rer, and sponsoreci uy. te laumng * wonen's organizations of -the state. The Juvenile Court Bill, on which Miss Grace Benjamin speaks (S. B. 222) revises the presenit juvenile * Court Aci, its chief orovisions being:, ()inclusion of seventeen year old boys ,and married -min-ors, under the act ; (2) requires thie appointment of at Ieast oie prolbation, officer in every countv, one-haif of the salary to be paid by the state if the administra- tion of. probation is in actordance with standards set by the Depart- ment of Public Welfàre.- (3) pro- vides for commitnlent'to the Depart- *ment of Public Welfare underý certain conditions; (4) requires a physical and, mental Iexamninationof,e very de-, pendent,. neglected or delinquentf chjld before commitnient. to any in- stitution; (5) provides for the super- vision oif parole; (6). prohibits the placement of children under eighteen * years in a jail- or o 'ther place where adults; areco nfined witli the excep- tion of children over sixté'en who are a menace to other children and ýwho tnay be confiuïed in suc~h a place if separated f romn aduit offenders. The County Unit Bill, S. B..235.. to be- discussed bvý Miss Olive- Hull, provjdes for an' advýisory board of, public welfareAto serve without pay in each, county, and to employ a coui ty siperin tenden t of public wel- fare, one- haîf of whose salarywould be paid by the state p rovided the superintendent meets the. require-- mients set by the Department of Public Welfare. The county superin.- -n4ett ould serve as county agent adxninistering county relief and as the agent of the Department of Pub- lic WVelfare and may bc appointed to, serve as probation offilcer and to act as the Court's agent in aIl investiga- tions, for miother's aid, juvenile'de- p etdency, neglect -and non-support cases. TeIt Chicago History in Block Print Designs, A historv of Chi.cago and vicinity is being worked out in block print bv the advanced class in design, un- der the direction of Clara MacGowan. instrüctor of art at Northwestern uni- vers ity. The blocks are being cut in linioleumi. Because of its vigor and *strengthi this medium is particularly Mrs. Anna Pauly of Chicago is spending two weeks with ber niece, Mrs. joseph W. Lecbner of 1445 WiI- mette avepue. GOSSARD'S nationafly a d - vertiîsed, M 1 s - Simplieity d e - sign fits as If It were CixitôtT made ! Thbe model sketched is of fine peach batiste and~ hand - Io o e d elastie with lace top. *Other 2 MisSimlLicity models fr,,n .Missim np!icitL4 (Reg. U. S. Pat. Office) The Eichorn GOSSARD SHOP 12 IL Mladuson St. Chicago Nowý uder, the personal mana gemnt n of Miss Jane May , forrnerly of Ronwit Tuiler & Co. of New York City. Y ou can send your light summer gar- mente to- us w it h every feeling of con- fidence .. our ex- perte have had years of experience in this work. By instructing us to eall every week, for your soiled and rum- pieèd apparel, you May be assured of anever- bright and neat ward- robe at very low cost. Try us. 'Il Main icSe saniPlant- Waukegmn and Webster Avçs.. Iighwood, 111.' Phone Highland Park 3710> Establishod 1921 1150 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone Wilmette 3710 or 704 'I '1/ ate and artisticaIlly nteresting. vn accuracy of minute details would in- tefere with the art form the spirit of the incident is preserved. The aim i this forIu of art is to achiçyve a balance between the -rendering of historic.incidenit and-the cOMpositiOdr. of. plastic forrn 1s. Omr F..FiscÉHmt, Presidet 7 1 jý :. ý