- tunity to'be happy and of service to their1 families and. comimunities. This age depefics on. creation. of bea uty within mechanics,; We Can only -suc- ceed hy making everythîng we' use more and mnore beautiful. Get chli- dren art-ninded. Help them to sce the fun of rnastering a musical in- strument, modeling a piece of sculp- ture, making adress, lands£aping a garden." Mr.. Watson gave many practical

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