The pastors t hemne for. next Sunday 'will deal with* the problemi of how to m~neet a crisis. The text is ",They feared as lhey entered the cloud." The miusic m-ili be by the regular quartet and or- gaflist. The modifled program o0'f the Churchi sehool for the mumnmer brings. al ses- sions at thé church. hottr. The an- nouncemnent stresses three Items as Loi7- Ail departments meet at 11 o'clock. Beginnlers and Primary childrén wIil' assemble ln their roorns. Juniors wiIl meet With the congrega~- tion 'in the church for the.firs.t haîf hour, retiring from, there during the slnglflg of the second hymn. Ihterrnedlates, Seniors and Young People are lnvited to cooperate ln'mak- ,lng the morning service even, more effec- tiveby their qattendance. The Des Plaines Camp meeting begin-, Sunday, Julv 5, and lasts over the twti. following Sundays. There will be serv- ices miornlnig, afternoon and evening of each and every day. Bishop Hughee- wilI preach on the evening of July 5. Blshop ' MeIConnell will -be the spe aker two iveeks later. GroUps of young peopfle are preparing for te suamer camps. Large. groups of both boy and girl scouts will soofl be leaviflg. Another oýlder' group. will he in attendance at the League Inisti- tute at Lake Geneva. A specisil lnvltatio.. is extended to vis itrs'.during the summer seas;on. The church wlll be 'found conifortable on the hottestA ays. "ICOME AN D WOR.SHI'i" Here your effor7tto worship 'will be qufrkene:1 by the stimilating spel, of a noble sanctu ary, klnieil by the contaglous presence of a goodly comipany of fellow seukters after C.od; elebittedi by the miys- tic powver of music -which lifts us to 'the -verge of the Infinite and lets us peep over" ;, dIrectedl by the, persuasion of' preachlng wlîlch bas the quaiity, of human interest; gulded by' the spirit fourid ouuIy where, prayer is -.wont to be niade- ; and freed froi enervating mysticism by a sense 4)f life's -coni- ,nanding challenge toý high endeavoi.',, 'St. John-'s Lutheran ,Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette ,Herman W. e . A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephon e 134C CÇhurch telephone 3111. SERVICES Fourtlit undaiy %fter-Trlulty 9:15 a. hi.Ffrt service anud sermon 9 :30i a. ni. Sunday sehool and Biblle classes 10' a. ni. .Advantced Bible claSs riday sçhool rooms of th iceh tickets a re now bel rformaxices will begin kets may be had at the, sold. The 8 o'clock. ýor. 'Kext Sunday's sermon. subject, (July 6) will be - The Cities of Refuge. Presbyteri. anChurch Womnan'sclub GreenleAf avenue and Tenth street Church office: State bankbpilding Telephone, Wilmette 64 and ý688 WVe cordfially wéecomne strangers and visitors to1 ail thé services of the' chuftch. Mornîng wors;hip at the usual hour Il o'clock. The Rev. Selden L. H1ayes. Dl. D. acting pastor, will conduct the> services .and preach the «sermon>i Sunday, June 28. Junior church bas, been discolititiued during the.sunuer months. Sunday gchO'ol at 9:30- a. m. with cla.sses for-ali-ages frorn, beginners tr, -iduIts. R. H.. Rice -supJerintendent.. You are invited, to eroîl in the Home de- p artnucnt if for anîy re-ason it is impo- sible to attend the 'rguiar schoo1 ses- ,;ions8. .Nfrs. 'r. B. (;ibsort superintenidenit Y. P. S. C.L. will mne et a t 5 :30 P. ni. Prayer meetinig will be diseontinued, durinïg July and August. Spoke' 6 of the Womna's society will mieet with. Mrs. R1. M. Johnsýton ý719 Laurýel. avenue, Tue2.sdaiy June M0. FollôWing is the mlusical prgogra-tniefr Sund'ay, June 28. 'Slo-'ii-hougli the Darkness" (Stabat ,NMater) . ... ........ .... Rossini Ofiertory -Ave maria- ..... Franz Postlude - '(ý7redo" . ý. . . Haydn 'Ena Round(s, <rganist Edwvard Otis, soloi.-t CalfIs fur service a t any tne, includ,- Iing pastoral service, cari be fuilhed by couînîuficating with t he chiurt-Ii sucretary, Wiînette .688, or Dr'. iî.e, (ieýntral 4302. First Congregational John G. -Hindle,,iaister J. Clair M-Nead, director of DýurIing. the,~n'mr our service .of begin ai .3 o'cloek in the reno) Bring your supper. Transportation wil be furnished for those who noti'fy Mrs. G. N. Lanmb or Mrs. Russell Johnson. Younbg people .'iho Are planning to attend the Camp Gray Sumimer Assem- biy at Sau gatuck, Nlcli, are asked t-,ý send in their registi'ation atppIcûatioin, wth fee attac.hed, to ýthe*church ofl'ie before July.1Iif -possible. 'The Aszsenibly dates. are. August 22-29. English Lutheran Greenleaf avenue at Seventh street Wilmette, Carl I. Empson, ,pastor THE FOUBTH 817-XDAY AFTÉ R' 9:45 a, m......... ....... Sunday sehool Arthur Stark., suPerintendent 11, a. m....... Morning Wor.-shipr Sermon: "Luùther;an Worshipbè M*r. Smedley begins play,.ing at 10:45 a. nm. His» organ preludes are mieeting wlth the approval of a number of mus-ic love'rs. If you' like good orgaýn mutsic, arrive at the church fifteen mfiinutes early'. The notebooks of ail conflinîands Fhould bje 4n the hands of the pastor not later thatn July 1, 1931. There Nvill be nov more' recitation .perlodq *until the nmiddle of Septeniber. The choir meets each Thursday eve- nling for rehearsal 'at 7 :»0 p. mi. M ù. Smediey directs the choir. These-are vacation dayS.ý,;aid by th*se who profess to knlow: "The devil neyer takcs a.vacatic)n" But wlîo wants to foIlio% the' dev il fo r an exanîpfle. 'A v-acaetion is worthwhile and oftentimie, greatly needed. Hoivever, it is not irir tended that vacation days bc Godless days. Xherever 'you go, take the fe:tt of the Lcrd with you. Worghip Hlm regularly anld blessing shaîl be upon you. Visitors tç 'Wilmette are cordially invite'd tu) wol-ship with us. St. A ugustine's 'Next Sunday, June 28, will be the fpurith .Sunday-tý ater Trinity. There wail lie I-Iol , Communion at 8 a. ni. a ne nîorniîîg praýyer -with sermon at il Next Monday,' Junle, 29, 'willbe St. Peter s Day-. Therevvih i be, Holy Coni- illunion at 8 a. nm. MI/ission Church Hlouise, Oak street,' Winnetka. johin Bengston, pa4stoir $undsyj, Jline 28 Confirmation ................ il a. ni. Y. P1, Prograni, -Mn. Berg speaking.. .' . .. . . . . . . . 5 p, n , 1-vening 'service .,....... ,. . 7:45 p). ni. Wednesday, July 1, business meeting .... .. .. 8 1. ni. Pýriday, prayer meeting .....8 1p. ni they shoulci. iFurtherrnore, Rujssia bas dissented from the entire Draft treaty and has reserved the right to propose bier own schenie of 'disarma- nient metbods at the Conference. In the second place,', the Conference. mnust. agree on general. ratios 'for land and' air armaments, comiparable, to the ratio agreed upon between the five naval powers at the Washington confer.ence and on thebasis of these ratios it -mus't- work, out defin ite figures representing the limits- which th-le .coun.tries .must iiot exceedi. In the third. place,. the Conference must agree up on limits, for the niavies of these powérs which 'have flot yet ac- cepted. any* naval, limits. In the fourth place, the Conference must- conisider wbether or flot some re-, vision, of the naval limùits ajready ac- cepted by the chief naval powers is necessary. In the fiftlî place, the Conferenice :Must overconme serious political, obstacles. The strained re- lations >between France and Italy, and. France and Gerniamv are 1only samnples of the political tension whbich a (lisarniamient agreement' %vould bave. to surmiount." No attempt is inade ini the pa ni- Phiet to put 'forward, recommeinda- tions or to urge a. course of action, but M rs. Liamib pointiýs out- the i .- p)ortance of the role wvhich this Çoii- trv. will play ini the Cou ference, ~It is belie.ved by nmaiiv people," she says, "that îts success niav de- penîd .largely upon the attitu(le Of th*e United, States. For exaniffle, there arises, the question of budg- etarv limiîtation. Siin ce otîler powers to lie.represented lhave dxcated tliat thev wl accept this inct 'Iho( of limitation eith'er wvheiitise(l alone or li c otjunction vith othier niethods, co,tiinued Aierican 'objection to lit mlotil( i ean that tins country w'otfld haniper -one "of the, fcw, fornîs,,of limiitation upon w~hicli. foreign agrec- tuent cati be reached. Theni, too,* the conflict- of. interests between the' l1uropean nations along other lines is so great, and it i utestion- ;Lbly lie so (ificult for theni to fix n 'îutuallv accepitable linuiits for their andl armianents, that the Confereîîce ilaY end ini dea(llock uinless sonie 1ower more renioved froin European )olit.ics persuades theni to miake the ile'cessarv inutual concessionis by of- fering *tÔ lîake su.nîe significaîît re- frorn Saturday une 1, wi benei onus aurn tis s'er-vice. AI. thcjse Who previousîy hflU, and an analysis of Saturday next, June .27, at' the Gien- accept the Lord Jesus, whether members the probhlems facing the 1932 Con- vlew Forest Preserve. All those 'i(ho of this 'ehurcli or elsewhere, are Mnost ference. have no means of transportation to the welcomne - to jcJn ln this observance Of grounds will mtet at the church at' 1:4.1 iii. ' .As Mrs. Lamb says, "In the first o'clock., People who can place their ' place, it must reconcile those 'dif- cars' et the dispos>eai of th>e Sunday Beginning July 19, we wil unite with ferýences in points of view .regarding schoel aWre lnvited to be, at the chureli the Wilmette CongregatiOnal church in at i :4 to help take the children to 'the.uyiio'n services at Il o'clock each Sun- methods -ofdisarmamfent wbich the grounds. Gameàs of ail 'kinds for old amd day,, extendlng throuigh Séptember 7. Prepasatory commis.Sion'.waýs unable young. Rýefreshmentz.' Take 'a basket The Ilfst four :services. wil1 be -held ln to. recOncite.* Chief amoug these ýis l. ivule s one of tne wiimette' postoffice clerks. Miss Margaret Topping, scbool nurse at Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, bas been viiig ber' siter, Mrs. W. S.' Moore,, 531 Wasbington avenuefortw eeks before going to Lake Genevg for the sunier. 4-