This is esl)eciallv true of b)ooks for y-oung p)eople. Howcver, June finds Englishi versions of the hiero tales of *tlhree di fferenit cotiiitries--Denmiiark, Spain anid ln(lia-as ,nev titleson the Iibrarv siielves. *"THE SINGýING SWORD" 1V Mfark Powell, Hvdle, as the stIl)-tîtle "Tlîè Str f r Osier Oie :oalie Inditatesý, is an historical romuance, (lealinig withi that' lîalf-legend(arv., lvweirful, Danie, Sir Osýier. As a smnall lad, lie *is sent, to the, Court if Charleîiiagnc as* a hostageiý for, tlie honorab)le, conductof his ifatlier. Thle story relates hiow -le becomnes onîe of 4 thegreat king's. rnost valiant kniglits, how hie \vins' the famous sword of Carraheu' the Moor, how lie returns to ýhis own country to bring,. prosper- itv' out, of chaos it* further ?7ela.tes ho(,)v lie is exiled. and how lie returns to Charleinagne's court to Win the *. beautiful tEnglisli -princess for 1bis %vife. The t'ale is heautifully told, and' its mixture of -adveitur e. .and ro- niance makes it accep)table to girls and bovs alike. NtiÉim Sherwood's "TALE OF THE WARRIOR LORD" deals \Yith. Spain's great' Cid. .It tells of his- banîshmnent and his -return to the king's favor, of the marriage of biisý twýo,. daugliters to :thle lieirs of ýCar- * non,-and.whiat camie of it. The au- thior lias retained. thephraseologyr of thé oriinal Spanishi lîîanuscript, wliichi miakes the reading of the booký (lifhcult for -the average chîld. 'l'lie HiIustrations an(l decorations b i I *1 I I beautiful rendition of the Janguage of India. The legend deals with the theft of Sita, Rama's lovely tvife, by the ten-headed demion, Ravana, and of her 'rescue and ve ngeance by Rama and his faithful brother. In addition to, these niew titles, there, are, the' ol favorite. hero tales, 1E.iglaiids.jqllv% Robin Hood, the ver- sion by Hjoward- Pyle being the ablest; France's 1eloved Charle- magne given to us by. Bulfinch cl i -THE LEGELýNDS.,0F CHARLEA. MAGNE," and the lcel'andi c saga 'THE STORY OF 'GRETTIR THEl- S;TRONG" by A.11an'French., These books will be, found ini the interinediate secion at the lihrary, a collection -of, books ini the. children'sý departmient. for 01(1er -boys and girls. St. Francis AXavier, Pe T*.A At a recent meeting of the board of directors of the St. Francis Xavier Parent-Teacher associationi the ap- I)ointment of Mrs., J. T. Hanley as vice-ýpresident *as con firmed. 11r s, ýTracey, announced the niew lisgt of roomü mothers for the year 1931:1l932 as follows: 1 First gradle-iMrs. Arthur Evers, Mrs.. E. P. Letiahani; third grade- Mfrs. Banford Landgill, 'Mrs. Peter McGrk:fourth grade--M\rs. Robert iREDUCED CGOLFINO AE I at C GENCOE GOLF CLUBi OOne of t >he f inest "DaiIy Fee" jcourses on the. north shiore. 1 NEW RAIES NOW'EFFECTIVE f Drive ouf Green Bay Road, GIencoe, +0 Koehling Road (jusf south of Forest Preserve) or by railroad- to Park Avenue, Glencoe, tfhen a mile by cab. Gordon J Diltz, Mrs. Kuipers;-eighth btlcflC or the children. grade-Mrs. Robert Fontham, I'frs. Tm-uy1 W. F. MlcNulty, -Mrs. W. J. Fitz- Place-garden of Mrs.. Horace ipatrick. Grignon's home, 854 Sheridan road. Thiese nem, room miothers are ai- In case of rain the games will be ready enthusiastically at work com- played inidoors. MONET CLouiS DR»Y.CLEANINGI It costs 80 littie' to h ave your clothes cleaned at the ERMINE CLEANERS, but it means' months of extra wear. Phone us and our driver wiII stop at your door. SPLENDID! T HAT'ils what s80 iany people exclaim when they sce the wonderful work- we 'do. Sheerest. fabrl ce anàd daintiest colors are returnied' to you looking 80 new. Eaishd 1921 OTTo F. FiSCHER, President 1150 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3710 or 704. Mfain Office and PIant-Wauke in and Webster Aveu,, Highwood, 111. Phone Highland Park 3710