Sunday School .9 :30 A. M. Mornlng Worshlp .. ilý1 :00 A. M. Y. P. S. C. FI .... _--5::>0 P. M. Prayer Meeting,_ Wednesday . 8 :00 P. M. We cordially weicome strangers and visitors to ail the serviees of the chureh. * :Mornlng worship',at th1e'usual heur, Ile'clock. The ýRev. Selden L. . Haynes, * D. D., acting pstor, wlll conduet the se vices and preach the sermnon, Sun- dav, June 21. Junior church h s been di1."entinued during the igummer menthe. Sunday school at 9 :30, a.,nm. meets the need of every âge for Christian educa- tion, bot>i in'leadership and high stand- ard of cu.rriculuam. A visit to the seheel wilIi e of interest to yeou.* Mrs. T. B. Gibson i.s Supt. etf the Home depart- ment. If for any reason it ls impossible t(> attend the regular ascheel ,4essionA you are 'invited te enrolAn this course 'of study. Y. P. S. C. E. place of meeting will be announced frein the pulpit. Mld-week prayer and pralse .,service will be led by, W. G. Celvin, Wednes- day at 8' p.: m. Spoke' 6 of the Wmnsoceiety wIl meet Tuesday, June 23, at 1 :30 o'clock with !trsý 1R. M. Johnston, 719 Laurel avenue. Music fo r Sunday, June 21:* Prelude-On the Wlngs of Song .... . Mendlssohni-Liszt' Solo-The Nlnety and Nn... apo * Offertry-MXfelodv.......chb Potltude-Polonaise in C Sharp' Minr................. Choping Mrs. HIarper E.. Osborn, planist Edward Otîs, seloist. Calîs for service ef any kind, includ-i lng pastoral service, can be furnished1 *.at ail tines by coiniunicating with1 the Church Secretary, Mrs. I3ltwood,1 4723 Park aeu,.îr ett 88, or Dr. Haylles Central 4302. * First Evangelical S~6ElmstîetWitnnetkei RUe, A.Thonip.ýon,ptr S02 Cherry, street. (Wînn.,2304) :30 A. 'M. Sunday School. il ffl0 A. M. Moreleg Worship. 5 0 .M. Yesnlg Poîles eeting ï7:45 P.M. . Gospel service. 'Intue.y, Jüne 23 S :00 Pl. M. Mission.r proerain spcn- Sore'd by Ladies, Aid. Rev. T. J. Bac h, director of the Scand. Allianceý Mision wll speak. Raedeke brothers trio 'will esing.* Titursduly, Juuc 2à 8 :00 P. . ld-week service. vice-presi- an; third F~. 111if; Earle D. 4. Brooks; LEvan J. j UI,y r z Correspond Mellmalth. Mrs.-C onrad T. F'rykman et' 104 5 A.-.hland avenue, wilI -entertain the miemlbers of. the Northwest. circle at a luncheon meeting on Friday, June 26, at, 12U:30 o'ck>ck. Mme. Warren Fiter %vil! be the amssstiaig hostess. St. John,'S Lûtheran Wilmiette and Park «avenues, Wilmiette Hermial W. bleyer, Al. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue Teleffhone 13 9f) Church telephene 3111 Third Sunday after Trinity 9 :15 A. M. First service, and sermion.« 9 :3ü A. M. $unday :school 'and Blible classes. 11:00 A. -M. Second service and .serm'on Sermion: 'rhe First.Semniol of je.sus."1 MEETINGS Monday at 7 :45: Choir rehearsaiý' The pastor anneuinces a .series ef sermilons for the summer mo'iths on i. Uflusual Scenes and Situations ine i Bible and their lese(>ns. The idea is te present such. scefles as are describod le noue et the Epistie and Glospel les- so(ns for the Year for ln the Sunday school lessons. The, serinons1 wili be. partly histomical in character, An in- vitation getes, eut particularly te the unchurched iii our cemmunity te attend « these. services. St. John's alwly,, wNel- cornes theVis-itQÏ. The pastor had intended te. lea1ve thi., sveek for Lutherlandi, jPa., te attend the annual Wathr eauedeventioni but the serious illness oet several peo- pie mnder bis pastoral* care luis anovutd hlmi tp chanige his pla'ns. The Senior Society will therefore flot be rpe sented idt the convention. Dorothy MNeves le representîng the Juniors. The congregation lias gltanted tlie ia-stor a leave of absence durînig the, mn.h ef Until- that, tinle evorything ivill go on 'le the, usua order. At its last meeting the congregation deccidled te niake aî substantial conitribu-. tien tO the LuÙ Radie Heutr a s wveli as, te the maintenanice, fun fflo Valpr&tso uiversity. Methodist Church T le ii iorning etbp setrvice begims .ïi eleve.t IId I at's ttle more thal) *ine e vri.**,frc9mflfr8L it o,.ninj a reugAitou s.urvice can brlng. *Visitors, are always welcôme at the ehurch services. Our invitation reads -us follows: -COE(' AND WORSHIP." Here yeur effort te worshlp will1. .be cluickened by the stimulatîng speli ef a noble sanc- tuary; kindled by the'contagions pres- ence of a goedly company ef tellew seekers after Qod; elevated.,by the nîystic power et music "which lifts us ter the verge et the infinité ànd lets us Peep over; directed by the persuasion ,of preachlng which has the:quallty of buman Interest; guided by the spirit fourid enly where prayer is "went te be made";- and 'freed -freri enervatingW mystlcism by a sense et life's command- ing qhallenge te hlgh endeavor. ap,tist 1C/à urck Wîlmette and Forest avenues George D. Allison, pastor. "A Church t4îat Cares" The Rev. A.. W. Caul, ef Aines, Iowa, will preach at the i1 o'clock worship service.-ot 'Sunday, june 21 in the absence ef the pastor. Dr. AliI-] son willl attend the Mt. Carrol SuIntuer 'Assemibly June 20-26, ivhieh Is held atA the Frances Sellmer 'scboo, Mt. Car-S4 roi, 111.j SatUrday, June 20, the choir memtbers will have a beach party1 on the private beach et Mr. and Mme. C. P. Dubbs. The annual picnic of the Chuich and, 'echool ivili be held Saturday, June 27, in the Forest Preserve .on' Glenvew aed I-arms roads. Thosw wishjng te- Juniors Give Prograin at Evening Garden Club On Tuesday, june 9,' the Evening; Garden'-club 'of' Wilmette held its. regiilar mieeting at. the Womian's, club. The evening's prograi, giveni etitirelv by Juniors, 'proved to bei miost interesting. Carl Hall illus-i t.rated bis talk by placing on exhibit- 'fifteen or more cases of butterfiies he had collected. Pauil Nétterstrom gave an interesting talk on "Blecs," David Davis on "Bird," and Miss, 'Mary Curtis on "Wild .Flow.ers," each informai lecture . replete 'ýwith. in- structive information. Miss Jacinta Kamipincier piayed the violin. and' MNiss Virginia Lang was pianist. Ti-îe . progrart was one of the best the club'ý lias had this season. In tne uengregational enure:. July 19., Rev. George D. Allison. Juiy 2,6: 'Rev. Otto R. Loverude, Great Falls, .Mont. August 2:. Prof. William H. Roberts, University 'oft edland s, Ca1L. .Augu$t 9:« Prof. A. C. Baker,;ni veîrsity et Chicago (tentative). In 'the Baptist church: August 16:« Prof. Frank M. MceKibben, Northwest-. cmr Uilversity. August 23: Dr. Bryan Stoffer, presi- dent.of the, Madura, India. August. 30: Rev.' William E. 'Mc- Cormack, First Congregational, èhurch, Auror, Illinois. eteber 61. Rev. John G. Hindley., S. Augustine's Sunday, June. .21 will, be the tlîird Sunday atter. Trinity. There wiIi bo, Hely Communion at 8 a. mn. and Morn- ing Prayer at il a. m., Wednesday, June,24, will be St. John Baptist Day. TherewiIl beHoly Com- munion at 8 a. m. Tuesday soîne thi rty niembers et the Womens Associated Guilde went byý au- tomobile fe the summer home et Mr. 'and Mrs. 1" A. Kýaumeyer at Chiwaukeeý on Lake Michigan, Tlîey spent thé day- enjeying the. hospltallty ef Mme. Kau- meyer. The vested'choir begins Its suminer vacation-this iveek w.hen the boys scat- ter te miany points. The Sunday morn- Ing services, wiil be shortened duinit the sumîner months 'te leus than an, heur. Thfere will >be 8 a. ni. 'Holy Coin- mutnion se rvices as usual every Stindiy, Commanders to, Be at Big Legiont Meet Commander of the Illinois,.Iva and Wisconsin departinents of 'the Amnerican ILegion will be in Dixuque 'fhursdav and Friday, June 25 and 26, when -the first annual get-to- gether mueeting 'and Drum.. Corps' contes t of Legion Posts of these three states wil be heard.* Ç<)iniandé.r:s Arthur Pôorman of Illinois.' aurice Cahili of 1o wa, ai Rov F. Farran .d of1 Wisconsin have asured.the.Dubuque Post that they wvil1 attend> the big eti-toggther meeting of Legion Chiefs the -flrst day, andi the.Dx:uni Corps' contest that w-Ili be. held the second day. 1Other officers of the three states * rgn.: *3?mbrs of t hje I î'îrniet, Hi mer. Thcy will retuirn to \Viinette the Stolp school last week. They wili There wlll be a place la the Church School, and 'Young Ieeple'e Depart- i,'September. attend New Trier ihSho e- Schoo for hllden an yeut of I enat are urged tô be in attendance at --fi.rHg coinx Mges. The Beg1nners and Prlmary the regular church service. 'Rchr Mcaitrgdatdfot children willl ineet under the leadership Rihad . ' ' -o-datdfrli 'ef Miss Bertha Wheelock and will have Fleowers frein the wonderful garden the University' of Iowva on J unie 1 Mrs. Lcroy E. Harvey, 131 . Six- * ~ ~ ~ ~ . avr deltti roai ethd c'sth way froin the church once Hi's , parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nye tecnth streeti wili ehscs omm work, slnglng and worshlp. The boys' more grace the pulpit froni Sînday te ehses o lt, and girls et Ju nior and Intermediate. Sunday.. Macalister, 918 Ashland avenue, 'went bers df lier luncheon. bridge club to-m agJllbeldl an lnfermâl perlod' The'pastorwlbenthpupte on fr the commrencemnent exercises. moôrrow at her homie.