Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jul 1931, p. 12

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The fourth week of summer play- ground activities which openls Mon- da? morning at the Central, Vattruan park, and Village Greeni playground.s respectivelv brings two very import- ant activities to the childreli attend- ing the grounds. First of- ail, playgroûrnd track eet elimination contcsts will. be held in: prearaionfor the village-wide, track and field meet to be condûcted àt, the Village Green during the follow- ing. week. éh local contests next Nweek are im portant in tthat each playgrouild thus determines its cen- trants in the big Meet. junior -ind iniermecliatc girls',have the added interest >in that they must prepare their . dolls for the annual doIli show and exhibit >wh-Iich mill he conducted on each separate groune.' during the latter part (if Uth e k. The dolls mu.st be original a td be muade on the grounds and mlav be rmade out of any kind of mate":a?. Daniiel 'M. Davis directoe of, recreation, said -ni -a-now~ingthe contest. Seior. girls, or, girls ahove twelvc * years of age. rnav exhil.Mi theicshow but their dolis mnav flot be suhmuitted iii the contest for ribl)ons. New Hiandicraft Activity> A new landicraft activitv will àasô be, introduced, 'that ýof basket iwca- *ing. 'This- activity is l)egufli ini nîd- season this- vear liecause o u letngth of timnitecessary to coniflete the projects and plavground instrtlc- tors are allôwing for enougli timie to fnish the projects before the animal playground exhiibits at the close of * the season. Scooter~ races., for boys anîd girls under nine years of age will be onle of the noveltv. events for the %Nck. The races -will be cond(ucted on die several playgroutnds silice the con-l testants are too youing to i)rovide a village-wide conipetitive event f or. j them.. Easy Pitching Soft Balil Game Sc/sediled An easy pitching "soft ball" base- baIl game will lie plaved next Thurs- day eveninir at the Village Green be- Al tLa by 7: Maily cal at thi and1 7;:15 lii to *Elites vs. Hawks ;- Hoff man Florist II vs. Terminal A. C.; Hoffmau Flor- ist I. vs. Termhinal A. C. vs. Hawks; Steiner Plunibers vs. E lites; Village Cieaner-ý vs. Hoffmafl. .Tuiy 10 Hoffinan Florist I- vs. Hawks; Hlo.!- man Florist il vs.? '. ;Vil- lage Cleaners vs. Steliner ýPlumbers. Tuy13 Elites ve. Village Clean- ers vs. Hawks; Hoffman Floiist -1 vs Terminal A. C. .Iuly 14 Hoffiman Florist il '.vs. Elites; 'VU- SPORT CALENDAR- Tomorrovv, Juiy :9 j10 :60 a. In. Golf las.s foi. womlen.. Vil- lage- Green. 1 :30 p. niý. Village Gireen ind Centrai playgr»Qunds, day a t Wilmiette bea.-'é Nieet id Playgrouiidsý, 1 o'clock. 7 :15 1). n. Piayground bail for ,ien. Elites vs. Hawks. Vilte reen. 5 Il 'p.ni. I'Ialygrounid bil for* nifl. I lofflman Florist Il vs. Termltina;l A. C. iVill.tge Greena. 3odaJuIy 4 9 0 .ni. Begiinng fourth wuuk< suni- nier i play>grounid saon Oetral >«ic,ols, Vatnî it Pak, Villaige(ren 2 :00 p.ni. Sinigle$5(>flS ifor' chli- dren. Wilniette beach. :i :0».ni. dvaced swiminig claiss for ecb-lnreni. wiliîette* beac h. 4 :QO 1). ni.. Swimn:iiiing tets.. ilmiette beach. 7à :15p.m* Piigr ba Iil foi- men. Jumior A. ('. vs. Freshini. NVillage (Ireen. 7 :15 p.mn. Playgronind hImIfor nmen. Schneider $lîoe Storeý vs. Wakshiingt)n Park. Villatge Green. *Tiucsilày, .Tuly7 1 :00 p.ni. ValttImnn Park ayMat Wil-ý mîette bea ch. Meet atplîaygrounid. S1) . ni. Playgrolund bail11for mni, Terinînfti A.. C. vs. 1-1i1%vks.' ilg Green. 7.:15 1). 1l.. 'L-t-,gi'oiiid fall ,f or men. steinler Pluîîi berS s. Etes. Villalge C reen.1 '.Il 7:15 p. i. . 1ayground hllforimen. .Village Cleaners, vs. Holff 1:lait Il. Vil- lage Green. 7 :0.». i.Playgrouid, ball for girls. Vattian park. Weillnesda y. July S 2:00 p. ni. Swimiming lessons for chu-î dren. Wiliiette beach. 3 :00 p.ni Advancd swiing clai4s for Wil- nlien. Park. Hoffman Flori vs. HoffmnrFlc Terminal A. C. 15 vs. Elites; Hawks JI; Steinier PIUMb.- Hoffman Florist I vs. HoffniaiiFior- ist Il; Elites vs. Village Cleaners :- Hawks vs. Steiner Pluinberq. .Leagne Il Al games to be played at the Vil- l1age Green on Monday and Wednesday nig-bts. Games calIed at 7 :15 o'celock. A tearn whome opponents*,fail to appear by 7:30 may eau1 a forfeit. July 4, Ridge Ave. Pharmacy vs. ýSt. John's; Jr. A. C. vs. Freshmen;, Schn.eider Shne Store vs. W aghington Patk. JuIy .S Jr. A. C. .vs. Washington- Park; Ridg-e Ave. Pharmacy vs. Freshnien; Schnieid- er Shoe $tore vs. St.,Jolin'q. Children, Invited to Cubs' Bail Game Imitations for 225 children of the WN'ililettc playgrounds to atch tbe Chicago Cubs' 'gaine with Uirookh--n- july~ 20 were received 1w 1Daniel M. Davis, .director of recreation this, Weck,. The invitations were c-xtendc- cd. 1w the Cubs' mianagemlent and 'a special sectioni of tbe bleacliers w-NilI l)e assigtied-to .the Wilnîctte guests, tlic letter of inv'\itationl read's. Clildlreii who are to attendte gaine mill be selected froru the threeé p)layground's and the selection wvîll lie miade aniong tliose w-ho hiave leie regular attendants at the pla\-groundsý and participants in playgrouind activi- It is pl)alned to * have a spe.cjal North Shore line train take the chil- dren to the park under the'direction o)f several of the playgroutid instruc- tors. Admission to the park will 1e f ree of charge and the ctiildren at-: tending flic 'au Ill have only flic expensýe of carfare to and froni, tue îiark. Sixîce there are nmore than 600 cthil- dreti above. ten years of age regis- tered ini the three playgrounds, selec- tion of chilren to attend the, gaine wîil be based strictly on playgrouîîd attendance and menti. 1 ý ýs irs l Stone, recreation assistant, who is promoting the exhibition gaine an- nounices. A great deal of interest bas been manifested in the game, Mr. Stone says, and the exhibition match was arranged for Wilmette playground bal fans for this reason. 75 p. mi. Horseshoes for mîen. Con,- Frldoy, July 10 gregationàl vs. -Willnette Groeery. 9 :00 a.m. Golf class for, men. Village \'tllage Green. Green. 7 :15 p. ni. Horseshoes for men. . . . :00 P. nm. Village Green and Centrai 0. F. vs. Hawks. Village Green. playgrounds' day at Wllnîette beach. 7:15 p. mi. Horseshoes for mien. N. T.. Meet at playgrounds. vs. Ridge Avenue Pharmacy. Village 7:15 p. m., Playground ball for men. Green. Hoffruan Fiorist I vs. Hiawks. Vil-: 7 :15 p. ni. Horseshoes for men. ýOp(i- lage Green. mists vs.. Department ,of Public 71:15 p. mi. Playgroùnd bail for men. Works. Village Green. Village Cleauiers,îs.. Steiners Plumb- 7:15 p. m.' Horseshoe*s for men. Con- ers. Vilge Gr een. nacn ciass. meMer orougnt ner own lunch and met at the Howard school in the morning. Balîs, bats,- horséshoes, croquet sets, and other pieces of apparatus were provided by the Recreation board and by members of the class to furnisb the.entertain- ment for the occasion. About thirty womnen attended. il Si .1 Il * 1.1 water prograin were inaugurated at the Wilmette beach this week b members of the Playground and Rec- reation board staff. The first lessons were given Mon-. day afteruoon and.the regular sched- ùlc of classes got-under way Tues-. day, when the, first playground groups were present for lessons. Daniel- M. Davis, director of rec- reation bas outlined the beach pro- graru to caîl for activities every hiour during the afternoons, with- the ex- ception of Saturday and' Sunday af- ternoons. His prograin is: Monday and Wedneaday 2:00 p. ni. Swimmniiiîg lessons for begifiners. Open to ticket holders. 3 :00 p. ni. Swimming, lessons -for advanced pupils. Open to ticket holders. 4 :00 p. nu. Swimming tests. Enill,éiis to be awarded for, s'wîmîîîng giveni distances. Tuesday X'attnman Park day. .-Oîîv children froin that lplay-grounid -allowedi n classes. 1:30 p).ini. Swiiîunîing l1essons for.b.e-, giiiinersunetexers 2:15 P.. ni. Swinîiminig lessons for be- ginners al)ove 10 years:. 3 :00. . n Lessonis for'advanced pu- plis Thursday 2:00J p. ni. Classes for b)eginniers. Openi. 3 :00 p). in. Classes for advancv pu- *pils. Open.: 4 :00 p. ru. Wncnsswiniiîinîg clas-- es.. Beginners. Friday Central- and, Village .Green pla3- grounds' day. 044y childreil froni, those playgroundÉ allowed ini classes. 1:30 P. ru. Classe s, for beginiiers un- der 10 Ycars of age. 2: 15 P. rM. Classes .f orbegiitîners above'10 years, of age. 3:00 p. m. Classes for advanced pu-. puls. The lessons are given by inibers of the Rerceation staff and are open. to the ticket hiolders at the Wi'lmette

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