Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 55

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SAcclaimed his greatest contribution to the screen, Charlie Cbaplin's "City Lights" will be seen at the Wilmette theater on five evenings, Sunday, june 28, to Tbursday, july, 2, inclusive. LI addition -to the regular Sunday matinee, there will be à special afternoon sho- ing of "City Lights", on Tuesday after-: noonl.,,june 30, continuous, f rom' 1 o'clock. This non-dialôg motion picture pro- duction synchronized with music and. sound effeets, is a masterpiece -of, panto- mime. Chapelin's inimitable shufle and swagger carry hin ithrough realms of emotion, adventure and slapstick pit- f ails. "City Lights" is an*originial idea 'and Nvas written by Chaplin.> It is a simple story of everyday if e in any large city, with a human treatment such as the style for which this producer is noted. Not a Humai' Voice There is flot a human voice used at. any turne throughouit thée picture- but the unique manner employed throi.gb instrument.al music is declared to be a revolutionary step in synchronization. A majoirity of ail the *music used throughout, the action is original and was created.byChiplinl and arranged by .Arthur johnston. The picture is truly the magic of Chapli. -More than any production Chaplin bas ever offered "ýCity Lights" is the Most extensive. Some of the massive setting s include -the business district; sîinms, itheatrical ' sele ct; a prizefight stadium; a river and its embankment; a huge and gay caf e and the exquisite roôms of a millionaire's mansion. The action represents that *which goes on in auiy large city anywhere., There are three characters vital to the story. One is a trapip, as enacted .by Chaplin; another ýa.fiower girl whoj blind and portrayed by Virginia Cher- riJ, and the other an eccentnîc million- aire,, by Harry Meyers., And of im- portance to these threé, the girl's grand-. mother, Florence Lee; the iiiopaireý's butier,'Allan Garcia,, and a prizefighter,, Hank Manin. Warner Oland Stars Tonight ( Thursday, June, 25) War- nier Qland ill bc seen in his first vir- tuous screen role as the, hero of -the ex~- ritinadfinelv acted draina, "Char- Homse Friday evening, June 26, and Saturday afternoori and evening, Junïe 27, offer the following estimate of the great .film: ",'Ciiairron' wbich appears at Coin- munity, House this Week-end b as bcee1n called' colosb*al, but- even rolos- sal fails short of adequacy in.dcscnib- ing one of the most soulrstirniný,., one of the' most inspiring and one of the most beautiful of motioân picture Pro- ductions. H ere is a new Richard Dix' -Dix ,as' Yancy Cravat, the pioneer, the leader of 'a great anid growing. empire.. Here,- also, is Irerte Dunne, Yancy's ,remarkable*wif e, Who car- ries on his work in the face of. terrific difficultiesand Who with her beauti- fui.unselfish love ofYancy and, love of ber two cbildren rises to the high- est. place.of achievement. "Edna Fer ber hasý written' this story-a story so: vivid that it- be- comnes not just a story but life-lif e initense and dram-atic-Iif e creative .and 'idealistic! Community flouse is proud to offer such a production to the residents of Winnetka and their friends." Frank Fay Gains Start J in Rote of Teddy Bear Frank Fay, Who is starred ini "God's Giff to Women," the Warner Broth- ers Frencb farce sbowing at the Teatro del Lago on Tuesday, Wed- filmt, "City Lights," to be .hown at Ithe Wilmnette theéatre fron Sunday,. lune 28, to Thursday. July 2, inclusive. There is no dialog iin the production, but the picture is fully synchironized utith music .and sound efects.i Three Girls Get Lost in 3 Different Ways, Three girls lost. One lost ber bear ini Victor tierbert's »UUbsin Toyland." He bas.appeared in many legitimate productions in musical comedy and in vaudeville. He was one of the finest Masters* of Ceremonies at the Palace in New York, 'before entering. the taikies. Hie is supported in "God's. Gift to Women" by many, screen beauties including Laura La Plante, Joan Blondel,; Louise Brooks, Yola D'Avril, Hazel Howell and Ethlyne Clair. Mlways 720 Cool LaiTine Touaglit "&chaume Chasa Fri. snd Sat., Jun. 26-27 Starting Sunday, June 28, June 28 t.o July 2-For 5 Days speclal Matlnee Tuesday OnIy st 1 p._M. Continuous durIng tihe run et "cIty Lightu», ,C AP I çXtyUGHTJ# Fri,. -ad Sat, July, 3-4 speelal i tlneo Fr1. ut 8 P. Me will offer a double feature programi, ienai4m, wm uc.. ,,The Subw-ay Express" with Jack 28, at the Wilmette theater, 1120 Cen-- Hlt, and "The Lady Refuses" with ttal avenue, Wilmette. The pcture Betty Conipson. On Wednesday and. will have a run of five days. Friday' Thursday, july. 8 and 9, Tallulah and Saturday, july 3 and 4, "A Con-ý Bankbead wib be the star of "ýThe necticut Yankee," witb Will Rogers, Tarnished Lady." will be featured. P~ RICHARD DIX Jeature 5tartus t 7 and 0:30 comlngs "Secret Six"-IN .-Tarnfrhed IT'S COMID . mamaum

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