-. v v v~.vy~ IMich. Their son, David, was gradu- ated froni New Trier last Thursday. IN KEEPING WIPTHr- THE TIM«ES (on the Inner :Cour-t) bas added to its standard service a Dinner: at 1$1.00 and a .Luncheon at 75c Tea, CoId, Drinks and Ice Creamn served out of doors Opposite Indian Hill Station Telephone Winnetka 1617 WOAN '1 first' day of the event:- Charles Spinner, who will be a fiftIh grade pupil at the Howard school was the first' to register and receive one of the lists of books containing the chies to the treasures; aLnd.Armna Jean Pifer, a fourth grade pupil, also at Howard, waS the. last to sign ber name before the library closed. Seven different schools were re1i- resented-Howard .with twenty-six entrants, St. Francis Xavier with teti, Logan with seveh, Central'wit.h six, Stolpand Laurel withfour each, and Mallinckrodt with ,one. Ail of this forý the first day! The treasure hrit, will last throughout the summer until. August 15,ý and boys and girls froffithe third tbrough the eighth grade may- join any time be- tween now and then. A glance at the club registration boo 1k for. the * lirst, day, shows the following names,. with schools. and g rades,' in order of registration: Charles Spinuier, .Howard, fifth grade; Edward :Murphy, St. Franicis, fourth grade; Thomas Kent; St. Francis, fourth grade; Dick Hooker, Central, lifth grade; Kiki Lulioý, Lo- gan, third grade; Theresa Peifer, -St. Francis, fifth grade; Geraldine Peifer,, St. Francis, sixth grade; Catherîne McDaniel, St. Francis, seventh grade; Bill Harvey, Stolp, eighth grade; Van McQuide, Stolp, seventh grade; Polly Flynn, St. Francis, fourth grade; joseph Meyer, St. Francis, fourth"grade; Mary Cunningham, St. Francis,' fifth grade; Monica Cun- n.inglian, St. Francis, third grade. .Richard Wilson,. Central, fifth grade; Norman Craig, Central, fifth, grade; William Hayt, Howard, sixth: grade; Nadine' Brown, Logan, fourth grade; Irene Baron, Howard, fourthi grade; Ray Treon 11, Howard, fourth. grade;4 Priscilla, Pollock, Howard sev- enith 'grade;, Marie Haake, Central, 'seventh grade; Lucille Haugh,JHow-. ard, sixth grade; Robert OIson, C en-, tral,. fouirth grade; Harold Oison, Central,. sixth grade;. Helen OIson. grade; iTneodore Field, Howard, UvV- enth grade; Donald Scarif, Howard, seventh grade; John Seddon, How- ard, sixth grade.* Margaret Versîno, ýLogan, f ourîth grade;, June Margaret Sorsen, HOW- ard,. eighth grade;, Gladys irene Pbelps Hwrd ifth ,grade; Jane WalsrMI, Howard, sixth grade; Gladys Daîstroni,, Logan, third grade; Virginia Daîstroni, Howard,. sixth grade; Louige.Meyer,. Howard, sixth grade; Marie Peifer, Mallinckrodt; Howard Ringholm, Howard, fourth grade; Elizabeth, Leslie, HoWard,, eighth grade;, Lilli an. Jones, Howard, fourth grade;- Anna: Jeau Pifer, How- ard,,fourth grade. Prom the Laurel branch> library: Lois Whitehead, Central, fifth:grade; Janet Whitehead, Laurel.ý third grade; Orson Towle, Stolp, seventh gradeý Smnith Receives'Diploma at Worcester Academy Frederick Lee Smith of Winnetka. was amnong the ninety-one seniors to receive diplomas at the 97th annual commencement exercises «at Wor- cester Acaderny, Worce$ter, Mass., last week. Before entering Worcester, Mr., Smiith attended New Trier Highý school, where he was awarded five varsity letters in athletics. He was also a member of the New Trier student council, and served on the junior and senior social committees. At the academy he continued his athletic prowess, and-.won varsity let- ters in b.3sketball, football and ten- nis. He also served as assistant I)business manager of "Towers," the school.annual. Ms. Smith is the son' of Mr. and Mrs AlrtSMith of 577 Oak street, Winnetka, and he is. planning to e nter Dartmouth in, the faîl. r.and Mrs. Henry P.* Weber and famnily, 1110 Lake avenue, have left for South Haven, Mich. They have. rented their homç for the suminer. Formerly "'VA 636 CHURCH ST. SUI Heurs: 8:â0 A. M». to 7 p. l Dowtewn-49 Se. st, IpuoIr8 4NITY BOX" [TE 222 UNIversity 97ÔO 1.-Evenings by Appointmeàt lite St.-Jearbojîi 8140 - - -