Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 44

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"SCENE 1 (Abusyr street corner) CHARACTERiS: Newsboy......oadBI Street People ...WilliamI Sbara, jean Perrill,, Alani Henirekson and Ray Nelson. Newsboy-Extry! Extry! Read al about the great Howard scbol dis- aster!ý Eigbty graduating :student s crusbed under faliing structure! Read ..aIl about it. in the* Daily Gazette. (People rusb ta buy papers) Cùrtain SCENE 2 (Hokanson and Jenks law office. Miss Snap, stenographer, cornes -in one iinute.late.) CHARACTERS:. Hokanscrn . . Ray Nelson Jenks .>'>.....Alan Henrekson Miss Snap .. ..... Jean Perrill Mrs. *Jones ........Alice Dernehi Mr. Todd . .. William Shara Workman .. . ,How*ard ýBail Jenks-Late againl,.Wb'at's -yaur., excuse this time?" Hokanson-Yes, proceed with the excuse! Miss Snap-Well, you see sirs, my friend and I were vwalkirg ta work, and we saw a 'new Paris bat ini a store 'window marked at a special discount. We bath rusbe'd ta get. it, but rny friend fell and wrencbed her ankl e, and 1l bad ta' take lier to th.,, dactor, an.d jenks-Well, aIl right, now. get busv. Miss Snap-Afid besides, 1I heard * about the great: .Howard school.dis- aster. Hakanson.'atid.Jenks - Wbat'! Whatdisaster? Jeçnks-Is. this truc, or is it jusi excuse NO. .5,679,853? Miss Snap-Here corne saine cus- taniers!1 Hokanson and Jenks - What!! 'What!! A custamner!! ies.. Howard Ruif was clutcbing this paper. .Hokansori-We will -bold yaou as aur witness., Miss Snap, please take bis namne. jenks --Give me tbe paper, 1ll read it. Hokansan-Na, 111. read it. (Sbart* argument), THE WILL We tbe graduating class of, HOW- ARD, SCHOOL,, 1931, bereby make tbis last will and testament in an- effort ta leave .ta aour recipients ail that we >ha ve. We -being oôf sound and sane mind possessing perfect mnem'ary, and boping ta deal kindly witb, thegoads and tb 'eir donors, d.. bereby s et aur band and seal ta 'this will. I. Georg e Colias leaves ta Billy Grinnell bis' saintliness during ciass IL Catherine Reynolds bequeatlms unto Jobn Herjsa, ber place ini theý glee club. 111. Anna Biebas, wills ta Elsive Jane Edge ,ber~ fair bair and ,perfect diction. IV. Bill Faynionville leaves t(. E-ilene Weakly 'bis understandiîg, knowledge of everytbing. V. Dorothy Robertson leaves 'to Arinen Jarjorian.lier jazzv, disposi-, tin an(] ber 'high boots'. VI. Hazel 'Ward leaves ta George Cotton lber iiiono.)ol,. 'af ail bearts (miale only'). VII. Wavne 'Cocbran leaves fi J arvis, Bro'wn with sadtars at leave-taking, bis falsetto, voice and.- s;mooth pate. VIE. Hall. Schaub) leaves. ta Veriua Archanihault bis, great physical al)il-:. ifv. 1IX. 'Mfa r guiler iteC .Petersail bc- queaths ta A'ugust 'M cConbloniýl hier ability in picking çattoin secds. X. Jerry Born leaves Witnitimch' affection bis pencil stubs to Q,'erald! Tue Class Will of Howard School, 1931 a handkercbief, decides ta leave ta Jean Gordon bis books and pencis XXI. Alan Henrekson wills ta Bill MacMorran bis yeilow tie, baby face, and bigb and igby ttitude., XX Il. Howaird Ruif be"ueatbs ta, Dorotby Holmes b is1 ability at get- ting out of trouble. XXIIL Ernestine Kasper wills to Albert Anderson bier ever .endPring. friendship. with Hazel Ward., XXIV. To Jerrine Froînm. 'Mar- guerite: MeCinton Wills fber tooth- brusb. XXV, Fred Herr wills ta Dorothy Massig is ed shoes. XXVI. William Scbara beq ueatbs unto Bol) Speclit bis patent' leathe r head. XXVII. Vernon Brown leaves is art of wrestling and masculine strengtb ta Elizabeth Leslie and. Lu- cille Grabam, it is hoped they wit! appreciate it. XXVIII. Fern Ahlstrand wills ta Jane McClintock bier ability as a ce]]- ist. XXIX. Art Delangý wills tô Helena Mickey and :Ruth Sjutberla.nd, bis redc shirt, on condition that.,tbev bath wear it at the same time. XXX. Edith Gordon leaves ta Dave Haas bier affectioni for everv- one. . XX1,XI. Charles 'Moreau le a ves 'to' Shirlev Garniss and Bigelow -Halev his plaving cards oan conidition tlil! thev. pl'av rmmmvm in social science for oile veek.~ .XXXII. Kay 'Morgan leaves. ta, Carl' Frankeli.' ber dinîples; X'\XXIIL. Alice Dernebi. afte.- muicb ado about not.bîng. decides tô leaVe ta Lawrence "Hatugbness lher glasses. XXXINv. Edith Rnoulev wills lier seat Ili thé hack of the room ta oGer- aId M. xXXXV. Bill 'Faymonville.. wba is endowed vvithi man y gi fts leaves ta Dorothy Bvrne. bis. place in the office. XXXVI Myri' Fulleri leaves t'a Workman,"(Cônws in iiurriedy)- Look!! I found this an>d think it .is vraluable. 'nw pes n If kanson-Ob, o pea M good man, flot 'so f ast,' where did you fiàd it? Workma-I was.working in' thç ruins'anidl' came upon severaî bod- anu Mai~rion -icr'u.iu, wuiiing onUi trom IullioraJIU. same plan, 'their minute stature, and XLV. Herman Meyer leavès bis higb -vaices. ability at being .assis'ted out of class XVIII. Stanley Cochran leaves tc ta Genevieve Andrews. Janet Bertram bis girlisb complexion XLVI. Ebert Knoop and Paul and clean finger riails. Hoffman lea've to Helen Pearson XIX. Fred Ludiger' leaves ta Vir- their love af their country and 'their' ginia Fiske bis mionopaly of thje flag. drinkink faôuntain. XINII. Dorotby Anderson be- XX.' Howard. Bail, after 'borrawing queatbs unto,,Bob Brumbaugh and. "TOIRNEY FOR TOSSER$ On aeeount" of the Interest being shown by the boys and girls at (en- tral ln horseshoe pitching', Miss Riggle is planning to run a horseshoe tourna- ment in the near future. Aiready echU- dren have started to sign Up fo*r this comning event.-Gderaldine Plefer, Cen- tral playground. Louise Hickman hier ability in run- nin.g a 1 sewing machine. XLVIII. Barbara Behr leaves ta Elizabeth Benson.her newly acquired permanent wave. XLIX. 'Bill Kerr i.s le ft by Shirley Leason ber blue dress with a white collar. L.,'Audrey Barre bequeaths to Bill Anhalt wtihmany sad tears at part- ing, ber. ability at driving witb no broken dasbboards. LI. Lillian Hoar ,leaves to Harlow Triplett andElm'er. Stone al the make..up she has. left at the. end of the year. LII. Virginia Green leavesý to June Sorsen ber blue liair ribhon. LIII. Eleanoir Beecher leaves ta Stuart. Edmonds and Daniel Mickey, ber job as treasurer of 8A. IVM Marjarie. Kresge leaves to Jane Brandt and AnnaMariie Reese ail ber accurnulated wealth and rich- es of dime store jewelry, and, we ,bope they can use it ail. LV. Bill Berscb wNills> ta Katherine Simonds the gum under'bis desk. LVI. ,Stanlev Brycbta: leaves ta Margaret Schwall bis ýnumerous f reckles. LVI I. Frances Haskin leaves to Virginia Olsen bier bass drum. ,ta' be handled with care. LVIII. Cecelia His bequeatbs ta Helen Lindstrorn ber Panama bat, 69 cents at Kresge's. LIX. To Margaret Lively, Jane Lillv leaves ber friendship .-nith Mrs. Jones. LX. Bill Leble leaves to Bob Cramer bis hope for thée future. LXI. Herbert Meyer bequeaths ta Eleanor Speredes his pediculoses (tuberculosis, .halitosis) tain. LX1. Jane Mc'.fillan leaves to Frances Rapp. ber job in the'Ilunch- eon room. *LXIII. Jessie Murdison leaves fo 1r Lulu Schaeffer a lQve for messy things. LXIV. Eleanor Ste en wills ber popfflarity ta Billy Wade. *LXV * 'Gordon Wells bis chestnut .1 i

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