Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1931, p. 34

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D. A. R. Donates to Scout Troop. Tuesday afternoon of Iast week at 4 o'clock the members of Skokie Val- ley chapter, tbaughters of the Ameni- can Revolution,. presented an Ameni- 7can .fl ag to.ý Gi rl- Scout. Troop 5 of Wilmette'at'appropniate. ceremonies if the Forest Preserve at Glenview. Attending with the Scout troops. were Ïts leaders, Mrs. Percy Arden,- Miss Florence Mitchell, and Mrs. Ralph C;Moulding, the ltter of wbomn is, deputy of the Wilmnette. Girl Scout area. The program.i opened with the sing- ing of "America," following.- which Charles eleislimann of .. Kenilworth read WVilbur Nesbit's "ýYôuir Flag:and ML Fla."" ~vrs. William A. Durgin, chairmarf of the Correct-Use-of-thie-Flag. com- niittee, of the Skokie Valley chapter, in à brief address called attention to the purposes Of the D. A. R. organ-, ization as, well as to its interest ini patriotic matters and of the activi- tics of the. Bov and Girl Scouts,-and made formaI preseitation of the fiag to, the color bearer, Josephine Bal hatchet, who acceptcd the fiag for Troop 5. Little Lucy Lake' untied the white satin ribbon wbicbi bouind the fiag to the standard and, when the colon bearer ljfted the banner aloft and~ it 8uttered to the breeze, both organ- izations joined in a salute to the fiag. The ceremnony closed. with the sing-, ing of the "Star Spanglcd Bannier."* Following thiis. service Mrs. Arden, captain of Troolp 5,* awarded health winner badges tô Margaret Davis, Imogene IKaufman and Patsy I.ake-, and presented thieScout pin to Elsie Jane. Von der Lippen aîxd.Mary Jane Or, making themn full inemibers Of. th4 trocop Off er Sound A dvicè on Hiking.Business If you would enjoy hîkîng dIo as the Indians do, is the adv tee of Girl Troop 5 <of the l/iltte Girl Scouts -were the /'roud rec'ipiients of an American Fiay, presciifcd to the !ron/'. u'it/sfittîiny er ctinoîIv Tuesday of hist rz'eek by Skok ieiq//V llc hatL'r. )aluqistcrs of t/he Aikiwrican Revolif(ion. Thececre',uon v took Ï/aCe M ithe Forest Preser:c a Glnviw. etailed tic- colont of the ev,it is given iii au idji.iicoiimnu. couints, then ]et it out, againl cotînt- Ir Sc u lV e d in ieand take shoit steps *wlcn chibing are 'more good rules to re- -on Camping Journey mniber. Girl Scout leaders, never permit the girls in tlieir troops to Ths, of course, is the open season un -down bilis.- That causes si ff- 1ifor open air accidents, but even the nless and the, best c.ure, for tliat is a miost. unfortunate woulld. find ,it bard blot bath and another walk the nex\t t ac hercr1f à vo day. proper care of o a-fânil o TIT,,r 1 e. cre f hefect andi three Nvhose name, for .obvious nea- properly sliaped shoes are or' cours,_os nutrminukon mlost imipodant for comifortable. andi Thev. were camping in a tent a-top happ bi.in. fa hill, convinced tliat ail a goo T'roop 5 Receives Gift of Flag Graduates Needn't Worry Aýbout Losiîng Watch Keys' The bysandgrlswho vilI re- ceive watcbes for ,graduation, may wvel1 be glad that they do not live at a tinie when a key for winding the wvatch mnustbe safeguarded in a par"- ticular place on the sheif or in the bureau draWer. A copy of the Daily Demnocrat of 1 1856 on file at th, Chi- cago Historical Society tells of the. new invention:' "A NEW AND USEFUL INVENý- TION-Messrs. J. T. & E. M. FA- a certain --r-m-e- of -lk- ---. - -.---- of turning the toes out 's onîe oi in taking acrannine f aktied-with 'two'iaif-hiitches and the are the only .autliorized agents for the causes- of flat feet ing steps followed inuuiedia.tely by guy r opes' *it h a highwayman's this watchlu nthe State of Illinois." Start a hike. slowly, is some more the same numnber of running step)s, hitch; if the canoe had been tied __________ good Girl Scout advice, and kecep the and repeated alternately._ to a -tree with a clove hitch and a Mr. and Mrs. Brownell T. Brad- pace of the slowest 'î'erber of tlhe Ail of these details seem i rifing- bow-Line knot had been made at the street of 475 Cedar street, Winnetka, party.. "Slow and easy, goes far ini but-if you would bave.your home- end of the rope before it was thrown left Tuesday for a motor trip east. Il day" is the slogan for> bîkens. Nvard trek as, bappy as your start- into the water, not one of these di- Théy will stop at- Cleveland to visit Practice deep breathing; inhale for take a tip, froin the Girl Scouts, and sasters Would have occurred. Mr. and Mrs. Adon. Smith for a few fivc steps, -hold your breath' for five do as the indians did. The moral of the tale is obvious.* days. Leaders Enjoy, .Conferen-ce at,. Wis'consin Camp WednesdaY, -Thursday and Frilay of last -week many of the New Trier council members of the Girl Scout organization attended, the regional conference. at Camp Hickory' Hill, for the Girl Scout enthusiasts. of Wionsin, Illiniois, Indiana. and Michigan.- There were discuission groups on the ways and ýmeans to run camp,1 to improve the camp stan- dards and the camp I)rograms. Hov to give -the girl. the best of fun and, the most for the time speInt in camp and - ber troop -meeting. Thec camp discussion wvas Iead by Miss Frances Morse- from National Headcjuarters. and Miss. Everett the regional head of Girl Scout camping. XVe all Iearuedi ~of new ways to make the short camp. period ever so mdcli more %vortlî while for our girls. Mis..Schaini, thie> ationial director. spoke concerning. ler' exterieni*ce lm Arabia' and camping witlî thie 1sbeiks. àMiss $chjai n gave, th e. impiressiot thai, camping on the descrt 'is ýI!ot tte so simple as is the ýcase in plca-sant Iwoods and fields. Camp Hickory 11111 is *a beatitif.1l. spot very lieavily wooded anid itih plenty of water front. Thue girls: who hiave plannied to go there tiîis stiim- mýer are sure tc 'ave *a slenii(l, ztîme. Our onlv regret ab>out the coni- fteirence wvas tliat we \Werc not to

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