Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1931, p. 38

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Welcornme Several Scouts, Scouters in. N. S. Couneil The. following Scouters (aduit lead- ers)' and Scouts . have ,jiust registered w th te North Shore Area council. The, Seouters are., HJGHLAND PARK-J.. P. O'Con- nor., assistant Scoutmiaster .T'rop35. LAKE FORÉST-T. A. Connors, chairman. Lake Forest district Boy Scout committee. GIENVIEW-B. E.- Gould,* chairman Civic Service and Reading comnmittee. Gleiview-Golf dis- trict-J. W. .Morton, Jr., .chairman Glenview-Golf Boy Scout district com- miittee. DEERFJELD-W. . W. Mc- lvaine, 'finance chàirman D.eerfield- Bannockbuirn-Boy Scout district com- Mittee. Cubs,. Scouts and Sea Scouts: WILMETTE-Troop 2,. Donald Burge;ý Troop 1, Donald Scarif, 'Carl and $arry Enrick (transferred f rom Trojop 25, Decatur, 111.) ; Troop 5, Phil Rogers, Teddy Hosking (dropped re- regstered). WINNETKA-Troop 14, Lawrence Macy; Troop 15, Rohert Muhike; Troop 18, Fred Glover, Clarence Uine- berger, Edward Maldanièr, James New- ton; Troop 20, Lansing Hinrichs; Sbip 26, Albert Bechitelheimer (dropped re-registered).' HIGHLvAND' PARK-TÈroop 33, Cordon Bal; Troop 34, David Allison, Anders Hustnedt; Troop 35, John Clin- HIGHWOQD-Pack 42, Amnergo Cantagallo. DEERFIELD-Troop 50; George Canright, (dropped re-registered f romi TrQop 33).; Troop 51, Richard' Jones, Lewis Thompson. MU NDELEI N-LI BERT YVI LLE- Troop- 70, Charles Batz, Gordon Ray, Robert Krueger, Eanl Sorenson, Roger Tbill; Troop 71, Roger Kiest, Georege. Nelson, John Roberts.. Leslie Sitz-, Troop 72, Benjamin Hough, (dropped,ý re-registered). Scouts Ready for Trek to Camp; Must Register NTorth Shore Area council Boy, Scouts of' America has bcen vcry fortinate 'i . securing as the resi- dent physician for Camp Ma-Ka7 Ja-Wýant this coming season Dr. Bcrtràtn Orest, ww/w served as Phy- siciaot for the Kermit Roosevelt e.r/'editiop iii China in 1921-1922. Dr, Orest also served f romn 1927-29 as physiciait for the Theodore Roose- velt expedition to China. He bas also served as house physician for' the Y. M. C, A. in Los Angeles, Calif., -and is, physician for the Boys' and Girls" Farm in~ Washington, D. C. Dr. Orest brings to bis position as camp physician a rich and interesting background of experiences whicb «nil mnake himn one of the most popular of the camp' leaders. Invite Leaders to Staff Leaves for School for Campers Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wani Co2r,es Fi Smitb of the national Mlonday, June 22 cuiiBoy Scouts ofAmerica, and author of the. well known Scout lead-, 'rhe' last Ioad of the Camp MýNa-Ka- ers' "Games and Recreational 'Meth-J-anBySotcmpsff il ods," will conduct a specialization train- avbycr onyue2.Th 'ing~~ cusfor Boy Scout leaders in, '.Patirol Camping" at the Great Lakes large group of staff inembers are Naval* Training station Saturday and leaving. in three' grounps on Saturday, Sunday. June. 27 and 28. 'Mr. Smiith Snaan odymor .ning. They is a' ûnatonally -known expert on camp- in1g, the, use of1 patrol methods, andargigerytoeterthgn the 'play way" of teaching. It will be shape for the boys wvhenl they arrive, ai, unusual opportunîty for the Scout for the first _:perio,, Monida, Julie: leaders of the niorth shore to get in on 29. this eîitcrprise. The fee. ill be $2.50. Tesafi nrae i ieti *Myron C. Ryboit bas been appôinted ' vear to include about onle 'adutit. :o r l)ye the regional headquarters to- serve.- -t as chairman of the 'committee on pro- everv tree camipers. Tlhere are. nou grain and arrangements. Five' other It%%,eity.-six- qualified Senlior Otficers councils are joinirig the Nrth Slior e 'ai:oer 1 ersldx voar's Area counicil in this 'project. T'he' IBoy .. Scout counicils are : Chicago coulicî.I si.vospae fcmig I.vinston 'counicil. :Northwest Suburtbal r'eadlv to leave for a nine eeks' stay, counicil, Lake Couîmty Co)une il, Oak Park 't .M - a-à-\Wani. Many. are offi- Area counciL.'ers of lcisyears. In adto *Scout' leaders are urged to register now at Boy Scout.'headquarters, .21 N. Sheridan road, Highlan Pak Fathers and Sons Go to Troop 24 Banquet A Fathers' and Sons' dinner for the, Scouts of the Sacred Heart parish was'ý hield recently at the Indian Trail' Tea room. in Winetka. Mr. Ryboît_ and Mr. 'Boltz f rom 'Scout headquarters 'were , guests. Thiere 'were forty-two people present. Af ter dinner wvas 'se'rved T1. J. Condon, the conmmittee chairman, saîd a f ew wvords on Scouting. Mr.' 'Boltz led us iii some songs and, Mr. Rv- boit gave a talk on Camp Ma-Ka-Jam- Wan. The camp mnovies were shown and, \vere explained by Lee O'Brien. After, the mloviesl Mr. 'Condon presented George Bersch vh'o told us about the H-armion award that he-,von. Mr. Con- don then gave out the menit badges that haid been passed at the last hoa4rd ()f review. Ribbon bars and medals wvere, aw\%arded in the general efficiency con-' test; 1Bob Bucher getting first. Bill tQ th-ese there are troini ten to ntfteeix 'Scoutipast.ers each !2-day. periùd.wtho ç orne with their troo .ps.-Also, there are eleven differenit Junior ,officers 'under .18 vears forecdi of. the four period-s.:The Senior officers. are: Cal Gartley,' Tr. 48; .Dick Wi chnian, Tr. 33; Fenton Hopkins, Tr.ý 30; Fred Reichardt, r., 30; Jim Baker, Tr. 3' 'Vic Jovce, Tr. 12; Charles 'Melchior, Tr. 18;, 'George Bersch, Tt. 4: George Boý'd, Kansas City; Dave Henderson, Tr. 4;' Dave Hicks, Tr. 21; John Bren ner, Tr. 7;- Howard Knox, Tr. 72; Frank Perkins,,Tr. .54; LowelI Ivueller, Tr. .61 ; John Fowler, Tr. 4; John Huhn, Tr. 52;. Ed. Dierks, Tr-. 5; Ray.Davis, Tr.,26; John Duffy, Tr. 52; James: Cuffy. Tr. 34; Dan Fitzgibbons, Tr. 49;- Robert Smith,, ITr. .30; Richard McManius, Detroit- Edward Griti.baugh,, Winnetka. As préviously announced- Scout Ex- ecutive Myron C. ýPybolt Will 'be busýiness manager, Assistant execu- tive Carl'McManus, camp director; and 'Field Executive .H. G. Boltz, as- sistant. camp director. The resident physiciani will be Dr. .'B. Orest, an P utstanding physician. cording to thie annountcenent of jack 'weevat d.l MiIgonUiY ry, id., «nere they 1at ()o o ck l'ine scoutts cooke.u their Demorest, S'ea Scout director. 1-very served as aides and escorts to flic 1,500 Jinne1(r ilv on the beach. After dinnier Sea Scout and Sea 'Scout leader of the Cdnifedcrate veteranis at their forty-. teamis 'were chosen and gamies were council is expected to be present. Mî,isic irst' reunion. The Scouts' camp wvas uA . aine of "Capture the Flag", will bc furnished by L)ave Cunîiingliam's namned Camp Miller in honor of B. M. was also plaved diurnx ie vg h "Gloom Chasers" of Chicago. The club Miller, Governor of Alabamia, wvho was nipbr two;s won the g">ame. Troop 2 will be decorated -in réal Sea. S.cout officially inducted as a Ten4er foot plans to attenid .Camup Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan style- with ýcode' flags,' ship flags, a Scout- at the encarnpment duringth during h eodpnoad~i1b gang wray, a quarter dec& and, al.' reunion. epesetited b its scoutmaster and- quite mette. a number of scouts. AIl the scouts of the troop planning to attend camp the second period should send in their registratio'ns, properly signed, at once,- Jame s Donahue, assistant editor, Wil- mette district. 'A

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