Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 40

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0*f tarry Iiuxton. Formian, the edi:- tor of the earlier standard. edition, and contains in addition to new nma- terial and revisions colected by the father before his death, a number of letters recently recovered, sorne of which have flot bëfore been pub-, lished. BURTON: ARABIAN -NIGHTS ADVENTURER. ,By Fairfax Downey. New York: Scribners. A readable life of the*.great ex- ploer aind.traisiator. Luggage Wme n'a, -Mes $5.000 to $0.00 Warclrobe.Hat Boxes $10-000 Up 04Wwrx viST as cncAeo / TIhomas Y. Crowell Companîy. How often, in the past, lias it riot foolishly beeni said thiat Amierica, meaiig these Uniited States, hiad no music of its ovni? We have iearnied to kiow h. etter.. If any doubting, T1hon!ases are left, let th.em read and 1,)oi(ler 11r. Johnt Tasker Howvards tiur Anmer ican M.\usic." It re presents ain en orinous. lahor, clearly 'accomn- pislied With l.ove.. It affords a.patio- rainîic view crowvded ith incidents and figures. Wheiî the learned Britoni, Henry Daewrote his detailed "1-istory o î'gisb Music, lic -set off, with' the categoricai .statemenit thiat . The. art of musical comnposition. is ant En- glîs.lî iinvetion"'.-referrinig, of coiurse, tu John Dun.stale éand -lus . first works, written about the year, 1400, which raised mnusic to'the raiik of a structural art..NIr. Davey. çiwere4 more tinfive centuries of Eiiglisli muusic, atnd covered ilbei quite ade- quately, in -a ittie less than five lituîî- Utred pages. Mr. HIoward ixeeds a littie.more itan seveni huîidre d pages to t eli us, about ti e t1bree huiidred years of Ailmerican mîusic. Aiidceen. so the autlior adinits that bis ac- courit ay be fouiid "inicoiete in :îîany respects." iet lie gocs at bis task bravely, beginniing at the be- giiiiunig, withi the early settiers' of ý\eV Lingland atîd their dreary psaliii- ody; a'nd lie leads 'the plodding reader abreast witji the vanguard ot our iiative or inîported iiioduirnists, takes hit riglit Up to thie-jazz-biounids uf our owni giddy day of liepressioîî aud the russo-ebreo deizenis oft tjl- pani aiiev, \Ve arc tbroujýht Io, the realizatiQii t tat the Amerîcani coin- posers-eveni htougli, unlke -dt.ir jýtitshi cousiu:s, tlîev cannot claini-tu Itdve -invented musical. c()flipOitit)fl- a1rC (levlup1ing Iin sUt1hcÈent àilxnher-. and excelicince tu raise stronig lu tiliaI froint ailunlg fet1i wîýill eerge our Aincricani3 yrd, our Muriec', aidi Pîurcell. . Roy ýH. Jarretî, 534 Essex road, *Kenilworth, is the author of "The *Meaning of the Mark" which bas just receîltly been. published by Larger Lif e ),ibrary, Chicago. *The book is. divided into three parts. Trhe first section is devoted to the. story of a man 'who adopted a certain com- bination miark as a symboi of things spiritual and mnaterial, and how by keep- ing-his thoughts in harmony with what thie mark symbolized ihis man w~as di- rected ini a way of if e through wbicli lie ivas able to solve the probiems wifih which lie wvas corifronted, to overcome resistances cncounitered, and to achieve peace and happines*S. Th le second section of the b)ook clucidates flic philosophy of themati iii thé story and sets f orth the laws, by r %%,hicl-itte resuits were aciîieve d. The third $sectioni presents reasons .anîd clauses and a simplIe rituai for those readers wlio firid inspiration in wlh4t the book records. The ,mes sage of the hook niay be sunînucd Up i the state- ment bliat hv bis thoughts man con- johin M. Weatherwax. Illustrated by Frances Purneil Dehilsen. New York: The Macmnillan Company T7his children's book accotuplishes at leasfthree good purlioses. It tells stories wvhich,'children -will like to hear; it, opens up, by doing, so, the large and beautiful world of Aztece lore; and it is an introduction to con-m te:n.porary. Meçxico. For.,thiese three reasons,, and. chiefly. of course, for the first, 1 amn sure that it is valuable. But ieaving reasons. aside, and p)ut- tiiig,,.hildren for the moment out of mind, I can, say aiso that 1 beliee. the book ivili intenseiy interest., any- one Who reads it.. For hie wil feel it. as, Weil as read it; he wiii be -oni- scious of more in it than meets tlie demand hie ordinariiy makes.upon a book of tales. *By arranging that ail of the tales %vhich compose thé body of the 1)00k shall be told to a. little. Mexican l)oy bw bis M,,exicani grandfather, and by approaching , achi tale through a typical, event ini the Iboy's.daily ife, the authors manage to miake that life, which in itseif is set Ïorth as typicai, quite as interesting as it is clear, quite as 'warnii as it is-I take it-true., Niss Purneëli, who lias spent t.wenty: years in Guadalaja .ra where Little, Paco lives, lias made at least one of lier readers ý.very miuclî at home in a patio; b las.-renidered the sunlight on thie bricks, the flowers in tlîeir gay, pots, the animiais lere aind there, the voices-of the children and the old people, sinmply, directiy, and. with only enoughi remoteness tËo niake the place utterly chîarrning whiie it reiains perfectly credible. THE 'HOME CARE 0F THE INFANT AND CHILU (MNorrow), by Dr. Frederick F. Tisdali is one of the few books available which in-. cludes bth prenatal care, and care of the baby in one volume. It prescrits simply and clearly the best informa- tion available on thé subject and also, expiains the underlying scientifié reasons for the procédures recom-- mended. There are 58 illustrations, used in the belief that impressions conveyed by pictrires are more vivid than those prodiuced by the printed New or Used C the Current Litt b IOur Rentai Plan :rature is Easy. 1,724 Orrinmgton Aven mue World. Needless to say, thiey do flot %Nho tells of tus nîsortuiies due to meet urttil near the. end of the boo0k. difficuities with Francis joseph and his In between there' is indeed adventure picaresque adventures on his way to -pirates, shipwrecks, and dangerous becoming -a member of the working natives and. dangerous Spaniards. class. This, unlike most recent ,books The story is a good onie, and c *ught 'y ci-devant nbiity, is.flot a war to interest' any. boy;- there,' is firm book, môst of its incidents.4happening historical background behind il ail. before 94.

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