Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 1

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Prepa re, HUERTER LEGION' PLANS FEST IVAL Invites Villagers to D)iversified Prograrn of july* 4th. Activi ties P. J. 1-uerter Post No. 609, Ameri- cal]i Legion, is offering a Fourth of Ju13& 1rogranil'that wlI be feattured by il , )res sive parade, and ceremonv as well -as î h gala events.. Plans for the Fourth have heen in' l)re4aration for several weeks,, and inenibers of ýthe post arc strivingto offer vil.lagers a S day' that xiII be enjoyable in every respect. l'lie lilîorll g activîties wil open r onîe at aradean al 'l okRidge with dat Hîfra(lie at lloconkRidge 'roa(l. At noon there ~ilbe -a flag- l)9c le deicatiotii at, Lake avenue and * Rî<ge roa(l. 1)uring the aftirco, the Fourth will he devot.ed to .amuisemiients. Fieid ev cilt s :iI P on the'Howard sehocol grounds .at 1I,('Cl(ick. NMenî- bers.of the Légion arc arranging a - varied and inter.esting schieduie. Plan Tug-of-War Some of the hiuskiest residenits of *W\ihîulette--w'il be sei striviig 'for to lîicyiiifth eatture<l f%eld evet s. supre oriie ofthe fetug-odfieldrthats At 4 )cl-ck the \Vilmette village in<loor (liaftlliiiSli> gainie wh p Th'Iis Nvill he followed at 5 b1w a foot-ý I.al kicking cont.est. A golf drivin'g COxnpettii iýill l)e tlie event at 5 :30. 1 iépr wil he served iii Hoffmana'li. hall at ,(;c( clk hv tuemblers of the P. J.,1luerter-lpost auxiliary.- Freak races for persouis o-f alages wil le the diversioii at 7. Fuan For Children. 1'lirotigliut the afternon tlanid eve- 9uble-Barreled Fourth Celebration M~an, n"ARRANGE JL Hon redut Dnne. IsSetCOMMUNITYFETE Iaaad avernue, 1'Viiintte, u'iII be the guest of lannor at a dianer givrai by tht' Ugaied States Junior Ciam nber of Commearce F.riday aaiqla of this wkeck iniiClaaq. Thje diainer is ini rccyniion ofiIMr. Daz'idson 's ectioit la Ilec office of lnalioiial rice-/'residcnt of: théojaiiizatïott ai 'a conveniohou acd .1/ai aoathfin Des 3Iloiies,-I Ma.Ar. I)avidsoii as associaieid witla Brifer Homes anad Gardeais, natioaaally kaaow, pub- licatij. - - - -- Measies, Mumps and Scarlet Fever Detected Five new cases; nf measles, threc ofniurnps and mi1e of scarlet lever were reporté(l in, \Vixette hv Ille MVinette Healthi departiet for tlie week ending TuiesdaIv, Jtune 23. Thiere. is also one old case (if scarlet fever still active iii the. village, the Hecalth departient reports. of L.W Walther Is Chairmnan. Committee Providing for Celebration Preliminary plans for the anniual cornimunitv July- 4th celebration have heCen -annhotinced hy D. J. L. Walther, chairman of the- >T'atriotic Celebrations cormittee of Wilmette P6st No. 46, the Ameéric'aii.-Iegion', which is charged cach. ycar .with the task of arranging the Indepen(leIce Day program. -Tlhie Vrograin, ll begin promptly at 1 :30 o'cluck, at the Wilniette Village Gre.There ivilIl) e a full card of races, foi: vouing anîd Oid, with prizes (Ionated hy the local merchants, it is an aîouniced. Muiw~il he ésuppIied by Wilmiette Post chaini<~ (Iuniandbugle corps. ,_Conîplete letails of the celebration will he announced in NXVIî.?METTIe LIPe aîext \\veek. The l-atriotic Celebralions committee cçmsists of Mr. Walther, chairman, and Riclhardl Burnq, C. E. Colegrove. Fred M. Coxon, D. C. Leachi, and George '1Trner. Announce Plays to Be Given by Church Group, Nlhc otkev s PaiN" by WV. WT. lcol) s anl '"rît*rstlay Eveiîg" by Chrsto~hc Norlcv vilI)e present'- ed 'lIlsdv an(]l-Fri(lay ïeve.ning s, -une -,25 ..and ' 26 ri-espectivelyy ýthe St. Pi' d]î's Playversini the -Sunday sehlool rooans of St. John'9s Luth eran Miss Margaret Eý'ggert aid George Cramler are playing the leads in "The Monkv'sPaw," a dÉrmatic play %%hIic.ll is tiot recommnended for smnall laundry returned Sunday, June 14, from a week's vacation at Washing- ton Island, WNis. He reports that fishing is good there. MIrs. Christen- sen and Jnior will reinain at the, island for several1 weeks. The Chris- tensenis r ecent*lv nvaved f rom 1517 Maple ýavenue, Wilnette,. to, Glenl Oak Acres. present àddre"s) Public Forum........... 13 Real Estate Section. ... 47-48 Society Pages ......-.36-37 (Vacation, addres.s> u I I I - I I I I HOME PROM LAKE Mrs. 0. M, Bercaw,' 741 Eigbtb streetý and her children returned re- cently f romi Powers Lake, Wis., where they hiad been spending two, weeks ,wile Mr, Bercaw was on a business trip in the.east. and attendigg thé iron and Steel .association's cýonvention, ip C leveland.

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