Growing Tnterest Being Shown in, Girl Scout Work The active and enthusiastit inter- est which men as well as women everywhere are now taking, in ýthe Girl Scout program, was th'e sub- ject"of a report just issued by' Mrs. Sybil Gordon .Newell, head of th,~: Girl Scout national field division, following the close 'of annual confer- ences. recently held in , eleven of th'e '.twelve Girl Scout regions. "lun my ten years'. association with the Girl, Scouts," Mrs. Newell said, UJý have seen conferences sc. wel attended, nor plans for future work go Well laid as they have been fW the coming year. The main topic of discussion at this year's conferences, Mrs. Newell* deceared, was the sudden and rapld' growth in 'Girl Scout -membership wit'hin the last twelve months. "More camping facilities and moetrained leaders are now our principal needs throughout the na- tion," she said. "The national office' is prepared, with its greatly increased staff of camping and training experts, to help arrange andi give more lead-- ership courses in more widely dis- tributedf areas than ever before." The extension of the camping facilities, Mrs. Newell feels., will be takeîn tare of Iargely ini the regions thenaselves, though 'here . again the national office stands ready to help. "Local %Norkers," Mrs. Newell said.- "iare being miost zealous and efficient" in surveying present conditions and laying plans for future expansion. In Texas, particularly, 1 w'as delight- ed :to see'how splendidly the men are cooperating. That is true,, too, of New York.'" Lone Star Girl Scouts Give Flowers to World, Whilà- CnIane îiheT handh 1' At the End of Their Rof>e7 It. looks as though these Girl Scouts are "making hq.-y while the sun s/ines." But the3y are tnerely braiding their own ropes to be~ prepared for ernergencies during the approaching camp. season. 'A' set of ropes is part of the' coniplete 'canper's. equipment. She needs kind for a butrsting du fle-bag and quite another ta make a towvel-rack. If 'she Reading Tastes of Girls show Great Variety From Peter Pan to Disraeli un the tastes in literature of the younger genrato f girls, if con.tributionis to a contest sponsored by The, American Girl, Girl Scout, magazine,* may be taken as an indication. Winners of the contest,,which was *held in conjunction withthe National- HIigh School Awards, have just bee announced by '-Miss Margaret Moch-1 rie, editor of the Am erican Girl. The first, prize goes to Audrey M. Long, sixteen, of Harrisonburg,. Va.;' for the best essay on "The, Three ý Books I havé Enjoyed Mojst." Miss Long will receive ana award of $50.00. Margaret. Rottschaefer, seventeen, of Holland, "Michigan, wo n the second prize of $25.00, and Marie Louise Sheridan, sixteen, of St. Joseph, Mo.,' won the third'prize of $10.00. The choice of books liste& by 'the winners were Peter _Pan; Beau Geste; The Rescue and Lord Jim, by Conrad; King Art hur's Knighits; Tennyson's Idylls of the King; Dis- raeli, by Ma u ro is; . Ramyana; Grimm's Fairy Tale5,; Seventeen, by Booth Tarkington, and David Cop- perfielçL. "~The essays. were 'clearly "Written' and demonstrated the function' of. lIiterature," said 'Miss Mochrie ini an- n ouncing the winner. "Anyone read-. ing Audrey Long's essay, for ance,,would'know that> the books she deéscribedý had really infiuenced her, life, sin ce her ambitions for 'thef u-. ture' were patte rned, after the deeds of the people about whom she read. "In the essay which won second prize, Margaret Rottschaefer shows quite plainly that she sincerelv loved, emiiusiasic or iinipjy man.±U iamv were when the package -from' the Girl Scouts 'of Texas reached us,"~ she wrote. The Indians will relate how -the littie blue' flower' came to Texas and in~ their tales, it camnefrom 'a.lovely maden'e sacrifice. :ohvious hurnanitarian as- pects. I will be obliged if you will -convey to your associates My cordial thanks. Yours faithfully, (Signed) 1Herbert' Hoover.. GIRL SCOUT RALLY Due ta the ramn, the Girl Scout rally had to be changed f rom an out- door meeting to an indoor 'and, thanks to New Trier }Jigh school, we had a large place ta mçet in. We were divided into ten'teamns .,and then'had loads o.f funa competing with one another. The,.Pink team. won' with three firsts. Al trooips took part in the .formai opening.- ,Alilhad' brought'. their' American and théir tfoop flags.