Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 50

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acconipflîshnients uerived îrom tests * finislhed just prior to the closiiig of the school terni are tîxade public by * Daniel M. Davis, director of recrea-. tion and also head of the Physical f.ducation departînent of the Wil- mette public schiols. The, tests are- giveni in every branch of athletics after Weeks of training, during w.hich tinme every * child froîn the fourth grade, through the eighith gradeis taught the funda- mientais ofevery sport. The last tests to be given were the 410- and 5O-yard dashes, standing b)ruad Juinp, and ruiniig broad jumiip.-'flie' recôrds as have been true Ilu ail other tests giveîî this, year have i)een rcrnark- *ably, bettei than those -achieved prev- iousiy, reports of the physical 'di- Dvi t Make Report. . After next. vearI's series of tests, Mr., Davis interds to niake publi c *somne verv interestiing statistics cou-, cerning the physical achievinents of boys and girls of granniar schooi age, which lias been one purpose (if the admiiiiistering. of the tests, iii ad- *dition to the chief purpose of teach- ing every grainiar schooi the proper fortn to use iu eacli athletic sport so that in perforining the different posts on bis football, basebali, track, or basketll1 teain he mnay give, bis ful attention te perfecting bis garne dur- *ing high school age. Soine of the records in tieý last *series of tests are remarkably high as have been thos i other tests giv- en this year. Previous to the last series, tests wer.e given i 'thie 1-inch ba sebali thromi, and the staidi!ng *broad jumup,' and aniong the' high records inade at that time but here- tofore unpublished was a throw of a. *distance of 93 feet madle by Dor- oflhy Davisw liemfber of the .6C of: 6 feet 10 luches lu the standingý broad jump. List Higheat ReCords Auiong 'the.hi-g h es t records, achieved iin the tests of the last series are:- à ABY~~T)RlfAlblump Hloward Pourtli Grade Boys 'Mrs. Joyce's roomi: Robert DeVinney, 6 seconds, Kimnbali Brown. 6 seconds. Dick Hall. 5.7 s econds. Miss Franks' rlooin: Donald Garnlss, 6.4 seconds, Franklin Kulp, 6.5 seconds, Donald Hutchins, 6.5 seconds. Miss, Brlckey's room-: Dan MeCallumu, U. seconds,.Franàk Burbott,,6.4 se conds, Donald Marsh, 6.6 secon.ds; Howard Fourth 'Grade Girls. MUrs..Joyc's roomn: Adelaide Koenan, 5.9 se2on(la, Helen Harison,.6.2 seconds, Patricia: Fisher, ..6 seconds, Carol Specht, 6,6. seconds, Winnifred> Hoff- mnan, 6.6 seconds. Miss Franks'ý room: Lucille ileerens, 6.2 seconds, Gene;Donaldson, 6.3-seconds, Jqne iiëGonzales,. 6,5 seconds. Miss Bricke.y's room: Dorothy MéM il- lian, 6.2 seco nds, Ruth Mestjian;- 6.5 seconds, Doris Trego, 6.5 second 's. ('entraI Fourth Grade Boys Miss Hardick's roohi: Roger Ander- son. 6. 4 seconds, >BlIjy Dieterichi, 6.5 seconds, James Casterline, 6.6 seconds. Mrs. Meyer's roomn: Charles. Von Tes- miar, 6.2 seconds, Richard Magner, .S seconds, Carl Mayer, 7 seconds. Mrs. blennon's rooni: Bob Lawrence, 6.6 seconds, Dick Andrews_ 6.7 seconds, Clinton Carpenter, 6.7 seconds. -1Central Fourth Grade Girls Mis adiksro.:Marian Witt, 6.6G seconds, Betty Jane Whieeleri 6.6 seconds, Edtth Menidurn, 6.8 seconds. Mrs. Meyer's room: Harline Ward, 6.7 seconds, Betty Jane Èricsfon, 6.9 sec- onds, Barbara Ripley, 6.9 seconds. iMrs. Glennon's roon: Nancy Bercaw, 6.5 seconds,, Nancy Pierson, 7.1. sec- oflds., Suzanne Clark, 7.2 seconds. FIFTH GRADE STANDING IILA>JU31P I)oward Fîfttî Grade Boys Mrs. Larson's roomn: Billy Roberts, 6 feet 2 -Inches, Jiiii Steen, 6 feet 1 Inch, ItLy Sinali, 6 feet 1I inch. âissVan Hforne's rooni: Bob Ander- son, 6 feet 1 inch, Charles Moos, 6 feét, Bob Spiegeihaur, 5 feet 11 inches. Howard Fltit Grade Girls *Mrs. Larson's; rooju : MreaSilitil, 6 feet 2 inches, Doris Pate-rson,..5 feet 11 iiwhes, Betty Todd 5 feet 8 inches. * Central FlUth Grade, Girls Miss .Fox's roomi: Frances Akely, 6 feet 1 inch, Beth Iiindley, 5 feet 9 iuches, Mary Jane Burlinganie, 5 feet 7 inches.. Miss Evati's rooim:.P:tty Lake. 6 feet 1' inch, Virginia .Sommeîrs, 5 feet 7 lnches, Julie Mcflntosh, 5 feet 5 iniehe$. Miss B3rown's room: -Dopris Jane*Fryk-> nman, 5 feet 10 tnctie!iw Alice Varney, 5 ftet 6 inches, Hiarriet Lagerlof, 5. feet 4 inches.. 1Central Fifth G rade Boys Miss Fox's rooîn.: Ted Riley, 6 feet, 5 luches, James Crawford, 6 feet, Dg-' vid Geppert, 5 feet 9 inches. Louise Scbreiber, 10 feet 1 inch. Howard Slxth Grade Boys 6A: Robert Christ, il feet, Louis Crane, 9 feet 10 luchles. 6B: Robert Hull, 13 feet 5 inches, John Welter, 12 feet 9 Jnches, Lowell Peter- soný, Il feet 4 inches, Arthur Cook, Il feet 3 inches. 6C: Frank Brychta, 14 (cet 4 inches, Donald, Scàrf, 12 feet, 4 Inches, Murray Triplett, il f tdPinches, Jack Anhault, Il feet 6 Inches.; Central Slxth Grade Girls, .Mrs. Julian's roomi:- Jean. Finlayson, 12. feet 4 tinches, Doris .Mayhercy, Il fcet & tinches, Ruth Wetzel,. 10 fet3 Inches. miss Scott's iroon Katherinie Wester, Il feet 2 inches, Ruth Ebeling, 10 feet 6 inches,. Julia 'Bo oz,* 10 1(cfet 5 inches, Daphne Craig, 10 feet 5 iniches. Mviss Jolhannson's roon: Fances Eberlein, 11 fet 3 iches, Elaine Buck<, 10i feet Il inches, BariibaraReed, 10 feet 4 inches. centrai Slxthi Grade Boys 6A: Loàwell Snorf, 12 feet 4 Inchtes, Fred Miller, 12 feet 1 inîch, James Lanmb, 11, lcet 5 triches. G6B: Bruce ýBarker, il feet 7' Inches,> Van -McQulde, il fret 6 incihe., E d Maille, 10 feet ý9 ilces. GC: Char-les Soule, 12 feet 3 inches;ý Jack Randail, 12 feet, im O'N fel1, 11 feet 8 1ieliÏes Howard Seiventlh Grade Girls 7A: Jane erandt, 14 feet 3 taches, Jerrine .Fromm, 12 feet 7 luches, Lois Roberts, 12 feet 4 luches,,Frances Col- linjs,-12 (cet 3 inches.' 7ýB: Jlanet ' ardt, 12 feet 4 inches, Mary Louise Schmeffer, 12 (cet 4 biches, H1elen Lindstroin, 12 feèet, Shirley Gar'- niss. il feet 4 inches. Hloward Sei'enth Gradte Boys 7A: 'lavid Hlaas, 14 feet 1 inch, John Speredes, 13. feet, Don Hlermanson, Il. t'cet 9 11-iches, Harlow Triplett,- il (cet 6 inches. 7B: Herald Maîny, 13 feet 10 luches, WVilliamn Wade, 13 feed 8 inches, Frai]k Koeun, 12 (cet 7 biches, Gerald Spin- ner, 12 (cet 3 luches. Sto1» Seveatii Grade Girls Miss Perring's uooni: Estella Breti- nerý Il feet Il luches, Doris Sauvage,. 10 (cet 5 inchtes, Ch'lar-lotte Anderson, 10j (cet 4 luches. Miss Davis' rooin: Sue Spinney, il. (ceet 4 inches, Jean Cutler,, 10 feet l inchtes, Helen. Shane, 9 (cet. 9- luches.ý . Ars. Vernon's room : IDrothyý Lager- lot, 10 (eti 2 iÛches, Jaffice Gutlmridge,, 10 (cet, Býtty MeCUl1uni, :9,(cet, Il luches. 2:s4o-l1t even:r Grade Boys 2A : a ervoitReinsperg, 12 (eet 10', luches, Humner Stocks, Il (cet 9 inches, Bi Hart, Il (cet 3 iuches, Hlar- ry Hendrickson, Il (cet, 3 luches. 2B.I-: Hall Clark. ý12 (cet 2 luches, Bob Bllanchard, Il (cet 9 luches, Rowland ItileyL 7.8 seconds. 6B: Irene Baron, 7.3 seconds, Bea- trice Leal, 7.5 seconds, Gloria Del Car-. Io, 7.6. seconds. 6C: Dorothy Davis, 7 seconds, Louise Schreiber, 7.5 seconds, Jeanne MacDon- ald, 7.6 seconds. Howard tfflxth Grade Boys 6A: Warren Ruif, 7A4 seconds, Rob- ert Steffens,, 7.7 seconds, James Drick- er, 8 seconds. 6B: Jqhn Welter, 7.9 seconds, Arthur Cooûte . 8 seconds, Mark Follanàbee, 8 seronds, Robert'Hendersoni, 8ý seconds. 6C: jItck Anhault, .7.4 seconds, Gor- don Boli.ng, 7.7 seconds. Central Sixth Grade Girls Mrs. Julian's room:'Doris'Mayhercy, 7.4 seconds, Jean Flslayson, .7.6 sec- onds, Ruth Wetzel, 7.7 seconds. Miss Scott's roomn: Katherine Wenter, 7.2 seconds, Daphue Craig,.7.3 seconds, Joan Halliwell, 7.3 seconds. Mi ss Johaninson!s roonm:,Frances pb- erlein, 7. seconds, Barbara, Reed, ý7.7 seç<)nds, limogenie Kaufman, 7.8 seconds. central Sixth GradeBi 6A: Loweril Snoyf, -7.4 seconds, Fre d Miller, 7.5 seconds, Richard Rogers, 7.5 secondis.- 6B : Bruce Parker, 7,6 seconds,, Ed. .Mable, 9 seconds, Van MçQuide,. 8 sec- onids. 6C: Char'les Soule, 1.4 ,,econd.s, Jim O'Neil, 7.5 seconds, Jack Randaîl,' 7.5 seocnds~. Hloward Seventh Grade Girls 7A: Jane Brandt, 6.9 seconds, Jer- risc Fromim, 7.2 seconds, Frances Col- lIins, 7.e seconds. 71: Mary Louise Schaeffer, 7.2 sec- onds, Helen Lindstromi,. 7.3 seconds, Elizabeth Besson, 7.5 seconds. .Howard Seenth' Grade Bolys_ 7A: Don Hlef'manson,: 7 seconds, Har- lo)v Triplett, 7.4 seconds, George Culton, 7.4 sýýconds. *7B: Robert CraMer ~6.9 seconds, Frarik Koenan. 7.6 seconds, Gerald Spinner,; 7.6 seconds, Robert MacàMorran, 7.8 sec- onids. Stolp Selventh Grade Girls Miss Perrlng's room: Estella Bren- ner, 7.1 seconds, Dorothy. Strauss,. 7.5 seconds. Jane lnnes, 7.6 seconds, Miss DaNvis' room: Ellen Torrey, 7.9 seconds, Betty Rosen., 8.1 seconds, Jean Cutler, 8.2 seconds, Helen Shane, 8.2, sgeconds Sue Spinner, 8.2 seconds, Rosel eclen. Suekoif, 8.2 b-econds. Mrs. 'Veruo's, roorn: Janice Guth'- ridge, -7.8.,seconds, Jean, Shiepard, 89.1: ,seconds, .P atty' Wiley, 8.1 seconds. .Stolp Sevelath Gradàe. Boys 2A: Walter von, Reinsperg, 7.2 s e c- onds, William Hart, 7.7 seconds, Frank Staab,' 7.7 seconds. 2B: Hall Clark, 7.5 seconds, Rowland, Davis,. 7.5 second.4, I-omer Bonnen, 7.8 seconds,, John Lisdstronfi, .7.8 seconds. 1 2D: Jack Dietrich, 7.2 sec onds, Frank Swirles, 7.2 seconds, Arthur .Flood, 7.3 Mrs. letinon's roo#p: Bob Lawrence, v115514Sm a,,I,.ï seconds. feet 1 Inch, B ud Halwe,6(ct Bud, Add 2 daniel m. davise Collins, 5 feet 9 luches. Miss Brown's roomi:, Alice Varney, Central Fouarth Grade Girls 6.4 seconds, Pauline, Shank, 6.5 sec- Miss Hardick's rouni: Betty Jane onds, Doris Jane Frykmn, 6.9 sec- Wheelor, 5 (cet 9 inches, Marian Witonds. 5 (cet 6 luches, Marilyn Stube, 5 tedt 4,1-nehe». . RUNNINO BROAD JUMP. Mrs. Meyer's roorn: Harlîne Ward, 5 «oward Sixth Grade Girls feet 4 luches, Betty 'Jane EBrlcsou, 5 A Mary Lo;uise Riley, 10 feet 3 Stop I&thGrade Boys Ja: t: Dnald Toepipen, 13 (cet 2 luches, Cr Liam Crawford, 12. feet 9 lsches1 is Christenso n, 12 (cet 5 biches. Rt j:Harry Emriehi, 13 feet 3 Inchesi sei )Ree&ý 13 (cet, 2 inches, Frank per, 12 (set 4 iriches. 'iJO :!-; -d. Mee, .13 (cet 8 luIches, John lii ma, .13 feet 2 inches, WilliaLm Jen-1 sel D:Jonald. T oeppen, 6.8 seconds, y Ella Waldner, 7.1 . seconds, es Christenson, 7A1 seconds, Willan vtord, 7." seconds. 1Frank Hooper, 7.2 seconds, Bob' i. 7.2 peconds, .Harry Emrlch, 7.3 nds. Douglas Hlndley, 6j9 seconds, iAdpjns, 7 seconds, Berry Berbý- r,7.1 :seconds, John Neëvillé,ý 7.1 rîdsi Theron Smitil, 7.1 seconds.,

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