editur uy Juveuci.y 'noon currexit Issue. c, cards of thanks, obitu- Anments or other affaire rge ls publtshed. will be tsinpg rates. jGrade Separation WIViIl Save Lif e jLet's Hasten the Da! The unlfortunaitecircumstance of closed baik ,doors ini certain of 'Chicago's out-. Iving regions -has* mierely serve(l to strengthien our confi- Banking deice, ,ini W' .i ni e.t t e In Wilmette bais Dominant among, the, causes of. distress 'inade apparent so, re- cen tly ini Chicago banking cîlrcles,-I)artctCu- Iarly in - certain ouýtly ing sections within the citv itself.- bas been the rather too heavvý specullation 1w unwarv bankers in exp)ansive real, èstate enterprises, notablv~ large a itmntad. hotel proje"cts. which,' failing to mtiaterialize as sound, paving in- vestients. have le f t numil.erouis, anks s5 involved in' a mo.st eînbarrassïng situation. In s,,trikiig contrast to tlîat condition.. %ve fiuîd our local bIkàn.s resting firll- oh sound foundation, 'Real estate .loans ex- * eciite( bv \Vi lmette's baliks are consist- nlvconfined to ighl grade fanîily lhonie sites; anld soulnd cotnmunttv bulsiness en- terpri-ses. Wilmnette's baiks accuratelv reflect the s ubstanitial cliaracter of our coinîuinitv.ý bothl froinithe standpoint of its sturdv business institti1 s afrst qtta.litN resi- dential imakeup. '.1o re ov er. our .hiomie lianks enjov unqueë.tiotîed financial rating, -while their conniections, with, the finalicial. fieldl outside the coin 1.iun itv arecof tiie best. We repose tmost con fidlence in our. comnmunity. and by the, saine token. in our home banks. If i t is true that only God, cat i ake i tree-and who doubts it ?-then we shotil<I do everything Within our power to p)1C serve, these won de rful1 Save Our specinlens of God's handi- Trees '.vork- Our *oaks, cltns. maples, and other varieties of trees contribute more than hlaf of the beautv. distinguishing north shiore nih borhoods. Experts tell us mthat disease calle(l an- thracnose is attacking scores of. the spîcit .did oaks in Wilmette. Unless treesý thtîs, attacked are. trimmehd and sptayed theY wvil1 probably die. We are also informie< that the fact that miost.of these trees arec on, private propertv makes control: atnd elimination .of the disease -alartiiinglv di fficult.' Weassume that owners of propert 'v- containing oaks especiallv white l)urr o;ikS and1 swamp j--hite oaks.. should gct ili touch at once -%vith the village matîgger and find out just What shouk'Id.l)e d(lt., For oni mothspast individualsaf organizationis of variouis kinds have felt it iiecessary to spetnd as weli as save. We . do neot :kow w~ho it E.conomy in as that firYs t Pubic flirs preàched the gospel of thlrift, but we do kwrthat Benijaini Franiklitî, under the Pen naine of Poor Richard, etnphasized .ov7er, atîid ver again'the truth contained in the. saying "A penniv saved is a penny eartîed." Tliouiglî tisdubtless truc.tIl. people in"genieral nîav well be eticouiraged..at: thé Ireseiit time t'O spend their ninev, stili it. seems best to urge econonîiy ipoiî our re- spective north shore coîîiuniiiities. If ,ve seek examples of the bad effects of iiii. %vise spending of public iioney, we need not travel many miles from the north name and â adressofth licaton must reach the to Insure appearanCOlnc Resolutions of condolencf aies, notices of entertat where an admittance chai charged at regular adverti b~oulevard. Roosevelt roai, iîncoln' nîgi- wav. It is a worthy custom, calling the attention of those ivho speak and hear the nanies to the services rendered by our. chief execuitives. The namne, Hoover highway, seems ap-, propriate- for several reasois, someé of orphan School's over! In the good old sum- mer time we'll go fishing, boating, hiking, picnicking, camping, touring-anything that's, different f rom the -year's ýgrind..- .mdgets are encieavoring to "ci syIums. Since we displayed unusuâl talent as a basebal performrer one evening last week, solicitous friends are submitting challenges to golfing com- petitioti. Now what does one make of that ? -Mique. Yet, frorn the gen eral tenor of the Presidential address, we were convinced that it was more attuned to goocl substantial steaks. Froni cour personal observation tower, it would appear that gentlemen intent upon supplanting, President Hoover a feW years hne had best get on. their thinking caps. ýParticularly if last .Monday's utterafices are to be interpretcd as merely introductory. MUSINGS 0F THE NIGHT EDITOR BUSINESS MEN 0F THE NORTH SHORE- will peer wistf ully into, the. pantries of their homes at 10:30 p. ni. on certain evenings in July and August. The reason for ail this is the fact that thé' Chambers of Commerce- wiIl have no meet-. ings during these months, now that summer va- cations are coming. due. But there is a bright side, after alt. The meetings and the inevitable "eats" %iviIl be resùmed in'September. IT MUJST 13.E WONDERFtJL to be popular. As for us, we know -not th e thrili and tingle of that sensation. In fact, we took a drivé all the wav t0 Wisconsin, »and flot a single hitch-hiker mwould.deign to wave his regai thumb at us., TWO GRAI)UATE STUDENTS. Who. atte nd Northwesternr universitv, are lifeguards at the enilworth beach this summer. These young Men were able, to land obs eve huhte have* college diplomas.* WHISÏING IN ýTHE DARK: One of the lieighibors of La Grange, Ill., writes to the \VGN and rcquests heip "in order to curb the barbaric practice of raïlroad locomotives blowing their whistles at fuil blast while we sleep." Ves, if the locomnotives Nvere polite, they would watuntil clavtime to blow their Whisties so that everybody could hear the beautiful strains. THIS J OKE IS ALL WE T Now that sehool vacation bas arrived, parents are thiïnking about. methods. of keep-fing their younigsters happily oc- cupied. Well, when we were young, weý used to, blow soap bubbles for an afternoon of good dlean fun. NOW FOR SOME DRY "HUMO R": Though an ardent admirer of Will 'Rogers, there are times.