An event of significance to nortih shore society is the Lake Forest horse show which is to be in session at Onwentsia club june 19 and 20. This season, in addition to the riding in the ring, a Dog show and Pet show and many amusing side shows will be held ini the riding, arena, building toý offer *"pleasant diversion for 'those who do îîot ýcare to sp end ail of their time on Friday :and Saturday in the horse show arenla,"' the comnmittee anniounces. Miss Barbara King is in charge of la cominittee of last sea son's debu- ktantes iielping lier direct the attrac- *tions of the, arena. building. Assist- ing her are the Misses Beatrice Kirk, Hortense Henry, Carolyn Srith,.EIsa *phi"ie Dennehiv. One ticket of ad- mission ivili permit entrance to both the' H-orse Show ring and.the arena building. A number of the- menibers of the younge r1 gencrationl lending. their aid t0 the staging of the Dog show and Pet show wiii be presenit dÜiring* the fiorning and afternloon of, both davs of the, show, attending to manv detail s. This group includes. Chare rour, les-. ter Armour, Jr.. Philip D. Arinour, .111. John Beèhr, Theodo 1re- Berinig- ham, John Broeksnîit, Jr., W. J. Car- lie%, Laurence Carton. Kent Cliand- 1er, Jr., Rovert, Colenien, Henry of Dangler, Donald Douglas, Jr., Frati- * cis Farwell, Robert Gardnier, jr., b) Charles F. Glore, Jr., Henry P. oi Isham, Jr., John P. King, Noyes Mc- Lennan, joseph Nfead,1 William H. b Mitchell, Jr., RichardI Poole, H~enry an Preston, Anthony RvRerson, William th Spalding, Richard Stevenson, Hobart Chatfield-Ta,.lor., . The Dolg show is being lield under a license 'from thé Americai 1Keninel t1 club. Scnme classes will be o peu, oniYg to local' Lake :Forest dogs, but, in g addition, about three hundred dogs -n have been 'entered. by many of, the best show kennelsin the counitry.ý Among the judges will be Alex- ander H. Stewart of Highland Park; 7J C. H. Hayes of Redi Oak, Iowa; Frank D. Shawl of Freeport; Dr. John PhotÔ,by Carlq Tite weddiimuof .Ms rne ýStev'ens and Car isie Ch ristie took place. on Saturday, Ju>e 13, aI fthe Kenilzvorth Union church, the Rev. D)r. Herbçrt IL. Willett readinq the s ervice at 4:30 o'clock. The, bride iiai ow, son o i ir. a r. ( iL. mar*J1- vin Barlow of Bellingham, Wash., will take place at the home of thic bride's parents, M ' . and Mrs. Fred- eric Beers Crossley' 602 Washington avenue. The ceremony will be per-, formed at 8:30, o'clock by the Rev. John G.. Hindley, pastorof the First Congregational church, Wilmette. Miss Crossley will have. as. her -at- tendants her sister, Miss Jean Cross- ley, as maid of honor, and Ms Henry John Droba of Evanston the. former-Helen' Newev of Wilnîette, as matron of honor. The.. brides- maids are to be. Miss Martha Hugus of Gary, Ind., Mrs. Roy Thiel (Dor- othy Glover) of. Fond du Lac,' Wis., *MissRuth Yo.ungherg of Wilmett-e,ý andMrs. Willard Buntain.of Evans- ton. Lewis Yerkes of H onesdale,' Pa., will serve Mr. Barlowv as best mani. There will be no ushers. Mrs. Frederick Armstrong 'and Mrs. Suminer Crossley. gave,-a lunch- eon for the bride-to-be on \Vednes- day, June 10,, at the former's' apart- ment at the Edgewater Beach. Miss Ruth Yoîlngberg was hostess at a personal shower for 'Miss Crossley', june 6. zvore a:. Vcrv 3bccoîmintg biùe goum , and hat and ýcarr»ic.d a bouiquet of Itvtng neulers Aire on uphite sweet peas and .* hues of/tire * ot od oem valey.The niarriage of Frances Elainie KbrnGibbs of Wilmette and Irving Her aittendant, Miss ahy Stolp Dengeza Heller son of Mr. and Mrs. )f I<enilworth, wore a dress of a sof t Charles D. Heller 808 Elimw'ood ave- liade of pink crepe' Elizabeth and a ne okpae uedyeetn rown bat and carried. a darker shadenuto plcTeay vnig )f 1pin roes itl ble lrksur. June 16, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. f pnk ose . ithblu lakspr. George D. Upson, 607 ýýyashington The cherch was decorated .withi large avenue. It was a candlelighit service )askets. of white peonies, pink gladioli, performed at 8-:30 o'clock .by the knd'delphinium placed on each side of, Rev. William E. McCormack of Ait- ie chancel.*. rora and was followed bv a sniall The bride, who is the daugliter ot" reception. The service was read ini Ur. and Mrs. Edgar A. Stevenis of the living room before an improvîscd ;30 Abbottsford road, Keniilwortb, and* altar bankéd with paînis, Iernis, and ée bridegrooni réceived the . con- ene.Tebiewr hî -ratulations of thieir, friends be.fore, chiffon gown and white lace, is. eavifig the.churcb and then departed! She, held a , large arm' bouquet. of n their car.1 Their residence is 1716 white roses, baby's breathi and white 3roadviewv avenue, Highland Park. swee.t peas., _________Mr. and Mrs. George Voss,' brother-in-law and sister of the rwo Kenilworth Girls bridegrooi, were the only atten- to Be Married June 20 dants. Mrs. Voss's gown was of In two in th .1Oc .DA ..rt.j 1- a l 4 1-* SlC Jaro , daughter of .Mrs. joseph Pearson, of Evanston, to Paul William Cut- 1er, son of Mr. and Mrs, HenrE. Cutler, 407 Central avenue, Wil- mette, when il took place Wednes- day evening. June 10, at theFirst Presbyterian'church of Evanston, fol- lowed by a reception at the Evanstô'n Woman's club. Pink peonies were tied in bunches to the nine branch candlesticks which adornedthe chancef where the Rev., David Huigh Jones 1officiat ed at the ceremony, and., s i n g e candles, trimmed with peonies, marked the aisles. Pink was 'predominant in the gowns of the wedding party, the matron of honor wearing pink lace with circular flounces, and strapsý beaded with turquoise. and matching. slippers.- She carried pink peonies streaked with red. The four brides- maids ewere gowned alike in pink> lace and carried anm bouquets of ink peonieés. The little flower girl wore a quaint old fashioned long frock of Pink net over taffeta and carried a colonial bouquet. The bride's mother wore embroidered pink net with shoulcjer bouquet of orchids, and the motber of the bridegrooni was at-, tir-ed in beige chiffon and lace with shoulder cluster of orchids. The bride wore an Empire gown of old ivory- satin with seed pearl trini- mning with five-point train cut in one with the skirt. Her plýain tulle Veil feul froin a -cap edged with orange blos- somns together with' a short face -Veil and long Alencon lace veil, a family heirloom. She carried a long spray of gardenias and liles of the valley. Miss Pearson was given in mar- riage- by bier brother, Joseph Allen Pearson, and her matron of honor was a sister of the bridegrooni, Mrs. Stanley J. Hall. Bridesmaids were Miss Miriam Richardson of Goshen, Ind., a cousin; Mrs. Fred Schroeder. of Wilmette and Mrs. Meta Mlyers Strong and Mrs. Fred Ringleyý of Ev- anston. The 'little, flower girl was Florence Virgiia' Anderson. The groonisman was Herbert West of Hanover, N. H., and ushers were . he wore blue mitts, ers and carried an armi le pipk roses and blue ru trie ]Benjamipi L. Behr, Wayne ýChatfleld Taylor, Laurence Armour,. Joseph M. Cudahy, A. Watson Armour, E. H. Reynolds ' Phillp Armour, James M. Hopkins, .Samnuel Insull, Albert B. Dicki. AIbert B. Diek., Jr., Mark Cui- mings, Mrs. Kersey Coats Reed. 1W.- C. 'Winter_ Howard .Linn,, W. E. iCow r,William H. Mitchell, Leslie wheeier, Tohnt Colenian, IJr., James B. ', w . Forgan, Jr., Stanley Keith, Lester. To flftertûinat ÔShawnee Arînour, Kênt CIow,, Johin P. Kellogg, JuneNlodtgerfM. u l. ('. Hyatt, Chai-les F. Glore, Lucius eNlsdagîroMrad Teter, John P. L., Thom,"s É. Mrs. \Varner R. Nelson, 1002 Bluff Wilson, Mrs. W. F. Bprrows, Benj. B. road, Glencoe, will be hiostess toa -Bryân, Jr., De Forest Huiburd, Mrs. group of frieuds at the hom ec om iingi Stephen Stackpole, Fred A. Poor, Sey- miour Wheêeler, bMs. Edith Rockefele dinner dance at Shawnee *Countrv Saturday, lune 20. wult mssiiiuy laili rrruay .evening of last week. Hostesses for the af- fair, which bias been pronounced a very successful party, were1 the Misses Shirley Botthlof,,Doris ]3riggs, Dorothy Smythe, and Priscilla Haw- ley. ýSplendid MUSIC was furnished for. the dancing bY "Cbuck" East- mari's 'orchestra.