fre5nuJvn, while nistory nas a collec- tion of students from ail the classes, There is a* môst unusual number of students taking commercial courses this sunimer. The tennis courts are accessible to ail stuclents. in summer school. A few niay be. permitted. to sign out of the libriary for -balf an hour, at a time. in order to. play a game. This- is a special privilege., and if flot abused, wilcontinue for all th.ose desiring to use it. The swimming classes are in 'pro- gress in the pool every morning. Lit- tle tots about 5 and,6 years old may be seen trotting along with their bathing caps and robes flying in the breeze. There, is. a large class of cftingsters taking swimmi ng this year, larger than in the past. Students may know W'hen. .thel are, verv close to the tardy hour. if theN see the janitor.putting Up Old Glory on the fla~g pole about one minute to eighit ever.v mor ning. Thiat leaves one' minute to reach the classrooin. Summe r schiool is a great modemr institution and the grumblers had bet- tér reinember that' in Russia. if s-ol grumble wheni in scliool, they send vo u -to Nwork, and, that rmight flot please everyone here, if that ivere adQted in, tle Uuited States. Art Institute Gets Rare Set of Japanese Books A verv rare set of books lias just been presented to the Ryersoti library ofthe.Art mistituite bv MNrs. Johin M. Coulter, widow of the late Professor Coulter of the Departnient of Botanyl of theLniversity of Chicago. The. title is "A History of Japanese. Art"' compïIed by the Imperial M\useumof Tokivo. The three volumes are bound. in cloth. del icately ste nciled« in ancienit textile design, and fitted,,into.a hand-i some portfolio. 'the edition was-very limited; th'e text' of the mnajorit%- of the copies. wvas in japanese but a very smnall number were printed -%ith the tet VISITS AT AIRPORT Stiles Whipple, former student at the Curtiss-Wright Flying school, Glenview, recently purchased a plane. Lact wek he flew ini f om Wisconsin to pay bis respectis to old acquaintances at the school. FR~EE PAR KING Announce Guide-Lecture Tours at Field Museum, Next week's guide-lecture tours for, the public at Field museuni will he- giii Monday, July 6, with "Palmsand Cereals". at Il a. m. and "Industrii'1 M.N.odels" at 3 p. mn. On Wednesdav athe samne boums subjects will he "Dwellers, in the Far North" and expense from any point in the Loop, any Loop L or the Northwestern Station. drive uptIo our doors. An attendant will park your car and return it to you. stred ntap- $75 OPEN EVERY MON»AY AND SATURDAY EVENINGUNTIL 10 P. M.- Saturday, July 4, IUWEPENDflICE DAY (Plreworks> Tues4lay, ftly 7, UERMA~iN IONffT PA TR ONI'Z'EO0UR A DVERTISRRS CJohn abUsA.d 1*67 3<AWUFACT axas - UTZIJLERS-JMPo1~rz~s hi Ineeholesk