The NeW Trier High scliool board of education, Jesse R. Gathercoal, presi- dent, this week published a notice that school building bonds of- the district i the amougt of $420,00, will be re- ceived at the high school: until 8 'clock (dayligbt saving time), July 9. Bids may be entered for, the purchase of the wbole orany part of the $420,- 0,00 bond ýissue, it is stated. The bonds are issued for the purpose of. erecting a. new 'building .on the high school grounds and frnaking an addition to the present structure. It" is pointçd ouitFtlai the bonds to be sold at this time represent, $4201,000 of 'the $875,000 bond issue approved by: the voters in the scboot district sev- eral înonths ago. The bonded indebtedness of tfie high school as ot. July 1, 1931 -totals only $390,000, wbicb applies to the, new gym- * nasium'erected more than a year ago. The honding*power of tbe district ex- ceds$2,000O, it is explained. The bigh school officiais ae opeful that New Trier residents will be ini the forefront ini taking advantage -of the splendid investment represented in the $420,000 bond issue now to be sold. Detaled information concerning sale of these bonds is to le f ound on, page 29 of tbiS issue of WItU.nrTrELiFE. Ilistorical Pageant to A id Orphan Tots *A. pageant of early Chicago bistory. called "The Story of. Chicago," will be staged on, the banks of the Des Plaines river, two miles north of Des Planes Suday jue 2, 2oclock for the beneit of the children at St. .Mary's 'Training school at D~es Plaines. oeby This pageant is leing sponsrdy * the Catholic Daughters of America, and is, under the direction of the Rev. George T. McCartby,, state chaptain. Of Illinois. Members of the Q uilmette.. court who will assist inth pesnatono this drama are Miss Frances Selzer. Mrs. Clara Cîccbini and daughiter, Loretta, and Mrs.. Marion Lindstrorn. The program for thé day is as fol- *lows: at 2:15 p. m., procession froni The opein .sris of union serv- ices will be beld ai the. First Con- gregational church. Speakers for this series- will be, as follows:. July 19- the Rev. (.eorge D. Allîson, Wilmette Baptist cburcb; July. 26- the Rev. Otto R. Loverude, Great FaIls, Mont.; August .2-Prof., William H. Roberts, Unvriy of .Redlands, Calif-, August 9--Prof. A. iC. Baker, Uni- versity of Chicago (tentative). The closingsre of union services will be at theWlete -Baptist church: wbiere the following men will speak August, 16-Prof. Frank M. McKib- len, Northwestern university;August 23-Dr. Bryan Stoffer, presiden t of the Amnerican college,,Madura, India;, August 30-t4he Rev. ia . Mc- Cormack, First Congregationai churcb, Aurora, Ill.;- September 6-. the Rev. J olini G..Hindley,.,First Cont- gregational church, Wilmette., Father Neumnann Marks His 25th Year as Priest Solemnl high mass celebrating the twenty-fiftb anniversary of the Rev. J. A. Neumann's ordination to the priesthood was held at St. joseph's cburcb in Wilmette last Sunday morning. Father Neumann h as been pastor ,of St. Joseph's church for eight years. Following the mass members of the parish presented Father Neu- manin witb. a new automobile, Vari- ous societies of St. Joseph's cburch as well as a delegation froni Father Neumann's former parish in Chicago, St. Maurice, where he served uine years before coming to Wilmette, al so presentied gifts. A luncheon was held at, Father Neumnann#s home Sun- day which was attended by twenty- two priests from Chicago. Father Neumann was ordainéd to the l)riestbood at Josepbinum college, Columbus, Ohio, June 9,. 1906. He celebrated bis first solemn hi2b mass Scoutt Harrison Storms of -WiI- mette MetJéodist church Troop 3 recently receit'ed the highest ronk in Scoiiting, the Eagle rank. Scoti Storiis is the' son of Harrison A. Storirns, 251 Wood couort, Wihnie Mr. Storms is oit the Troop 3 coin- ,nittee. Harrison, started as a Tenderfoot. in February 1928, getting bis Second Class in Marcb 1928, and First CIas- in May 1928. In Nôveniber 1928, li was awarded bis Star rank and biýs Life in july 1930 at. Camp Ma-Ka- Ja-Wan. He wiil be a Junior Officer at'Camp this year. MOTOR TO BATAVIA Mrs. E. A. Beach, 1114 Ashland avenue, and ber daughter, Miss Annie, left by Motor tbe latter part of last week for Batavia, 111. Tbey drove Mrs. Beacb's sister-in-law, Miss Ella Beach ' bome, as the latter had attended the marriage of ber niece, .Miss Harriet Beach, of Ravinia, and 1-11-T1Q T I1 ara Ucoo werU letI t L La uicruug 1 i m M'ilmette board of education last week. In every case the contracts were awarded to the low bidders, Supt. J. R. Harper ot tbe Wilmette 'Public schools - states. 1... .McKeown Brothers of, Chicago, were awarded -the- general contract. Their bid was" $27,792., The total cost of erecting the addition, including the gen- eral ,contract, -plumbing, .b eatingand ventlating, elctric, wiring ,and archi- tect"s féees, will bc only $35,00W. This is $9,O0 less. than 'the amounit author- ized by Wilmetteý voters at a special élection Monday, June 15. loi Pluanbimg Coutract George A. Kearney of hvanston ha. the- contract for the plumbing work in the proposed new addition. The heat- ing and ventilating contract went to tbe Northwestern Heafing and Plumb- img company ot Evanston. The Ches- ter Jobnson lElectric'company of Chi- cago will do the electric. wlrmng. Because of the rapidly 'increain school population in the western sec- tion of the village, 'the board of edu.- cation f ound it necessary to provide some means. of talcing tare of the larg- er enrolîment at the Howard build- ing. It was decided to present to the voters a proposai for the issuance of bonds to the amount of $44,000 to build a classroom addition. Mais. KcoDeMY Move The board toolç this step, feeling that now is the time to build, when the price of materials is low. Wilmette citi- zens responded by authorizing the bond issue by a vote of 100 to 59. Th~e board, immediately weint ahead with the awarding of contracts, so that the new, addition wil Ibe ready for use wben school opens in September.. The six new classroorns wil 6be buit above the present one-story wing west of thie main unit of the Howard school. W. Jordan Wins, President's Cp in Swastika Swat Eighty-one players participated in the Swastika Swat, annual golf tour- nament of the. Shawnee Country club, Wehdnesdav, lune 17. at the Wil- RETURNS FROM LAKE Mrs. Harley, D. Lông,~ Mr. and Mrs. Royal1 Martin, son of the J. C. Kenneth Long, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Martîns of 921. Tenth street, returned D. Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. CharWe last Friday from a week's stay at H ako.j Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton, Wis., with The return tnip was made 'Sunday Chester MacLean of New' Trierlafternoon' via Oregon, 'the Black- Il High school. hawk trail, Rockford and Marengo. IL For rent-during JuIy and Au- gust-4 rm. furished cottage, bath, runnlflg water, eiectrlcity, sereen porcli. Wonderful beach on Michigan shore, near Sauga- tuck. Ph.. Wilmette, 1497,. Carlysle G. D)uncaii--lark, , 22R Wood court, left >hu rsday, June 18, to drive to New Hampshire. After visiting friends and relatives along the way, he will join bis family at their summer home in the Artist's Colony. in Michigan for 'the F'ourth. Of July.