..À' Grow!f You have no idea howyourdollar wilI stretch, when spent at LORDS ...dramnatk values in every secfion--personal, inferesfed sales assist- ance. Follow the trend ta tMs wde-awake store. FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON. ýW i lm ette 3700 *1. PÉNAUP = ~A~S Fragrant SWEET PEA TOILET WATER Speciald $1. Delicate « o.nd refreshing, and .ry economically priced when, the standard 4-ounce siz., in the beaufiful jade. green flask is, prced at, $1 .65 onlyl Smarter. Thi4sY-.ear Than -Ever Be fr . Pan amaà Ha t.s $.95 $5 *Popular because of. their frijmi tailor.d smartness and because cf their adlapfabilify osemndiffereni costumes. Wide and medium brimmed style.1ï, pl trimmed wth black or colored bands of r; bon. Smâl and large beadszes. 1»t the Millinlery Section--LORD'S-Second Floor,.Daw:is St. Bathing 's ui1ts that make even the mermaids jealous. $3.95 In the !Iosiery Section-LORD'S-First rrrngton dve. Inthe' Toiletries- LORD'S-FistFloor FF -. I Cc I e * 4 'F0 i * c d b-cc Il e-.