speakers on our national defense prob- lems. Mrs. A. W. Bersch, Aniericani- ismn chairman,. Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Americanism chairman of the Seventh district, and Mrs. C. B. Cachran repre- senlted the Wilniette unit. Mrm Ada Mucklestone, second vice-. president of the. Departrnent -.of Ilii- nais, was the presiding officer. Mrs. .Hoyal;* president of the national organ- ization, was 'guest of honor at the noan- day luncheon, and spoke at the after- noon meeting. Mrs.,.Bartling; first vice-president of the, Department, gave a splendid bis- tory of aur* flg-a subject on which she savs. the 'Anericanl people are noticeably ignorant. .Mrs. Sisson of Winnietka, divisional chairman of the D_ A. R., gave a most informative addrcss on the national de- fense.. She blieves the preservation of the R.,O. T. C. alang with. a small, efficient standin g army helps ta solve the: problei.- Several of the speakers stressed .the i 1 portance of teaching the American youth the principles of patrio tismn and Americanism. Mr. and. Mrs. G. M Kellogg, Jr., of WVilmette. bo(411ap- peared.on the prograni. Mrs. Kellogg believes Amiericanîsm. can beý taughit without going outside the home,: andf lier, idea 1W .as repeated later iii the day %vhen Mr* Hewîitt, statistician f or the' American lt..idustrial federation, said, -The women are the mbeans of savîng this, couitry- throughl their childreln." Mr. Kellogg spoke on the: prorosed natiQnwide organization of the sons of World war veterans. plans for which are rapidly being perfected ini varions localities and in soinie States. Ini one statc this youttnfl.band is fittilngly called th~e "Leg-ion heiirs.*' Major Beals. who lias charge ýof the .R. O. T. C. in 411e public schools, gave intérestiîug facts and figures relative t0 his %vork. 'Colonel Whiite ancl Genieral .Parkerlooked. at both, the R, O. T. C. and the C. M. T.' C. f romn the ýviec- point of army officers wvho liad seen the, United States go into tPvo ars ail too inadequately .prepared. At mecet 1ings of this tvpe, discussion. naturall y turns tosub versive inovemnents in ur owu boundaries. kather start- Miss Laura tDurgin, who bas been teaching school in Iron mounitain, Mich., bas returned to her home at 627 Forest avenue for the summrer vacation. Next fal she, wi11 ,take, a position as English teacher in, the high, school, at Hinsdale. MIr. and Mrs.-Fred Wild and Miss, juIlia Wild, left 'Suinday mortoring ta Minneap ,olis to. attend the- Knight Templars Triennial conclave. Kili Insect Pées Electrically Screen Doors Door and- Window Inserte Fly Box Traps Portable Lanterna Phonoe or wrfteý- W. M. BRANCH 04 Roger Ave. Kenllworth 4590 a N. mlehlgan Ave. CEN. &663 Fattory-SJyeamoret 111. Of your j LIFE!" "My team wondered how 1 made those home rufs.' Buddy.asked me et put- ail -the pep in me. Do. yen think .11d-tel1 i i , Nothing doing. That's. a secret betwc"en yen and me. h GrandpaP" Watch -out for the slîghtési indis- position. .. ive Citro-Neia Split. Children drink it willingly . ."ik lemotnde. lEt -i. America's ,best. laxative... for young and old. Recommnended, by physicians. Have Citro.Nesia Split handy.ý At your drUiggist's in the Home Package. 6 Splits. 90c. Neyer »! spoils. At. the'fountain, 20é. FREE TRIAL OFFER Preut this etbupon te your tlrugirlt and btain n titre. NegainS.plit grée, <.1 charge. <Jood only uantil JuIy a. 1931. <Write namne andi addies> Naine ....... ........ .... ...................... Street and No ......... ............. .............. .......... ......... .............. 1.... sae......................... ot Milwaukee) wflo was is VLIbb Y land's roomuxate at Smith college, .will be niatron of honor, and Miss Virginiia Prussing and Mrs. Leland H. Danfarth of Kenilworth and Miss Letitia~ Chan- non of Chicago are ta .be bridesrnaids. 'Windsor Harlaw of Boston is.ta act as best'man and, Kenneth. Gilmnore of H1-avana, -Thomas H-.-Heagney,, the bridgroom's brother, andc George Public Service Store or your N*Ughbor- hood Plumb.r's. Investigote. Tibday.