If You Plan To Be Away - This Su.mmer "Fïrst'j,, Wilmette" It wl comfort you to rmme htw have ,provided, thefac'ilities to take car f the safe, keepfingf.yor jwery, silveror other household valuables during, your absence.z * youcari feel at eaee in the knowledge that. thieves or vandals will be unablle to seize or to d.es troy such cherished- articles and yoiur vaca- tionl will be made ail the more enjoyable by this -.assurance. Corne in and rnake arrangements now for ,.,thi's safe keeping. A very minor cost will pay Y ou bigz dividends in peaceof mmnd. * The TEA DVISORY COMMITTEE E 17EN E .1'. TIAYER liairnait EýxevtitiveC(ojait t. (entrai 'Trust' Uonu)aI(if Illinois Direetm-, Anierikçan TeIep)Iine1 & Telegraph 'mpany. Otis Elevatior 4UomipanIy, etc. D)AVID YE. SAAA C.harnan (of the Boards~ Central 3rNfg. Dist. Bank Termna~l National Bank -Nidland National Bank PI -nt<IIfi ad Treasun.r E. *L.. E.sIe.v ahie, N'M.N. JARNAGJN C'entral itfg. Dist. lïink- ('hairnian Mad isc,,î-Kedzic Tr. &$.iv. Bk. -11. E. II)RONTO C'entrai Mfg. Dist. Presýident U, ~S. ('olcistorage Corp. ALAN C. flIXON * (apitalist A RTHUR MEIKEI1 I)ireeco Arnilour & Co. 1I resident Arcady Farnis MiI.ling Co. I. B UPPENFIEIMEIt Li. '. TtosSE B., .- Rosset & C<*o 'FRANK L. WB * Iresident * Terynjiial National.Bk THE DIRECTORS 0F THE BANK Saturday 8 a. m. until 12:30 p. m. 7 until 9p. lm. TRUST REAL ESTATE Miik A. C. WC Wolff- nd Treasurer Le . ~, me.