BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT, Complete assortments of everything a boy scout: needs for camp!, This isHEADQUARTERS., LONG KHAKI TROUSERS. S1.95: KHAKI. SHORTS. 51 25 KHAKI:SH4IRTrS. 1.25 SUEDE JACKETS. 58.«95 Ali-wool blankets 6U80 inces-tr two, shades of, khaki color. A real . rm y bianket! LANTEfiNï 1.-5 for campers and fishermen. The Buddy Flashlight Lantern telces two ordinary batteries. BOYS" SWIMMING SWITS, S1.95 TO 84.50 WHITE DUCKS FOR TENNIS CONVERSE SPORT TENNIS SHOES S3.25 GKP ROS9 $59 S6 AND S10.80 SPLIT BAMBOO RODS, 85 S12 SHAKESPEARE MARHOFF REELS, 89.95 SHAKESPEARE IDEAI..REELS, 811, 14-INcH TACKL.E:BOXES. S1.50: The pageant "ývill be bield ini Des Plaines and is to 'start at 2 o'cIç)ck. It. will be given for the benefit of 1,100 dependent cbildren at St. Ma- ry's Training school in Des Plaines. For those who have no rneans-of transportation and wish to attend the pageant 'buses Will leave Wilmette fromn the' Northwestern depot at 1 o'clock. Among the north shore people who are to take part in th e' affair are Mrs.. Clara Ciccbini and lier :da.ugh-, ter, Loretta. Miss 'Frances ýSelzer, Miss Marion Lîindstrom, and John Hickey, all of, Wilhmcttc. Mr. and, Mrs. D. Wood, Smith of Wilmeqtte and-Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Webster, of Edgewater celebrated their wvedding,.anniversary .recently by entertaining twelve g$,uests at cdin- ner and bridge in theSmith home. Ta1 ke aKodak and Plenty of Ko--dak, 1 Film NO VACATION trip 1 a complete success with- out Kodaksnapshots of the. high spots. Be sure to take a Kodak with you-and an ample supply of ko&i.kilm in the yellow box;» the film that gets the picture. See us beforeyVou leave._ for any picture-makinig nfeeds. Our stock of Kodaks ïs complete and up-to-date. Pnices are practically what- cver you want to pay. Al sizes of the always depend- iLble Kodak Film. .Child Welfare Bills, S. B. 214-243. Eighteen bis including S. B. 215, 217, 218, 221, 222, 224, 225, 227, 231, 234, 235-237, 239, 243 passed the Senate. Received the favorable récotuniendation of a flouse -Sub- Committee. - Now befisre the House Judiciary, Committee. Six buis S. B. 216 219, 220,' 238, 240, 241 tabled. S. . 214 defeated, S. B. 716 amend- ing the Mothers' Pension Act passed the Senate. "Ct' Endorsemeât Moo.Drivers' License, S. B. 1 passed.the Senate onMay 20. Re- ported favorably out of committee. Eight Hour Day for Women, S. B.' 121 passed the'Senate on May 13, 'On third reading in the bouse.. Certific ation - of Public, Healtb Nurses, S. B. 68 passed the Senate, March 18. Passed:.the House April 28. Approved May 4. Larger Scbool 'Unit, ýH., B., 774. Passage recommended br- Commit-, tee on* EdIuc.ation on Mayv 21, . Civil Service Bills, H.,B. 360 passed the flouse April 21-. passed tbe' .Senate. May 20.- H. 13. 336 passed the House May 5. Before tbe 'Sen- *tecommittce on Civil. Service. H. B. 936, provid-ing for Civil Serv- ice. for the empiloyýes, of. the Cli- cago Sanitary district passed the flouse on May. 27. H. B. 1004 pro- viding for'Civil, Service in the Chi- cago Municipal Court introduced April 29. Referred to the Commit- tee on Civil Service. Publication of Public Utilitv Rates, S. B3. 378 tabled by the Co-mmjit'- tee on, Public Utilities on 'May 20. City Manager Bill, S. B. 359 passed tbe Senate April 30. Recornmended * favorabiv by tbe flouse Comrinittee on, Municipalities on May -4). Lost iiHouse. Revision of AssessmleffntMain ryH.B. 28 tâbled by Flouse Cornmtte~Substitute Bill, 1Fi. 1179 (Iguel) initro-.dtced May 2<î.Re *ferred to the Coinnittee -on Rev- enue. With less. than tvNo w %eeks be fore the close of, theLegisiative Kssion1, the' IllinioisLeague of Womén iiVoters is miaking1 one more effort to con]- centrate on legisiative topics in' its 'radio prograni, %vhich is 'as follows Julne 1-I.S-'lrovinig .Assessmn, Methodý"-.M,\r. John C.: Rees, Di- rector Joint 'Coniittee on Real Es- Fou ntain Square ý . .GreerIeaf 7200 Evanston Wilmeffe 724 FATHERS DAY IS SUNDAY. 'JUNE 21, b * ** Iw Cali for Appointment ALBRIGHT BEAUTY SHQP 67 Wim.tte Avenu.' wilmett. 4517 -