Long go, T ERE was. a time when ýpr.intin was sirnply, printing. Except for the few who really knew something. about typsad iks and:paper, * people *were flot real, choosy,.. In recent years this has ail been, changed, Today the man in'the street and the lady. o f the house are both alive to the diff erence between the good, ýand the not-so-good, in printing as in everything .else,, an d they are apt to: ac t accordingly. ...Good Printing costs no more than the not-sogôôd kind when you consider the risk of your prospect's unfavorable reaction to poor work. LLQYDQ OLISTERK NC 1232.,36 Central Avenuie, Wilrnette Wilmette 4300 Greenklaf 4300, Winnetka 2000 Sheidrake 58