'-1r SemiloA nnual Clearanees These clearanceseare famous along. the North Shore" for tremnendous' value: plus style.* The itemas listed below give yau. somneidea of w-hat these values are, and there are others todo! Ail departments have contributed ta these greatse- ings,, Our increased purchasing' power and present miarket conditions bring you Edgar A. St.evens' youtbful fashions at the, Iowest dlearance sale- prices that we have ever of - fered. Euery sale must be final., Silks $1.39. Va1ues-now. 75c. Printed Shantungs, ail silk', plain'and printed fiat crepes. All Réimnants are 75c yard. $1.95 Vle now $1-00 Plain*an printed fiat crep es, sat*x crpes, printed chiffons. $2.95 Values noW $1M2 Alil silk pique, satins, fi.at crepes, georgettes, chiffons. $3.95 Values now $1.75 Mallinson Printed Pussy Willow. Flat crepe, -satin crepe, chiffons, georgettes. Lower Price. Room Dresses. 2'Groups Dresses Dresses have been radically reéduced.. Si zes 14 ta. 42. Five 'major price groups and other great, bargains. $8,95 (values ta $18.50) (values to $29-.50) $16,195 (values ta $39-50) $195 (values ta $49-50) $29.50 (values ta $651iOO) Coats. Trimmed and untrimmed Spring coats have been reduced. Sizes 14 to 38. Ail are, desirable niodels. Accessories BAGS $7.50 values, now. $5.00 values now. $3.95 values .now., $2.95 valueés now. $3.95 .$1.95 GLOVES Broken assortments, greatly' reduced.. Not aIl sizes or. colors. 4-6-16-button lengths. HOSIERY Chiffon with clax,' chiffon, mid- weight, mesh hose ini evening shades-ali -reduced ta $1.00. Greatsaigs CORUSETS and LINGERIE We have taken, the oddpieces of lingerie and corsets from our regular stocks and revised, the prices. Not ail sizes in each style, but ail real bargains. Coats and Su its A lirnited quantity of each type. Prices have been drasticaily cut. You wilI. find somne rea.1 bargains! 2 and 3 piece suits are in. this lot. Prices have been cut ta exactly one- haif their original price. Again, they, won't last long at these prices, sa corne early I Values Values Values Values *...A e, ta $1. ta $10x) ta $135 ta. $15i(