Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 36

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A white satin princess gown with a wide coliar of ducbess lace (a f amily * heirloom), was worn by Miss Martha Crossley when she became the wif e of Marvin Kellogg Barlow Saturday eve- ning. june 20. The veil of tulle, drawn across ber f orehead, was caught at the back with a crescenit of orange blossoms. She carried a large bouquet of w~hite iris.' The ceremony was performed. at the home of' the bride's parents, Mr. and *Mrs. Frederic' Beers Crôssley, 602 .Washington avenue, by 'the. Rev. John, G>Hindley, pastor of the--First Con- gregat louai church, Wilmette. Miss' >Crossley was àttetided by six brides- maids. Miss Jean Crossiey,, maid of hionor for ber. sister, wore a gown, of :maize colored lace and held si bouquet of yellow roses and lavender, orchids. Mrs. Henry Droba (Heleni Newey) as mati-on of hioor wore pastel .blue lace * and field pale prink roses and delicate b.lue, delphinium. M\Iiss Ruth Young- bei-g' of WVilmnette and Mrs. *Wilard Buntain* of. Evanston, who walkèd to- *gether in the bridai procession, were both dressed in pale green and carried bouiquets of pink and bonze snà- dragons. -Miss M.Iartlia Hugus of Gary, htid. and* Mrs. Rov Thiel (DorothyN G lover) of Fond du Lac, WN 1is. were gowned iiu pale pink lace and lheld deep pink roses interspersedwith dark bNe delphiniumi. The bride's .nother worc an orchid chiffon gown with a corsage,, of ýtalisman roses. * Lewis Yerkes oùf Honesdale, P'a. served ',\r, Barlow wa, hest man. There were no tishers. The home wvas, attractively decorated with sunimenr fHowers in large baskets. iBefore the service; which,.was a candle- liglht one, Mrs. 'Noble Cain, soprano; sang sevefal nunmbers. Slhe w~as ac- * companied by Mr. Cain, who aisb. played the 'Mendelssohn W\eddiing Marclh." X\'heni the bride and groom departud . o i their wedding trip the former ,vas attrctielvattired iu a browNv redingote -it---atLing bat and slippers. 'rhey will'speind their hioneymoon ini Belling- han, .Wash.. at the, home of the bride-' groom's parents;, Dr. anidMris. Marvini Barlow, stoppiflg on their returui at Lake Louise and Banff. During the moth of. Augulst they wilI occupy the Crosslev home %vhile the bride's par- 911 J.ake avenue, \\iirnette, announce the engagement ()f thei- daughter, Helen, to Albert J. \Wýalc()tt, son of Mr. and MNis. John H. WVahcott of* Seattle, \Vash. MIss Hayes is a gi-ad- ,.ate (if Nothiwestern uniiversitv and I- . Wahcott wias graduated farom. the University of Michiga'n, where be also received his' Ph. D. degi-ce. Trheý wed- dingwili take place in the early fali. Paul Stone-Raiyit>, Lt., Oit Fiidai, 'veling, June 19, al 8:30 o'clocIe nas so1eîpnizedtluth ztedd«iig of M«iss Mxn ii dauiighter of Mr. and Mrs. WViliiaý IIH. LUIi of 119 tlbîngdon avenue, K'nilwortIz, and Jaines R. Mc- Greior '-J---of-L Oskaloosa. Iowa. Thev n'erc mrried at thie JhIthod- ist 1E-piscopai church Ini lpmette witl dit, Rer'. Horace G. *Sitm reading -thc cercipon»y. If ' as an emtirclv wh'lme wedding and iven. bcauti/uid. l'le imati-on of bonon was'the bride&S sister, Mrs. George Sehumiaker* of Glencoe, and the four bridesmnaids were., Mi-s. Tyson Poppeil, Nlrs. William Col- weil, Mrs. Byron Coon, and Miss Henrietta Uidei-wood. Chai-les , c~- Gregor served 'as his biothiei's ýbc.st man. A recception at the bride's home .was hield immediately folhowing the cere- mnony. The young couple went to Alaska on their wedding trip and. on to be iniairïeu ou j uly 14, Pours at, Reception Miss Mary Beam of Wilmiette poured at. the reception whicbi fol- lowed the. wedding of Miss Nouia Burelil of ,Winnetka and Edward A.- RaYenscroft of Glencoe Friday. after-. 11o0n11June 19. flowers which the Wilrnette Garden club collects for the Plant, Fruit and Flower guild, Tuesday, juIy 7. Slie wiil be glad to hear from auy wlbo have flowers to contribute, it is an- 'nounced. Mýrs. Dan Greene, guild chairmnan of the Wilmette Garden club for tile Chicago Plant, Flower, and Frûoit .guild, sayýs of, the trip' which q*hQ, mnade with, four Evaniston., guile chairmen ýto the, five centers wliicli, reèceive- the guild,'s Tuesday' flowers: 'Thework is very worthwliile. We $ aw on, our tripcics hospitaF. weifare stationsj and patiente of all -ages'from the'babies in the cliniic to the old nien . nd -women ýi Lu te Church Home for Aged Persons. l'le district visited extended f roni Thirty- fourth 'street to Fifty-ninth streeet, ail five institutions béing on th:e south'side. We saw the pleasure the flo0wers gave* to the people wlio re- ceived them.' 'In the Visiting Nu rses associa- tion s, the nurses start out. asý soon as the lowers arrive, tci distribute -,hein anong the sick and the incurables. Tlhat is one reason wliy the flower booth in the depot closes at 10,:30 ni the iorning. lut the n~urses asso- ciation at 3456 South S.tate stree t, ail, including the-, head'residenit,' are colored. "At the University of Chiicago 'Set- tlemnent, Miss McDowell's, there arc, mnany .workets. -Ini the "Biliings hospital, a uie w hospital, wc saw iiutch of inteciest, but felt that flowers wvere needed more nu the sçttlenîuýnts where,.the stirroinings are so draV' Spreng'er- Tuttie Wedding Solemnized on June 2 0 Green, white. and 3yello%% were the colons effectiveiy ubed for the wedding of Miss Lvdia M. Sprelnger, and Frtd- crick GÔss Tuttie. last Saturday eve- niga*t ihe Kenilworth"Union church, which wvas- decorated for the occasion .ih reeni palins and \white peoies. Dr. Herbert L. Wîillett read the service, after which the guests attenided the. ie- ception at the Georgian hotel, %where the *Shawnee Country club will hold a large summer dance Saturday, .June 27. Amiong, those who ill attend witbi guests are. Mn. and Mrs. Roy M. Kint- land,, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schnoeder, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jôbnson, Mn. and Mrs. A. F. Biser, Mr. and Mvrs. John T'aylor Booz of WjImette, aud Mr. and Mrs., R. L.?Xalter.'of .Kenilwortb. Last ,aturday aiternoon aut ,U o'clock, the. wedding of Miss Patty Foresman of Kenilworth and Theron Taggart Chapman of Chicago took place at the kenilworth Union churcb, whichw~as decorated with masses of green hickory f ormiug bigh hedges, tail trees. of yellow calla liles,, baud tinted, and candeiabrà with pale yellow candies. The effect wvas that of a beautifl for- mal gardéni. Mrs. J. S. Cine Wvas the organist and Miss Isabel Chune sang. The bride'9s gowvu was. satin .of a pale pink and she carried piuk * lilies to, match. Her veil was of Pink lace. The matrons of honor, Mrs., \Var- ren. McCracken and, Mrs. Richm-ond Kenyon, and the bridesmaids, Miss Jean Milstead of Wiunetka, Mrs. Edward Hibben of- Chicago, sister oftbé* bride- groom, and Mrs. Howard eabcock >of 'Buffalo, N. Y., were attired, alike inu dresses of pale yelfow * made with, shoulder capes and they wore large drooping bats to match. Pink roses were made into the, bouquets of thé matrons of honor and pale lelow daisies surrounded by piuk roses f ormed the bouquets the bridesmaids carried. Stephen Horton of Oak Park, served Ir. Chapinan as best man and Robert Cari- of Chicago, Warren' McCracken, ,Richmond Kenyon, Edwand Hibben, and Roger White were ushers. * T i-es of pink roses in great .profu- sion were arranged iu thé lounge of Indian Hill. club where the receiving u ne took its place after the ceremony. Taîl Madonina liles, white r oses, and baly's breath were arranged graccfully ii the diuing room, and tables with pastel inen napei-y dotted thé lawn, addiîig a chanming touch of color. The bridai party and intimate f riends wei-e entei-tained afterwards at dinn-er. by the bride's parents,, Mi-. and Mi-s. Hugh A.. Foresman, in their home at- 515 Essex road. 1Arden Shbore Expresses 1.Need for SmaIl Iton Bed bias been planneci by Mrs. L. 1B. iEûmel- ing , program chairman, and Mrs. Oscar Heb)el, co-chairman, the league an- nounces.- An innovation which 'wi11 prove of inîterest to al l eague- members' bas been made, to take,*the place of the'luncheon meetings. The new plans. will be -made public in the f ail wheil the year books, are issued.

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