Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1931, p. 44

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places of lustôrical înterest in the .Southern and Eastern states and by the Thorne-Loomnis Foundation of New York.. Comprised in the -ýparty were: Preston Farley, Beta'Theta' Pi, pres- ident Men's Union,, Kenilwortli; Law- rence Oliphant, Sigma Clii,,president Senior, class,. captain basebali teami and football letter mani,' Fvanston; Gene H usting, Phi Gamma Delta, head of-publications, Wilmette; Carl Hlall, Beta-Theta Phi, president Pre-Med- ics, track letter mai and football, Wilmette;' Fred Lunberg, Sigma Nu, track letter, Wilmtte; Bill Wilsont Phi Gamma Delta, captain swi-- ming team, Evanston; Wlieeler.Tra- -cy, Phi Gamma Delta,. Evanston;, Huigl Young, engineerin g school, 1--v-. -anston; Lyle Arnold, Phi Ganmma Delta, Chicago; Walter Leigliton, Sigma Nu,, Phi Beta Kappa, seliolas- tic, South Bend.' A f ew years ago a wealtliy. Nciv' Yorker wvas Ihinki ng: "*tf 1I were 20 today, I'd lilce notbing better tilan to niake 'a trip to fanious laboratories, and industries in this country of ours, so that 1 could sec. with. my owvn eyes what amazing tIhings are' beiing donc there. I'd like to sece hoi tliey make automobiles, steel, glass aud aeroplanes. 'd like to go down in ito a coal mine, and F&d like to sec liow they generate electricity and pipe natural gas. And while 1 was o-n ice way to sec these shing, I'd want to *visît sorte of the places tliat I've read about lit the historv ai take a -look, at soine of the -different parts of the counitry." Hie thîreuipon set hiimseli tô the task oft coun'erting hlsi idea iiio a l)ractical plani. Ie.ý had the iimieiate a nd uqaltclenthu- siasin of lus îriends, of boys andi their, parents, and of bankers andl business men to whOoni lhe taîkeil. The Thorne7Loomis Foundation - undertook to- finance the experiment. Automobiles with 'bodies colnpletcly equipped according to bis sp)ccîhfca- *tionsý as comibineil bus, tcint, d111Inîg- car and sî,cceper were bii1t. lu 1930 ïopur expeditions through parts of industrial -America were or- -r our -Niii<,il nccja ioliru. Jolirson CI). fe -;înî Gas('o. F. 19-To Louivllv, hy., LiuîcoltxVs birihplace ;Blui LGrass flegion. S: 20-T'o Jerea, ix., Utrea Colleg- -*Mountains. su.2 1 -Rest. M. 22-To Ahvll JC. Sceni .. T. 23-To) Winstton iSa)ern ,N. . I Reynolds Tobacco Co.,(arriels. chairman, Mrs. 1Frank<JP. Hixofl of Lake Forest, where gathered a num- ber of local officers of the branches of the Illinois League. of Womien Voters.. A talk on the "Purpose of the League of Women .Voters,"' an hourent in dscussing how the league can build it's organization and' do its job 'Most effectivelv, and a rudtable after'luncheon on "Steps in Budget Making" comprised the days program. Sif crs Minor injuries When Struck by Car. Alec Burke, 52. years old, a laborer for ýthe Canneil Conrad Construction. conlpany, was struck by a car driven bv' Miss llizah)eth,.Potter, 18i of 925 Chestnut avenue, Monday morning about 10:25 o'clock as hie wasý walk- ing-,across Lake avenue about a block east of the Skokie.Xalev lne tracks. Miss Potter, Who wàsdriving ýwest on Lake avenue, was passing another -zaa-wlen the.accident occurred. No. charges were preferred. Burke was attended by Dr. S. P.,-Perry. His in- jiuries, which were not serious, in- cluded abrasions, on the riglit elbow, right thigh and lefix leg, according to the Wilmette police report. SAILING FOR EUROPE M.rs. R. H. A. Green, 707 Lindeh avenue, and lier daugliter, Edithi, and soni, Reginald, are sailing on Friday, june 19, on the S. S., Duchess of Richmond, from M-l\ontreal. .Thev wxill land,- in Liverpool and continue froin there through ELngland and France. Thev aiso -hope to go 't Italy and Germiatiy. and will not re- turui to Wilniette before the last of Septemiber. 'l'lie trip is a graduaition11 gift,to Edith, who just fiinis-hed New Trier Higli school. Miss. Isabel Mclser gief o Mr. and. Ars. J. NÇYe Macalister,, 91 Ashland avenue, lias been attending the University of Colorado at Boul1-. 1 der. Shie is now traveling with fieihds tlirough California and, plans to retuii to her home in \, Wimette about. the .iast of July. -0-. \\". Inn ( ttuN a, Capital-tu kiiig'tion l1 niversity. Tii. '.-T-b4ru i ronto to \ iagarýa Falls, N. I -ower Plant. F. l0 buffalo .and Nîagira-Sliredl- <led W heatî Plant ;(Carborundumi. .Sa 1.- I c>Detroît, Mici. '3. 1-Ford Mctor CoFisher l3od-v.- finternationai Bridge, etc. T. 14-4iary-mSteel PatCi~o PaulI Stone-Raymor Pho~to Miss Estelle Engelhardt, dazigh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engelhardt, 915 Oakzood a-venue, lisgraduated frin Northzuestcrn uuicrstvwitlî high honors. The commencement exercises were held in the Patten g-ymrnasiuim Mori-J day 'l-orning, june 15. SMiss Engel- liardt has been elected to m-emnber- ship in Phi Beta Kappa and lias re-1 ceived a felloNvship 1,n' the departrnîeiI of fiù Iance,; the Sclhool of Comnmerce, aid wilI return to Northiwestern iin the fail to stuidy for ber mnaster's degree in economnics. M issEnelhardt also received the. Chi O)niega prize for excellence in work in economnics, andilhas been ap- pointed the seniior rep)reseii.tative. f romn the school of liberal arts to, the. Northvésýt ern universiti-fudain Gives Baha'i Lecture at Temple This' Sunday One of a series of' lectures- on the gerltheme, "I-ow to Find Goid . is to 1-ue ziven Sunday afteriiooli. 144(J. rorest .aeiC are now on a the regular weekly dinner witb çdanc- ing on the esplanade, weather per- mitting. Next Thursday there will be the usual family dinner. The h ostesses at the luncheon and bridge Monday, ;june 22, will be Mrs. -W."J. Kerr anid Mrs. fames Kutten.. A. white. fence, its siender pickets twine'dwith sprays of foliage marked off the simulated garden ini which mnembers and their guests had lunch-- eon last Monday. Ggy lawn umbrelý- las, a bird, bat h surrounded at ýits. base, with bright poppies, green foliage :and flowers at :the sides of, the dining rooni gave further evi- dence of effective and summierv at- inosphere desired for the special gar- den bridge.luncheon. At.-the;north end of the rooma charmïing garden was designed, its background' high, white lattice wprk with climbing vines, its floor of grass, its pool an oblong mirror and its intriguing littie> green garden statue a small boy hold- ing a turtle, that souight its watery domain. The model for the statue was the small son 'of the' Carroll Shaffers. Living plantsof deep purple stock, Lblue ageratuni and other fiowersWere banked artistiçally' and gracefully to forrn a bed that flanjk.the pool. Dec- orationson the tables anid the flower pots ,%,th the je creani in which whie aiie wrestuck gave added hints of a real garden, to which the: pastel hues of summer frocks lent their color. VASSAft GRADUATE Mt\l. and Mrs. Charles S. 'McCov, 730 Ashland avenue, have returned f rom the eas t . after attending the graduation of their daýugbiter,. MISS' L~ouise McCoy, f rom Vassar on J:unle 9; Miss* McCoy.-%vaS l the xedding party of a school friend n Newport,, .R. .I. on Satuirday. ý Her sister, Miss Florence -Co,,%,ho hasbeen at- tenidinig-Bradford academinýin' Massa- chusetts, lias hecen visiting frienlds in. SProv)ýidenice., Both ïgirls are, expected. homenuext ek -TO EXHIBIT. AT FAIR children leave for thieir summier home ii LI cSt ur rarig-I aT -a-na XX7., lT--lay,-- Tu---If) president of thie Amnerican League-o of Professional B-'aseb)aîl clubs.. Mrs'. Mary E. Be-linger hias beei -o- - the bouse guest of Mrs. George H. Jack Lecliner of 1415 \Vilmette ave-* Rodger, 928 Oakwood avenue. Sl1w nue was aimember'of the class gradu- was 'en route fro her home i ating. fromn thé St. Francis Xavier California to liero s ummer place in school last week.. . Tonnsliend, Vt. I

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