Fïrst Churcli of Christ, Scientist Tentb Street and Central Avenue = i i Wilmettei i SUNDAY SERVICES -i i A. M. WEDNESDAY - TESTIMONIAL MEETING -8, P. M. SUNDAYSCHOOL EXERCISES- 9:45 A. M. JUNE 21, 1931 S..uhject:"s the Tjniverse, Including Man, Evolved Iy Atomie ForceP" READING ROOM-1 14 8: Cernrai Avenue Open DaiIy (excepting Wednesday) q A. M. ré 9 P.ý M. Wednesday g9A. -M. £0 7:4 5 P. M. Open 4unday afternoons 3 P. M., to 6 P. M. 'HI i i= E E = i i i E i i i i j i a THE PUBtLIC 15 CORDIALLY INVITflD TO AT1TENDE THE CHURCH SER VICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM witn Stracciari. In 1922,' "Boris Godounoif," mîith Didur. in 1923, "La Traviata," with Schipa. In 1924. 'Pagliacci," with Boni, Martinelli -, Cavalleria Rusticàna."ý -with. Eastou. \Tolpj, Danise. . 11 1925. "L'Amore dei Tre Re," with BoiMartineli. In 1926, ".'Manon Lescaut," with Boni. Martiiielli. lil 1927, Aridrea« Chenier," witlh Rethberg, Martinelli,* Danise. Il1 1928, "Pagliacci ," with Mario. .\1artitielli:, "Cavalleria Rusticana," with Eastoni,Chianile. . lu .1929. "Manon Lescaut," witbi Boi, UMarti'nelli.' lu 130."La'*Campatia Soin- niersa." witlh Rethberg, Martinelli. In 1931. "W\illiamn Tell," 'with Rethblerg. MNartinielli, Danise. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur ]G Foster hâve returned to their horne att 812 Oakwood avenue, aften spendinig.si'x nonthis-in St. Petersbur.g, FI a., This group of wonien is greatly in- terested in the Lake Bluff orphanage and cadi vear at Christmas tine the memibers bring ail the children from the orp)haiuag_ and p)lace theni in various. hQxnes to be entertained. The fýollow,ýing oficer.s %ere electéd for the enisuing year-: Gracie Speigel- -hauser. president; BMythe Mitchell. vice,- president; Ruhv M 1cMorran. secretarN and iJOsei)hille H-askint,. treasurer. The class disbands for the suni- iner. mnths b>ut will.'colive'ne again in September when., it annlouÙnceý, "it' Mill l)e gla(l b welcorne anvolie who. is nlot associat.ed els-ewhere." IN GOLF, TOURNEY A> field of sixty womeni golfers turied out for Chicago District Golf association open day held._Ttusday at the Wiimette Golf club. Clifton L. Darling, Jr., and, his brother, George, are hoôme f roni thîe Universitv of Rochester to pass tli suniner holidays withi their parent.., 1538 Highlan~dayenue. GENUINE MEAT SAVINOS THAT SHOULD APPEAL TO EVERY THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE - -CREDIT CAN BE ARRANGED SALE VRIDAT and SATURDAT, JUNE 19020 KIle SPING DROILERS Sell37e1 Pot. Roat -Native 19e P@vk Loins Inalf or WIîole 190 ShiteVeal Legs 7 FaeyYo~ung iH........ LeanS Mmom0d utte Ail Mweet 1 2170i Native WIssmk Steaks 250 Eone1em B ee! Stew 220 S627 VITT MAI ]RoIled RIb lRoast Fancy Lambi Legs Armour". Star or H m Ijoxrel Sklnned ,ut Boneiess io 'Wgsté The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other autborized Christian Science Literature may be read. borrowed or purcbased at thé Reading' Room;» 4 4 3i0o ut 2170 .- Phione WiImette. 1870. t ýiiiii , liiùiliù»lÉ:ýý