We -Su gg est if he pIâys Golf GOLF BALLS GOLF GARTERS pair50 GOLF HOSE of wool pair SLEEVELESS. SWEATERS $3 .50 CHAMPKNIT POLO SHIRTS où.0 of lisI. m.sh L INEN CAPS LNEN.,SLAC-KS.- Nice for golf Lew-is Golf Knit UNION SUITS, WOOLSOX, rolled. Worn with Slacks LINEN KNICKERS W. have many gifts Fancy Sox. 50c Linen Handkerckiefs, french hand- rolled ..5Oc « four-in-khand ,Ties 50C Collar Pins .. 50C Silk Sox ... $1 .00 Lovely Ties ... $1.00 Hose Supporters . $1 .00 $2.95' $2.50' $1.00 $2.95 Hope Thoipsonýi, 1219 A~shland a1lî n, ililnettie, foi- tell yea>-s aittoroiev for t/lie Chicago Federa- lioit of Labor. Wied aIth vas toii. ios pitfa! Tiesdav motrinq .aft 1er ai &extcn.ded i/me.ss. He wnas 'welI kiioi(n as a figliter. for the' cause of laboeiin Chicago and fthc nation. Enroliment Small Iat Summer School The Wilmette Public schools' 1931 suimier session openéd with a small enrolîment ' Mondav morning.' There, wvere about twNenlt ,-five puipils at thel 1-oward school, seven at Logan, thirty at, Central and several m ùore at Stolp. Mrs. Katharine Jia an Miss Trenna, Scôtt are adling the sec-, ond to the sixth :grades- inclusive. at. the Central school, and Ms em XVyman is teaching the sevenith a'nd eighth grades ýat the Stolp building. Miss M.,ildred. VanHorne and Mrs., Pearl P. Jones are teaching at the Dad Sunday MQrning? ,Worthem's I150 WiImef Ave. Phone Wilrmeffe 2655 Linden avenue indicating that the _________ "L" terminal business district is two William and George Rose, sons of blocks west of this intersection. Per- General and Mrs. William H. Rose mission to eréct such a 'sign was of the Kenilworth Inn have returned asked by the Wilmette Chamber of *for their summer vacation. TIhe for- Commerce on behaîf of the business mter is attending Cornell.,university,. men in. this. district, most of. whont j and. the latter hasbeen a'student at. are tÈnmbers of. the Chamber. the Berkshire, school. The clinic, which is held on the first Wednesdav of every montb, is planned to be a year-round institu- tion , but special efforts will be made to examine during the summer months ail chidren who will enter the first s chool grades neèxt Sep- tember. Mothers -with chldenbetween thç ages of two and six years are invited to., bring them_ to -the clinic, where they will be examined and mothers advised as to the physical' fitness, of the children. The, clinic is. conducted by Mrs. Inez- Bliss, tubercu1osis institute niurse in -Wilmette, and *Dr. Mula Plierce, Wilmette pediatrician. Simnilar, clinics, spousored by the institute, have been iin operation for several years ini Lyons and MaywNood, where. their success is -laid to pflans for' sîmilar, activities in other towns of Cook countv. Om.it Church Services. IYuring Summer Period Dr. Herbert L. Willett, pastor of the Renilworth Union church, "il be in resîdence at the Universiti- of Chi- cago through the reniainder of this mn.onth- and most of July. During the first. three weeks of Auigust hie will ,beýlecturiiig at Chautauqua ' N. Y. The final church service of the- season, before the summer recess w as held last Sunday, Uuring thé summer' howvever, a service of instruction and .worship will. be held each Sunday at 10 o'clock under the direction of Mrs. Francis C. Merre1l, the Sundaý School cotnmittee and volttnteer helpers., Want Local -Residents for Village. Offices. A communication from. the ,Wil- m 1ette Chamber of Commerce :u rging the appo intment of Wimette resi- dents f or the positions of Village en - gineer and Village health commis- sioner for the coming year wes read at the .regular meeting of the" Village board Tuesday night. These two ap- pointments have flot yet been filIed. Village President C. P. XDubbs re- ferred the' letter to the entire board for consideration. if h. doesn't play golf.