in. Safety Lessons The pedestrian is learning how to cOnduct himself safej.y on the streets and highways mtich more rapidly than the mnotorist, says th'e National Safety Although more'than haif the persons killed in automobile accidents are stili pedestrians, the increase in deaths of dri-ýers and passengers in recentyears is. rapidly reducing their importance. Since .1927 the total of pedestrian deaths has Onic up orilv 5 percent, while those of persons . n cars have j unîped .to) 35 percent. If deaths f rom collisions of, autosc withî railroad trains and , street. cars arc left out of the comparison, the rer maining collision deaths. show an ýad-' vceof: as much as 42 percent. Pedestrian fatalities have been mn-. creasing just about as fast as the itnber of 'pedestrians. but the 42 per cent advance in deaths of drivers and passe1ngrs w~as accompanied by .a gr(>wth of only 16 percent in the nUMberý oif automobiles.. The startling comnpariso115 are the resuit of an exhaustive studv bY th.e Na-tionial Safety Council of the acci- dent -records of cities and _states withi îa total population :of 48.000,000. What is true of these places is.doubtless true Of th eletire United States.t Ai, exaininuation of the ages o1 per- soskilled during this period shows a' decrease of 10 percent f or chiren, uiiier five years and of 19 percent for' those frmin five to tourteen Nears oAd. Iii contrast, dcathis of aduIts iicreasedl 2percent.aoe For pedestrian deathls aO the dîif- i crence see oe tiig h niiiiei(r oi NvOtingci children killed Nent. d n13 perce1î ntdl(ni thle ages 5 to 1-4 t hey (ropped 24 percenit. .Pedestfrian, .dCWths ainong adults frein. fifteen -to fiiftv- four rose 24 perceýnt and for ùlder l)ersons 16'percenit. Alth'ough Illinois stands readv to agree in writing to an "armistice,, i the tnotor truck license controversy started by Wisconsin,' that state h as thus far refused, to enter into the agreement, wjth the resuit that the twar"e continues in both state .s, aC-, cording to the Chicago Motor club.' Wisconsin reéentlv begun enforc- ing a new piece of legisiation pro- vidingý that ail motor trucks from other states must have Wisconsin license plates if they were. to be, driven in that ,îtate. NfManv arrests were made. Illinois authorities re- taliated by arresting drivýers of \Vis7- conisin trucks. ,Phil, Harmon. chief investigator for the secretary - of stàte of Illinois,' recently propqsedC that both states discontinue arrests ,of this character until a test case had been carried: to the W\isconsiin Sulpreme court.-In ..furtheraice of the Agreement, the mnotor club pointed ont; Illinois authorities ceased arresting Wisconsin truck drivers, but thie arrests of Illinois truck drivers in Wisconsin continued un- abated. Thereupon. Chief Investiga- tor Harinon announiced thatthe Ilii- nois authorities would Cotne o afrrest- Wisconsinr, truck drivers, untiil that state aLyreed 'in wrting to ar- rest nio more Illinois truck -drivers ntlthe high court had Passed upoln the test case. contrac.ts be placed as rapîclly as possible to provide employment, the division ,of highways, durîng May, let road and bridge contracts that, total almost $3,000,000. The season's road construction program, utider. contract and contemplated, willcal for about $45,000,000. worth of work, distributed well oyer Illinois. Con- tracts.placed.iii May nuibered forty- one. .Pr.eliminary work is now well unider way for one of the season s biggest road Iettings,june 16. 'Pro- jects for which bids Were opened that day have an estimated total 'cost of $5i221,675. Two Counties Linked by 308-oot Lift Span Trhe 308-foot lift span of î1lî bridge across.,the Illinois at Hardini, connecting Green and, Caîhoun cou i- tiesï,-lihas- been swung. into, place. Comhpletion of.-this structure during- :July-in tjxne for. the apple niove:- mnent-is. assured. The spani gives river craft a horizontal clearance o 300 feet.ý Elevated, it clears the higli- water mnark by 65*ieet., The bridge is 2,367 feet long, and will cost about. $660,700. Floating the lift > span in place, ion four big steel barges, pre- sented an - engineering problem. Frank T. Sheets, chief. highway en- gineer, personally supervised the task. that completes thiis important ink in thie'state lhighwýaY svstem. Are you aunehored In tuM eaB0f lades eision I I youv are It's beeaume ira Ilaien1 seepn thè beautiful new CheYfl- let. Pliono for a demeonstration appolut- 611 MIJN ST PHON E WILMETTE WML44"4 i BLIVE, that a Used. Packard carweas we seili it, off ers mnore for the' dollar Mhan. any w car at thie same price. lt has the reliability, the com fort and:the prestige of ,a new, Packard at o nly part of the ýnew car price. Woman, 73, Is Driving Chevrolet to Caifornia Graluçinia S teV'a rt vorctl celebrated lier 73rd birtidav, iiot iug lier iCevrolet coach on the 1 1 - A 1-Ilitnit a d San1 on the 4 3.,Sgiles of 'highways ôon the state and county, systeins Nvere conmleted çluring that six-d!ay period. The wee'-'s accomplishment broughit the season's record up to- 205.47 miles of road, constmuctibn. There were .5,50U men directly empfloyed in, road work during that week-a new high mnark fr1931. Packard 6, 526, 5-Passeriger Phaeton. 5-Pass. Sedan............ 3070 - GreenIcaf 6030 Bob 'n, Mac Main St, at Linden Ave.. Phone Wjimettc 13334 I K THIS MAN WHO OViNSONE" APPLI AS. WELL: TO PACKARD USE» CARS ..$850 I