F'or 0i le Coimplet. si rorfaciltes inmdigstorag. .ad supplie&. BALLROM AVAILBLE, for. pflvate parties Phone Northbtook '65. fùr reservations and full, particiglars Tradio features Ha your old set got them? 1. RCA 8-tub. Super-IIetero- dyne Circuit 2. Variable Ton. Color Control 3. istortionless me p.Control 4- famous RCA Vlaof Ton. 5. Amsing RCA victo, S.nstivity 7di wi 6. «Trifgetîr- Touch 'Sel- tivity 7. New Radié-> tron Super-Con- trol Tubes 8.Acoustically C orrect .Cabinet 9.Latest Electro- Dynatmic Speaker, 10. Push-pull Amplification rai Ave. Park3 4 7 4 ýd Park wilI see something of Bngland, France, a bit of Holland', and ]Bel- giuni. They will return by way of the St. Lawrence river stoppi'ng at M'on- treal and Quebec. Tliey wilI be gone a month.. Jean Keith returned Iast week f rom the Erma Willard school' at Troy, N. Y,. and Harold Keith arrived in Kenilworth- Tuesday f romf Boulder college in Colorado, OPENS LOAN OFFICE Emory D. Stoker of Evanstoii an'- nounces that he is engaged in the, business of real estate bans and in, surance, and that hé has opened hisý office at ý2111 Daily News building on Monidas', June 15.'He -will specialize ,in: lans on north shore property , e declares.- 'Mr. Stoker recentlv re- signe(l as assistantcsi' fte Terminal National bank of Chicago. and Foreign Iands.in America entices the world £raveIler as weiI es the tired business man or woman who seelcs rest, and recreation North Ameuican Pa&OSout Auri%m . gredt oil-burning white linerssail from Chi icdso every Tuesddy and Sdturday' dur- ing sedson, eaclI with its socia~l hostess, and hitted wi'th Al the conveniences and sport lecilities of d luxuriaus club, includ- in excellent cujisine and cômfortable ouYt- side sceping 'rooms. A wonderful cruise over. Four Great Lkes-2000 miles of blue ýAmerican and Cdnaddn waters oltering entrdncing vl5tos of the smilinq islands of Qeorgia& Bay- Mdckind-the qudint English Vilage of Pdrry Sound, Canda - nd ample oppor- N, . ltÇqL %.Il Lý_VI I V IZIL1 bM... I - your copy, or write W. H. BLACK, TraWfic Manager Chicago, -Duluth & Georgian Bay ' Trahs.it Company Be Ready for Use Soon Work is progressinig rapidly on the paving of Lake avenue west f rom Waukegani road to Curtiss1 airport, Glenview. For several weeks visitors to 'the airport and mnembers of thé staff there. ordinarily-using Waukegan road and Lake avenue bave been f orced to go out of their' way to reach the airport., The newly-paved portion, of Lake avenue west f rmWaûkegan road to Shermer avenue,. which f orms the western boundary, of thje airport grounds, is expected to be opened f or use, by -July. 1, or not. later than thz week-end of, >july 4 and 5 when a two- day celebration is to be held at Curtiss. July 4 and 5 Will Be Gala Days at, Curtiss An elahorate two-day prograni of air- plane races and stunfts is being planned for Curtiss airport,, Glenview', on Sat- urday and Sunday, July 4 and 5, un- der the auspices of the Aviation post of the American Legion, the Cook County Acro commission and varions other organizations. A celebration that will rival the National Air races held at Curtiss airport last year'is expected.- to attract one of the -largest croivds of the season to the airport. Winnetka Boy Preparings for Job With Air Line Foster Hannaford, 17-year-oldl Xini- netka boy, bas completed bis privà,ate pilot's course at the. Curtiss-\Vright Flyingg ' chool, Glenview.' He IiVes at 681 Lincoln avenue. H-annaiord 1is a graduate of the mechanics school of Ijniversal Air [.ines, St. Pauil and Minneapolis. He has. had a total of, about thirty flying hours, including timie lu a Lnincolin Page 0-x Travtelair, a Curtiss Fledgeliiig and a ýGypsv Iotb. SHe is pteparing. himnself for a position 1 xith o('> ç)f,tlte.air Ihues., Night Maneuvers Attract' Crowds at Ft. Sheridan 'flvpi. rmv Planes f rom Scott field, BU Y$ NEW- WACO PLANE D. C. Cregier, 4521 Malden ave- nue, Chicago, recently took delivery on' a 4-passenger Waco, Model C. plane at Cutiss airport,, Glenview. Cregier f ormerly vas a student. at' the Curtiss~- Wright Flying sýchol there. Plane at Curtiss The Keystone "Patrician," matnmoth twenty-passenger plane manufactured by the Keystone-Loening Airplane cQi- pany of Bristol,. Paa arrived at Cur-, tiss. airport, Glenview, last week f rom St. Louis'. The giatit plane will be at the air- port, for tbe .entire'sumimer to take up passengers on the penny-a-pound basis. It will beused principally on Sundays' and holidays, or whenever the .crowds at the airport. are large enough to war- rant taking. it out of the hangar. Said, to. be the largest passenger- carryinfg sbip in the country used for penny-a-pound hops, the "Patriciani" is. powered witb three Wright Cyclone 525-borsepower.engines. It bas a mai- moth. wing spread. The compartment for passengers is luxuriously equipped. Tbe big sbip will -be piloted by James Templeton, an aviator of. long experi- ence. ' Templeton flew the big Condor plane at Curtiss airport last year..ý OfficiaIs of tle airport are expect- ing 'h'ndreds of persons to take adva'n- take of the penny-a-pound rate for flights in the "'Patrician" during the summer months. The low fare will be an incentive for many persons.(espe- cially those who tip the scales at .a small figur e) to take their first a-irplane ridles. Plan Big Fourth of. July Programi at Sky Harbor Sky Harbor airport, west of Glencoe, whîch 'is under tbe' persoual manage- ment of Maj. R.' W. Schroeder and George- Fý Fisher, is planning a big celebration for the week-end of July 4 and 5. These two well known flyers promise v isitors to the airport a real, treat that week-end. Detaled plans for the celebra-tion will be 'anuounced later in these coluns. 'the attractive. Sky Harbor clubhouse, c ool and fr- .nished with conifortable lounge chairs, is, ready to. accommfiodate early Sunm- mer visitors. -Tbe restaurant in the clubhouse bas been open, since a week ago Suinday. Allan. Healy Buys New Travelair Trainer Ship Allan Healy, 1104, Greenwood av- ON VACATION Two young women, Miss Tevis Gib- son ofHighland Park and Miss Tora Boysen of LaGrange, both students at" the' Curtiss-Wrjîght' Flying school, Glenview, are vacationiig at: Mani- towish, W'is.,