Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1931, p. 48

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Geneal otie- hisifidadvrtiemets illb. cha.rged oniy to rsidntsof he istictfrom Evanstonto Glencoe'inclusive whose naines appear ln the telephone dlrectory', or wlio are regular subscribers to elther WILRMIETTE- LIFE, SWINNETICA TALK * or GLENCOE NEWS.- 1cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a lin. ln any two papers. Rates-kQ cents a Iune in ail three papers. MINIMUM CUAUGE ONE DOLLAR. Average, of five words to. the line.- No blaclr face type used. 10% discouint on ail cash wlth order advertise ments when brouglit te e ur. .,ee at 1232 Cetral Ave.,* Wllmette, or SOI- Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka. Deaiju fr Isetios_ Classfi0d advertlsenients *111 be c tiil.3ILMTTE LIFE - r ail three papers3;,Wednesday 9 o'clock for tue WINNETKA TALK and !hursday. 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. - Telephones.: Willrette 4300, Winnetka 2060, -Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. IL Il S lýOB? AND FOUNDI * 36.A SADDLE HORSES 41LTÉN7-itc 292. - LAUNDRESS WANTS J-LST- TWO RELIA-BLE -EXPERIENCED. laundries to bring home, special I worthy, white ciauffeur, ratequic servce, housemian, I3est ref,,. Cal i rater P.uick evicewill cal and de- 1459- or .Calumet 2043. 42L - lier. h. inxitka2764. -4lL7 -tp1 PAINTING, WALL WASHIN LT7ILV N'G-, P.A.- EXPER. ýCOLORED WOMAN WANTS ýf Work, by experiéeed man. Oison, day work, cleaning or..laùnfdry. Good PhDai840 42L7ltp Jref. -PhoneDelaware.8613. -- -41LTN7-ltP BOY 17 WrýAN-,TS A PODSrTION4- North IShore prferred, ivill accept dd COLORED WOMAN -%ANTS GEN- i jobs. Call! WViimette 4288. 42LTN7-lhnc eral housework. Fond. of childrn.-- Gq ref. Ph.. Greenleaf 2376. XPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR WVANTS Good 41L7-Itp poiio.Rf, Ph. S.e Fisher; Green- ____________________________ leaf 8360.> 42LT. -ltp Co CMP ETE.T -WOMAN w 1SHE-IS-ý - care of children-' , 35 cents per hr., also' - college girl that *il1 do saine. Ph. Wilmette 4203. -4 1LTNÇ7-lnc EXPEPENCE GARDNER ANT-S work: North Shôre Ref. Ph. Wilmette: 30-à3. 42LTN-4-1lne EXPERINCED MN, %VAH WiY? LOST-BLUE.FLANN.EL.COAT rW!I'WE ALWAYS HAVE ON HANDI.HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, WOULD LIKE- doWs. care of laWns, garden work, brs.butos, June 1. Country Day! about, 15 head -of bigh-grade thee positio smte' epro to care etc. Winntka 1552. 42TN7Ç--ltp achool. Reward. Finder please, phone,!,aurd flve-gaited, saddle horses. We I for .sna.11 chidren. Tel. Wilmette Wlneta ~0.2LT7-te pcaIe ntanng for pleasure -oe 120 41LTX7,-lnc ,YOUN(, MA N WILL C UT LAWN11S BYý and, furnish horses perfedtiy man- -hour or month. Ph. Deerfield 15. LOST-ASMALLBLACK HANGE nered for the novice rider. Pics XPERIENCED Wý%OM'AN WNS -4 T7 t purs. contaIning about $70.') nr fom200 ur'rt frcrulr i laundry or cleaning Monday and ___________________ near OKean store, Winta Re hnrses guaranteed. Drakewood Farin Wdedas al iiete48 atrHUSE. AND LAWN WORIC WANT- ward, ofiered. Ph. Winnetka, 1S2S.< 1)eertield, Ill., Phone Deerfield-386. 50. 4lLTN7dflnc c, ls.,painting &,odd.jobs. Ph. Wil- 2LN-lc26A-LTN45-tfcl mette 208R. 42L)TTN7-lnc ___________________________MIDDL AGED GERMA1 WOMA _________________ MIALL ENGLISH SETTER, WHITE WEARING APPAREL wi»h1es housework, care of eidren '43 BIT. WTP.-MALE AND FEMALE, wtth bLack spots, on-e black ear. Child- 3 or elderly by hour, day or Weel,. Ph.___________________ rnI?8 pet. Reward. -N. B. Bedermnan,- AYBLESI.2PR Wmet 62 ILN-t 221 Essex Rd. Winnetka. Phi. lin- BOYS BLUESUIT._2PAIRS,_________68_ FREE SERVICE TO EMPLOYERS netka 2391. 2-LTN7-Ite of kniukers, size 12 years, $5. Phone 1O - INW 0 M A N W A_ 1N T S Everything in HI-GRADM HELP LOS BEWEN 104~ORSTAND 1Vnn~ka15-17. 33ýLTN74ltc1 laundry Nvork to do at home. WVill eall References POSITIVELY.IVSI the Congregationai Church, Sundaâ - ON fur & deliver. Rf. P-h. 'Winnetka 3248. GATED. A4SK YOUR NEIGHBORS morning June 7h roll of $10 billi~. 4____________________________________ Reward. Ph. Wilrnette -1531. - 2L7-itc -POET WES 1631 Benson Ave., Evanston, Davis 81-16 - IANS TO POET ONR.EXPERIENCD-COLOR IL UD STATE SUPERVISION- LOST-IIRE HAIR FOX TERRIER,; Make and buy lat and 2nd mortgages.' wants bouse vwork, mýornings pre- 41.LTNî-ltl) black and wrhite. Answers name- EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. - frred., North shore ref. Ph.- Wî"lmiette----- -"Sanidy." Reward. Tu. Winnetka- 39.i61 rvStGenla500 9-J 1T'Ic 2LTN7ý-ltc 1 rv t.Gensf560--1-. 1T7ic -COUPLÉS YOUN-LADES HIST WATC - LTN36-tfe US 4 white'couples with POUN -L-%.DES RIS 'WTCHEX*,PER,. ENGLISH *NREWITH at Eider lane beach. Phone W-infletka 4 IUTO ATDFML odns e.wns-psto ipi reference of 3 to 7 yrs. 2082. '2LTN741tp vt famrily. Phone Winnetka 519-W- 7NV PUrN' AEC LOS-MLESEIH-ý-I ERIER 4L7, -lt .8 mSt.- Wînnetka 2«62 LOSTMALESEAYHAMTERRERSITUATIONS WANTED- --- . L-Ip-3TN-t- white with 1 brow-,ar, $5 rtward. - nglish girlI 38 yrs. old wants general, CPfL OA AT OI 857 Ash St. Winn; 16. 2LT7-1-tp 1 .iy r. Winnetka Ref. CAAL -)\_ýNWNSPS_ Holland girl 27 yrs. oid wants general, tion. Gener-al housework. Go;iod plain S.E1'.MRCA- LOST - HANDWOVEN TAPESTRY 20 nionth Ref. -- co4ok, Best ref. Ph~one Winneýtka- 2197., wislies ein-loynient together. Co,,! chair seat in Wi-Liette busintss dis- emz il O a1 gneacI - 1 41L7-1tp - and housenian. Gardening. Driving.- U'to-.1Tel. Wilmgtiel330,.- 2L7-ltc ient lef. - i -Winn. reference. Call Erie Bergstroni. - First class Bohemiian coolc. 42 yrs. old, ILA-\UNDREýSS WANTS W\ASHiN1G TO Keystone 2ýS6. -- 4-3LT7-ltiî LOSTTAN AND WHITE D-OG, PART J wants position on. North Shore. - i. take honte. Ca Il Wilmetteý 516. - ,TAINW.TDB OP terrier. If:founid please cali Wilniette ! Gernian coo-;k 30 vrs., old. B-cst of ref. - - - -411TN7I1ncSIUTO A ED-B CUP. referein. A-Éiandook.andbtr oe s REMOD)ELINC AND> ICJ± -Afl Kinds of Carpenter W4~ *JOHN I3OESCH -Ph. Wilmette 2165 ___Severzil nurse gis, excelleént rer. - - - -I PAULIN.ES AGEcIE s, RY CAABEHOUSEKEEPER,, A4 7SErn St. - Winnetka 2662 good experience dcook,- <xcWellet local -41.LTN7-1tc Tcrf. Ph. Wilmnette 4944. 41LTN7-lnrc PAIRING - - EXPERIENCED HELP 2480 We place on ly experienced help, 8LTN44-tfc R eferences personaily investigated. -Call any cof our offices. - > CE Minnetka .26612 -- Dav is 77 77 lig-hiand Pk.' 2520 L ake Forest 359, !ork Done PAULI4NE's EMP. AGENCII:S 4ILTN3-tfc - EXP. WOMAN WANTS DAY WOP.K, washing. ironing, and cJeningi Cet. Ph. Wilmnette 480., 41TN-n EXP. WOMA-Nl W*ISH-ES 'ÀF T E RNOON wùrk, good, couk. Ref. Oalievenings 43SITUAT' 9LTNZ6;-ttî 'E-MALE driving.- Drexel 7127. -- 4L7lî 44 HLP -WANTEC>--FEMALE WANTED *AT ONCE, Cooks Secondruaida Nurses General Maids - Couples - Mýust have good working ref. PAUIINÉ'S AGENI'CY 743 Elmi St.. Wlpnetka 2f - - -44LTN7- 9 - - NURSE NWILI,, - CARr-FOR îNVALflJ; ,,GERMAX GIRL WANTS PSTO -or elderly person at her country home. F foregntral housevvork. Ph. - iiitýtte- Càll betwee-n 3 and 4, Rogersý Park 274. -4ILT7-Inc. _____________PETS _______ o f tny kind., Cali Wilrnette 48, - 41LT7-lncI DE. F. C.' BUSCHBOM, DOC. AND CAT, boupita. Cipplng, Stripping, Bathing. yO1-UNG WHITE GIRL AS MOTHER'S Bôarding. 1000 Ridge Rd., Ph. -Wif- heiper. Ref.. Ph. Wilniette 3944.' mette 5004., 26LTNÇ- 2tp - 41LTN-I;te"' -4 2 LTN7 -1nc EXPE-TErEDMAXWANTS WIN- dow washing, care. of lawns.- gardeýn and hiousework. Ph. Wiîmette 99. hîidrn. Must be exper. and like Ref. Phone Winn. 2727. - - -- '4LTN7-ltc EXPER. WRHITE GIRL FOR TÂGHT liou.së,wortk, cooking. 2 childre-n. No wshing hn Winnetka 840. EXPERIENCnD BUTLE R A-N i - 44LTN -Itc -Chauffeur wishes position in pri-vate i EXpERlENýCED -'WHITE - G CIRL FOR famliîy.WIlne to leave town. E.W. genera I housewotok. $10-$12 week. Lewis. Paz 886i4L7et ~Winnetka 310. . 44LT:N-Itc J îii ýin x r:d or any ki Dèr' UÏ L- 8, N, --Lý ' i

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